Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Montesh someone who resembles the mountain
mars Montez Mountain dweller
mars Montezuma Lord Frowns In Anger
venus Montgomerie Gomeric's Hill; Hill of the powerful one; From the Mount of the Rich Man; A variant of name Montgomery
mars Montgomery From The Hill Of The Powerful Man
mars Montha A charming man.
mars Montie A hill or a hilly area
venus Montina mountain
venus Montoya From The Hills And Valleys
mars Montreal Royal mountain
mars Montrell Royal hill
venus Montse Short form of Montserrat.
venus Montserrat jagged mountain
venus Montsho Black
mars Montu An ancient Egyptian God in the form of Falcon
mars Monty Short Form Of Names Beginning With Mont
venus Mony Advisor
venus Monya A monk or an adviser
mars Mooaz A protected one or guarded by the God
mars Moody Courageous, Arrogant
mars Mookaiyan An independent, reliable and hopeful being
mars Mookandi A deiligent and persevering individual
venus Mookhan An affectionate and responsible person
mars Moolavan A priceless person, precious one
venus Moolde A dynamic and nature loving person
mars Mooljee The chief person, the head post
mars Moolraj The head of all the chiefs
mars Moomal The one who belongs to the family of chiefs
mars Moomin A pious man, one who is on right path
venus-mars Moon From The Moon
venus Moona who gives or provides light
mars Moonesar An highly knowledgeable leader
venus Moonika Estonian form of Monika.
mars Moonis The one who console others, a companion
mars Moonstone Pearly Semiprecious Stone
venus-mars Moon-unit One That Orbits The Moon
mars Moonus One Who Consoles
mars Mooppan A prime person, a head of community
venus Moore Swarthy person
venus Moorea One who is like moon, or has beautiful looks of moon
mars Moorland Marsh Land; From the Moor-land; A variant transcription of Moreland
mars Moorley Marsh Clearing; From the Meadow on the Moor; A derivative of name Morley
mars Moorly Marsh Clearing; From the Meadow on the Moor; A derivative of name Morley
mars Moorthy An idol, mainly of a God
mars Moorti Idol
mars Moos Dutch short form of Mozes.
mars Moosa One who is saved out of water. The name of a Prophet of Almighty
mars Moosaakaaiim A speaker who is saved out of water
mars Moose Largest Species In Deer Family
mars Moovendan A ruler of the rulers, one who rule the other kings
mars Mopepe Wind
mars Moppe The clearance or the cleaning
venus Mopsa Unknown
mars Mor In Celtic it means someone who is exceptional. In Irish it refers to a great person
venus Mora Blackberry
mars Morad Something asked from the God
venus Morag Great
venus Morah star of the sea
venus Moraia the hill country
venus Moraiah star of the sea; the hill country
venus Moraka An individual who is freedom loving and honoured
venus-mars Moral Lovely Thoughts
venus Morales By The Mulberry Tree
venus Moran Guider
venus Morana A Goddess of winter and death
mars Morandus Medieval Latin name of uncertain meaning. It could be derived from a Germanic name. Alternatively it might be from Latin demorandus meaning "lasting, staying" or Maurus meaning "North African, Moorish".
mars Morathi Created Name
mars Moraunt A friendly and approachable being
mars Moray From Moray
mars Morcan One who resides around the sea
mars Morcant The bright and clear sea, a huge sea
mars Morcar Welsh - Dwells Near the Sea
mars Morcenou An obedient, righteous and eager individual
venus Mordad Modern Persian form of Amordad. This is the name of the fifth month in the Iranian calendar.
mars Mordecai Warrior, Warlike
mars Mordechai Warrior
mars Mordokhay Biblical Hebrew form of Mordecai.
mars Mordrain King of the seas, Name of an Arthurian king
mars Mordrains The one who is ruler of the sea
mars Mordred an uncertain person, nephew of King Arthur
mars Mordret The one who hit hard
venus-mars More Great
venus Moreen great
mars Moreh Stretching
venus Moreisa star of the sea
venus Morela Brunette
mars Moreland Marsh Land; From the Moor-land; A variant transcription of Moreland
venus Moreley One who cleans the area of low wet land
venus Morella great
venus Morena brown, brown-haired
venus Morene star of the sea
venus Morenike Victory over the seas
mars Morenikeji This child resembles me.
mars Moreno Brown-skinned
mars Moreshwar The pleasing Lord. Also refers to the Lord Ganesha
venus Moressa A butterfly that dwells from the sea
mars Morets Dark skinned
mars Morey Proud
mars Morfarch A sea-horse or a walrus
mars Morfran Welsh - Great Crow; Celtic - Mythical Ugly Demon
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