Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Momo Peach
venus Momoka Hundred, Peach Tree, Flower, Smell, Perfume
venus Momoko Hundred, Peach Tree, Flower
mars Momoye Peach, One Hundred, Blessed
venus Momoyo Peach, Generation, Lifetime
mars Momuso Yellowjackets In Winter's Nest
mars Mon Gateway
venus Mona Desires, Wishes
venus-mars Monaco Place Name
venus Monaeka Doll
venus Monah noble, aristocratic
venus-mars Monahan Descendant Of The Little Monk
mars Monahar Attractive; Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
venus Monal Bird
venus Monali The one who must be admired, adorable
venus Monalisa noble, aristocratic
venus Monalissa noble, aristocratic
mars Monash An analytical and clever individual
venus Monat Anglicized form of Muadhnait.
venus Monca Adviser
mars Moncef One who is just or fair, a judge
mars Moncho Diminutive of Ramón.
venus-mars Monchonsia White Feather
mars Mondal Unknown
venus Monday Day of the week
mars Mondem An individualistic and reasonable being
mars Mondher A popular and creative human being
mars Monedorigi An open minded and meditative human being
mars Monedorix An expressive and imaginative being
venus Monee Harmony, joy, happiness
mars Moneer A brilliant person, smart one
venus Moneereh An intelligent girl
venus Monet To Be Heard
mars Mongkut Man with crown
mars Mongo A famous man.
venus Moni In Greek it means the advisor, In Hindi it means the silence
venus Monia Adviser
venus Monica advisor
venus Monick A variant of name Monique; Alone; Advisor; Counsellor; Wise
venus Monicka advisor
mars Monico Advisor, Truth
venus Monifa Eminent, Exalted
venus Monife The one who has been loved
venus Monik A piece of advice, a useful advise
venus Monika Adviser
venus Monikanchan Jewellery and Gold; Ornament of Gold
venus Monikarnika A Gold ornament for ear
venus Monikarnikar Jewellery and Gold; Ornament of Gold
venus Monike advisor
mars Monil Bird;
mars Monim A liberal person, a generous one
mars Moninder The lord of the minds
venus Moniqua advisor
venus Monique Advisor
mars Monir A bright shining light
venus Monireh A shining person, one who is bright
venus Monisa one who warn or notify others
venus Monise Adviser
mars Monish Lord
venus Monisha Intellectual
mars Monishkar A person with higher knowledge
venus Monissa Combination Of Monica And Vanessa
mars Monit Very knowledgeable person
venus Monita Honoured, Respected
venus Monja One who wished for a virgin mother
mars Monji The one who saves other or rescue others
venus Monjiya A girl as beautiful as a pearl
venus-mars Monkaushka Earth Quake
mars Monkhbat Eternal firmness
venus Monkhtsetseg Eternal flower
venus Monkhtuya From Mongolian мөнх (mönkh) meaning "eternal" and туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam".
mars Monn A great advisor
venus Monna noble, aristocratic
venus Monnica advisor
venus Monnie advisor
mars Monohar one who is a great charmer
mars Monojit One who wins over others mind
mars Monolos God is always with us
venus-mars Monone Horse
mars Monono Wealth, Prosperity
mars Monosij God of Love; Cupid; One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna signifying his attractive qualities
mars Monroe From The Hill
mars Monsef An un-bias person, a just person
venus Monserat Jagged mountain
venus Monserrat Jagged Mountain
venus Monserrate A monastery cut out of mountain
mars Monsur A one who tasted victory or comes out victorious
mars Monta Mountain
mars Montague From The Pointed Hill
venus-mars Montana Mountain
venus-mars Montanna mountain
mars Montasir The one who conquer others, a winner
mars Monte Short Form Of Names Beginning With Mont
venus-mars Monteene mountain
mars Montego Mountainous
mars Montel My Ruler
mars Montell Small mountain
mars Montenegro Black Mountain
venus Monterey The mountain belongs to the King
mars Montes Mountains
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