Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Mirjam star of the sea
venus Mirjami Finnish form of Miriam.
venus Mirjana star of the sea
venus Mirka Great, famous
venus Mirke Bitter. Yiddish variant of Marie.
mars Mirko Peace And Glory
venus Mirla shining sea
venus Mirlande A Black colored bird, a shining sea
venus Mirna beloved
mars Miro Surname
mars Miron A holy place of the Jews
venus Mironda Unknown
mars Miroslav Peace And Glory
venus Miroslava peaceful glory
mars Miroslavu Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Miroslav.
mars Mirosław Polish form of Miroslav.
mars Miroslawa A calm person, a glorified peaceful person
venus Mirosława Feminine form of Mirosław.
venus Mirra Myrrh
venus Mirranda worthy of admiration
venus Mirre Myrrh
mars Mirren Mirren has the meaning of 'bitterness'. It is derived from the name Mary.
mars Mirri Sun
venus Mirriam star of the sea
mars Mirrim Unknown
venus Mirrin A variation of Mary meaning 'sea of bitterness' or 'wished for child'.
mars Mirsab The dear King or the respected ruler
venus Mirsad Meaning unknown, possibly derived from Arabic meaning "watchtower" or Persian meaning "ambush".
venus Mirsada Feminine form of Mirsad.
venus Mirta crown of thorns
venus Mirte Ever Green
venus Mirtel Evergreen shrub
venus Mirth The pleasure of joy, the cheerful
venus Mirtha lady; mistress of the house; crown of thorns
venus Mirthe Variant of Myrthe.
venus Mirtle A variant form of Myrtle which is a plant name of Garden Shrub which is a symbol of Victory in Greek
venus Mirtza Sea of bitterness
venus Miruna Peaceful One
venus Mirvat A wish or a desire, the desired one
mars Mirwais A King like leader, also referred to Grand-father
venus Miryam star of the sea
mars Mirza Prince
mars Mirzə Azerbaijani form of Mirza.
venus Mirzeta Princess
mars Mirzo Tajik and Uzbek form of Mirza.
venus Misa Beautiful Bloom
mars Misaal An example, one who is compared with
venus Misae White Sun
mars Misael Unknown
venus Misaki Beautiful Bloom
venus Misako A fascinating child, beautiful sea or sand
mars Misal Example
venus Misao From Japanese 操 (misao) meaning "chastity, honour". This name can also be formed from other combinations of kanji.
venus Misaye Beautiful, Help, Branch
venus Misayo Beautiful, Help, Generation
mars Misba A Light from the lamp, a lamp
mars Misbaah A light that enlighten the soul
mars Misbah A lamp to provide light to others
mars Misbahuddin The lamp or the light of the faith or belief
mars Misce Mix Or Who Is Like God?
venus-mars Mischa Who Is Like God?
venus Mischaela who is like God?
venus Mischka The God's beloved and closest angel
venus Misericordia Means "compassion, mercy" in Spanish, ultimately from Latin miser "poor, wretched" and cor "heart". It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de la Misericordia, meaning "The Virgin of Compassion".
mars Misgana A truthful person, who speaks truth.
mars Misganna Gratitude
venus-mars Misha Who Is Like God?
mars Mishaal A short illustrating religious lessons
mars Mishael Which man is like God?
venus Mishaelle who is like God?
venus Mishaila who is like God?
mars Mishal A religious or moral governing
mars Mishall Moral or religious values from the God
mars Mishan A woman full of life, a well-motivated person
venus Mishavonna A Young archangel, a young messenger of God
mars Mishay The one who carries God's message
venus Mishaye One who carry the important message of the God
venus Mishelle Who is like God
venus Mishika The person with the sweetness of sugar
venus Mishil A beautiful kingdom or a admired dynasty
venus Mishita A sweet person, Good nature, Also referred to Goddess Laxmi
venus Mishka Diminutive Of Mikhail
venus Mishkat A shelf to put the lanterns on.
mars Misho Georgian diminutive of Mikheil It means who is like God?
mars Mishon A Kind gift from the God
venus Mishry A bunch of Sugar, a sweet person
venus Mishti Sweet
venus Mishu A faithful and honest person, cute or pretty
mars Misi Which man is like God?
venus Miska A blessing of God, A gift from the God
venus Miskaela who is like God?
venus Miski Means "honey" in Quechua.
mars Misko Serbian and Croatian diminutive of Mihailo, Mihael, Miroslav and other names beginning with a similar sound.
mars Mislav The thought of glory.
venus Misri Sweet
venus Missa Honeybee
venus Missie bee; honey; brave strength
mars Mission A set of tasks to fulfil the duty or work
venus-mars Mississippi Father Of Waters
venus Missouri Village Of Large Canoes
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