Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Morfudd mentioned in early poetry
venus Morgain Sea circle
venus Morgaine circling sea or great brightness; bright or white sea dweller
venus-mars Morgan Great Circle
venus Morgana Great Circle
venus Morgance Sea-dweller
venus Morgane circling sea or great brightness; bright or white sea dweller
venus Morganica circling sea or great brightness; bright or white sea dweller
mars Morganite Orange/Pink Form Of Beryl
venus Morgann Sea circle
venus Morganne circling sea or great brightness; bright or white sea dweller
venus Morgant One who belongs to the shore of the seas
mars Morgause Unknown
venus Morgawse Name of Gawain's sister
venus Morgayne circling sea or great brightness; bright or white sea dweller
venus Morgelyn Cornish compound name meaning sea-holly.
venus-mars Morgen circling sea or great brightness; bright or white sea dweller
mars Morggan A variant of Morgan; White Sea Dweller; Great and Bright Sea; One who dwells near the sea
venus Morgin Sea circle
mars Morgon Sea circle
mars Morgun A variant of Morgan; White Sea Dweller; Great and Bright Sea; One who dwells near the sea
venus Moria Seen by Yahweh
venus Moriah God Is My Teacher
mars Moric Hungarian form of Maurice.
mars Moriddig An outspoken, moral and grateful being
venus Morie Latin - Swarthy; Dark Skinned; Moor; A variant of name Morris
mars Moriel God Is My Teacher
venus Morika A fragrance of the forest
venus Moriko Forest
venus Morine star of the sea
venus Morinne A stately and noble girl
mars Morirex A moor, who works in the plains
mars Moris Latin - Swarthy; Dark Skinned; Moor; A variant of name Morris
mars Morison A dark-skinned person, one who work in open lands
venus Morissa of the sea
mars Moritz Dark skinned
venus Moriya One who is looked by the God
mars Moriz Dark skinned
mars Morkere One who is darker in complexion
mars Morland The land of moors, the wet land
mars Morlee From the meadows of the grass land
venus Morleigh Marsh Clearing; From the Meadow on the Moor; A derivative of name Morley
mars Morley From The Moor Field
venus Morly A person with the dark skin
mars Mormarch A lake from the uncultivated land
venus Morna High-spirited
venus Morning Beginning Of Day
venus-mars Moroccan From The Western Kingdom
venus-mars Morocco The Western Kingdom
mars Morolt Name from Legends; Brother of Yseulte; Derived from Morogh which means Sea Protector
mars Moroni The one who trick others
venus Morooge One who is over sensitive and versatile being
venus Morowa Queen
mars Morpheus God Of Dreams
mars Morrell Dark skinned
mars Morrey An un-cultivated land
mars Morrie Dark Skinned
venus-mars Morrigan War Goddess
venus Morrighan Variant of Morrígan.
venus Mor-Rioghain Modern Irish form of Morrígan.
mars Morris Dark Skinned
venus Morrisa Dark Skinned
mars Morrisey A dark colored person from the un-fertile land
mars Morrison Son Of Morris
venus Morrissey Choice of the sea
mars Morrley Marsh Clearing; From the Meadow on the Moor; A derivative of name Morley
venus Morrow Tomorrow, sea warrior
mars Morry Dark skinned
venus Morsal A flower find in the Afghan region
mars Morse Dark Skinned
mars Mort From The Moor Town
venus Morta A mistress, a gentle-lady
mars Morte French word for dead.
mars Morten The planet Mars, one who is from Mars
mars Morteza The one who is chosen among many
venus Morticia The one who take care of the funerals
mars Mortimer From The Still Pond
mars Morton From The Moor Town
mars Morty From The Name Mortimer
mars Moruarch An moor land in the form of arch
mars Morvan The name is a combination of elements mor "sea" or mawr "great" and uuan "assault
venus Morvarid Pearl-like
mars Morven child of the sea
venus Morvoren Cornish compound name meaning mermaid or sea maiden.
venus Morvyth form of MORFUDD - mentioned in early poetry
venus Morwen Maiden
venus Morwena maiden
venus Morwenna Maiden
venus Morwina maiden
venus Morwinna maiden
venus Morwyn maiden
venus Morwynna maiden
mars Mory Mory is derived from the French word for mulberry tree.
venus Morya A Marathi slang that means go ahead
venus Morysa star of the sea
venus Mosa derived from the water
mars Mosaddak One who acknowledges truth, confirms the truth
mars Mosaic Pattern Of Pieces
venus Moscelyne A happy and lucky individual; five moons
mars Mose Son
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