Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Mosella savior
venus Moselle savior
mars Moseph Blessed
mars Moses Born Of A God
venus Mosette savior
mars Moshe Drawn Out Of The Water
mars Mosheh taken out of the water or saved
mars Moshon A suitable word to describe someone in motion
mars Mosi First born child
mars Mosiah Drawn out
mars Mosie Son
venus Moska The smile or the expression of happiness
mars Moslem Persian form of Muslim.
venus Mosley The family name for the Lords of a manor
mars Moss Born Of A God
mars Mosse The one who is saved out of the water
venus Mossie Birth giving
mars Mossimo The largest or the greatest of all
mars Mostafa Chosen One
mars Mostaffa The preferred one
mars Mostapha The one who is preferred over others
mars Mostofa Alternate transcription of Bengali মোস্তফা (see Mostafa).
venus-mars Mostyn From The Mossy Town
mars Mot Means "death" in Ugaritic. This was the name of the Ugaritic god of death and the lord of the netherworld. He was a son of the supreme god El.
venus Mota A Person who loved besides the hillock
mars Motabir A trusted person, an accomplished one
venus Motana Name of a strong and tall mountain
mars Mo'tasim An ancient Aryan (Early Iranians) festival to welcome Autumn season. "Mehr' is the kindness, and also represents love, knowledge and friendship.
mars Motecuhzoma Means "he becomes angry like a lord" in Nahuatl, from mo- "himself", tēcu- "lord" and zōma "become angry, frown". This name was borne by two emperors of the Aztec Empire.
venus Motee A pearl from the deep oceans
mars Motega New arrow
mars Motel Yiddish diminutive of Mordecai. This is the name of a character in the musical Fiddler on the Roof (1964).
mars Moti Pearl
venus Motia Pearl; A variant of name Moti
mars Motiejus Older Lithuanian form of Matthew.
mars Motilal Pearl; Valuable; Precious Stone; Shining
mars Motke Yiddish diminutive of Mordecai.
venus Moto Mind, Spirit, Soul
mars Motoko Beginning, Child, Foundation
mars Motown Motor Town
mars Motoye Origin, Foundation
mars Motoyo Origin, Generation, Lifetime
venus Motreina lady, matron
venus Mottayita One who is reserved and has a friendly personality
mars Motya God has rewarded
venus Mou Honey; Sweet
mars Mouafak The one who is useful or that match the requirement
mars Mouawiyah A Young Fox. The Caliphs of Islam
venus Moubani A flower
mars Moubarak The greetings or the way to congratulate others
mars Moude One who battle bravely
mars Moufid Some one who is useful
venus Moufida The one who is profitable or useful to others
mars Mouhamadou The most praised one
mars Mouhamed The one who is praised the most
mars Mouhamoin One who is in love with nature and surroundings
mars Mouhaned The sword or something used to cut
mars Mouhit A charmer, one who is charming
mars Mouhyeddin One who revives the religion. The title of a Islam Sufi Saint Abdul Qadir jilani
mars Mouid The servant of the Almighty
mars Moukib The last of the Prophets of Islam
venus Moukthika Goddess Lakshmi
mars Moulali One who is creative and has a certain mindset
venus Mouleen A dweller from the mill
venus Mouli A sacred thread of the Hindu religion
mars Moulik Valuable
mars Moumin One who is on belief or right faith
venus Moumita A sweet friend
venus Mouna Desires, Wish
mars Mounasami A person who remains silent
mars Mounesh The silent god, an avatar of Lord Shiva
venus Mouni One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Mounia wish, desire
mars Mounib A person who turns to Allah and repents the sin
mars Mounif To honour, to hold in high-esteem
venus Mounika Silence
mars Mounil A bird, someone who can fly
mars Mounir A bright shining person
venus Mounira A very talented, bright-minded
mars Mounish The lord of minds, the conqueror of minds
venus Mounisha Silent
mars Mourad A wish or a desire from the Almighty
mars Mourade Wish, Desire
mars Mourib One who is fluent and eloquent.
mars Mouric A tanned person, dark complexion
venus Mourici dark-skinned person
mars Mourya The king, the ruler, one who is great
mars Mousa One who is derived from the water
mars Mouses Greek form of Moses.
mars Moushe A form of Moses, meaning to draw out water.
venus Moushimi reliant on a season or a period of time
mars Moussa Alternate transcription of Arabic موسى (see Musa), as well as the form commonly used in West Africa.
mars Moustafa the chosen one
mars Moustapha Form of Mustafa used in parts of French-influenced West Africa.
mars Moutasem One who seeks help from the Almighty
mars Moutasim One who seeks refuge from the Almighty
venus Moutushi A flower
venus Mouza One who is derived out of water or saved from the water
mars Movesh A Gujarati name meaning Transferring
mars Movind A cool tempered person with strong mind
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