Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Mohmad Enhanced belongings, superior possessions.
mars Mohmmedidrees Sweet as nectar, honeyed as sugary.
mars Mohnish Lord Krishna
mars Mohomet The praised one
mars Mohon Attractive; Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
venus Mohona An opening of river; A Bengali equivalent of Mohana or Mohini
venus Mohonmala Necklace; A Bengali name meaning a Garland of wishes
venus Mohor Parsi - Moon; 12th day of a month
venus Mohsana The person bearing the nature and sweetness of Honey, particularly, honey bee
mars Mohsen Benefactor
mars Mohsin Meaning 'Charitable' and 'beneficent'.
venus Mohsina The minimal wonderful one, tiny pleasing one.
mars Mohtadi The person belonging to a racial group having dark skin.
mars Mohtashim The person with black skin color who comes from a special racial group.
mars Mohul Attractive
mars Moi Having skin rich in melanin pigments.
venus Moia great; mother
mars Moidu A cute and deserving person; elegance
mars Moidul The member of the communist party or a socialist who advocate communism.
mars Moin A wonderful apple, supremely flavoured apple.
venus Moina noble, aristocratic; beloved
mars Moinkhan The person who is very affectionate and loving.
mars Moinuddin Deliberate disaster, contemplate misfortune.
venus Moira Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Moire star of the sea
venus Moirin Gentle wind blows in the warmest season of the year.
venus Moirrey City in the mid of villages, urban in the central of parishes.
mars Moise Crawling Mountain
mars Moisei Old Church Slavic form of Moses.
venus Moisella savior
venus Moiselle savior
mars Moises Born Of
mars Moisey Russian form of Moses.
mars Moishe Clearance on unfruitful land, Defrayal on barren land.
mars Moisis The noble Lord who is having or showing a kindly or tender nature.
venus Moithili An epithet of Sita; A variant spelling of Maithili
venus Moitreyi Friendly,Name Of A Woman Scholar; A Bengali variant of the Sanskrit name Maitreyi which means well learned lady
venus Moitri Friendly,Name Of A Woman Scholar; A Bengali variant of the Sanskrit name Maitreyi which means well learned lady
mars Moiz The flat peak, horizontal top.
mars Moizez Bretons form of Moses, meaning drawn from water
venus Moja great; mother
venus Mojca The beloved one.
mars Mojcej A form of Moses. It means to draw out.
venus Mojdeh Good news or one who brings good news.
venus Mojgan Pretty, Eyelashes
mars Mojil Happy
venus Mojisola Means "I wake up to wealth" in Yoruba.
mars Mojmir Derived from the Slavic elements mojĭ meaning "my" and mirŭ meaning "peace" or "world". This was the name of a 9th-century ruler of Moravia.
mars Mojo A Magic Charm, Or Sexual Prowess
mars Mojtaba Sturdy associate, solid comrade, stout work-mate.
mars Mokammel A sweet heart, dear, the one who is pleasant and appealing.
venus Mokate An easy going and humble being
mars Moke Born Of
venus Mokee'e Means "little woman" in Cheyenne [1].
mars Mokhammad Tatar form of Muhammad.
mars Mokhammat Tatar form of Muhammad.
mars Mokhmad Chechen form of Muhammad.
venus Mokhoda Saviour; A variant of name Mokhtara
mars Mokhtar The healthier belongings, restored properties.
mars Mokhtara Determination, aspiration, hood, shelter, shield.
mars Mokkaiyah A person who is intelligent and brave
venus Mokosh Derived from the Old Slavic root mok meaning "wet, moist". Mokosh was a Slavic goddess associated with weaving, women, water and fertility.
mars Moksa The liberalisation, or freedom from the world
mars Moksh Salvation
venus Moksha The ability of recording any information and recalling at the time when needed.
mars Mokshad The created and good looking, formed beautifully.
mars Mokshagna The divinity who represents motherhood.
mars Mokshajna The energy point for the salvation within body
mars Mokshal One who is free from all the duties
mars Mokshana The time or the unit of time for salvation
mars Mokshgna The salvation fire, urge for salvation
venus Mokshi The one who left everything
mars Mokshit The one who is liberated or free
venus Mokshita Salvation
mars Mokshith The one who wants to be free or liberated
venus Moksin Free
mars Molde Plural form of Mold which means a soil which is fertile
venus Moldir transparent, clean
venus Molie Bitter
mars Moliere Stage name adopted by the French playwright and actor Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), the author of Tartuffe and other works. He probably borrowed the name from one of the many French towns called Meulière or Molière.
venus Molika Unknown
mars Molimo Meaning Unkown
venus Molina The lady belongs to the mill
venus Molissa bee; honey
venus Moll star of the sea
venus Molle A form of Mary, meaning bitter.
venus Mollee star of the sea
venus Molleigh A strong-willed person
venus Molley star of the sea
venus Molli Bitter
venus Mollie Form of MARY. bitter
venus Molly Of The Sea Or Bitter
venus Mollyann God has favoured us
venus Mollye A girl with rebellious nature
mars Momchil Boy
venus Momi Pearl
venus Momiji Red leaves, also referred to the maple tree
venus Momilani Pearl from heaven
mars Momin A person who is pious, always on faith
mars Momir Serbian form of Mojmír.
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