Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Movses saved from the water
venus-mars Mowanza Little Wolf
mars Mowgli Created Name
venus-mars Mowway Shaking Hand
venus-mars Moxie Spirited, Energy, Nerve
venus Moya From Moya
mars Moyer Steward, Assistant
mars Moyinaluwa Unknown
venus Moyna noble, aristocratic; beloved
venus Moyra star of the sea
venus Moysent A self reliant and peaceful person
mars Moyses Variant Latin form of Moses. This spelling is used in some versions of the Vulgate.
mars Mozaffar The victorious one, one who is triumphant with the victory
mars Mozart Last name
venus Mozell taken from the water
venus Mozella Female variant of Moses, taken from the water
venus Mozelle Saved out of the water
mars Mozes Hungarian form of Moses.
venus Mozhdah Something that brings good news
venus Mozhdeh Means "good news" in Persian.
venus Mozhgan The pluralised form of eyelash; eyelashes
mars Mpasa Brazilian word for mat.
mars Mpenda Lover
mars Mphatso Means "gift" in Chewa.
venus Mpho Gift
venus Mranalini The bunch of lotus flowers
venus Mrida A form of Lord Durga
venus Mridhah One who kill the enemies; Lord Durga
venus Mridini One of many names of Goddess Parvathi
venus Mridu Gentle; Delicate; Tender;
mars Mridul Soft; Calm; Tender; Delicate; Warm; Gentle
venus Mridula Tenderness
venus Mridumita Good friend; A variant name of Mridu which means Gentle; Delicate; Tender;
venus Mriga The antelope or a deer
mars Mrigaa A Female Deer; A beautiful animal
mars Mrigaj Son of the Moon; One who is calm and serene like the Moon
venus Mrigakshi One with deer like beautiful eyes; Fawn Eyed; Deer's Eye
mars Mrigalochan One who has beautiful eyes like that of a Deer
venus Mriganayana One with deer like beautiful eyes; Fawn Eyed; Deer's Eye
venus Mriganayani Deer
venus Mriganetra One with deer like beautiful eyes; Fawn Eyed; Deer's Eye
mars Mrigank Moon
venus Mriganka The Moon; Bright; Brilliant; Radiant and Luminant Moon
mars Mrigankamouli Lord Shiva in the form of a deer
mars Mriganka Mouli One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Mrigankasekhar The crest of antelopes
mars Mriganka Sekhar One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Mrigankmouli The sacred thread of the deer
mars Mrigankshekhar The peak where the deer lives
mars Mrigapani The hand of the deer
mars Mrigasya One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Mrigaya Hunting; One who chases a deer
mars Mrigendra The Lord of the antelopes
mars Mrigesh Lion
mars Mrigind A lion or a carnivorous
mars Mriginder The kings of the deer
venus Mrigmada The female antelope
venus Mrignaini Doe eyed
mars Mrinaal Lotus Stack; Root of Lotus; One who will grow to shine among other worldly matters
venus Mrinal Lotus Stalk
venus Mrinala The collection of lotus flower
venus Mrinali Lotus
venus Mrinalika The stalk of the lotus
venus Mrinalini Stem of lotus
mars Mrinank Moon
mars Mrinanka Moon; Beautiful, Calm and Serene Moon
mars Mrinendra Lion
venus Mrinmayee One with deer like beautiful eyes; Fawn Eyed; Deer's Eye
venus Mrinmayi Earth
mars Mrinmoy Something made out of earth
venus Mritheya one who have a numerous friends
mars Mrithul A tender person
mars Mrithun Made Of Earth; Lord of Death
venus Mritsa Mother Earth
venus Mrittika Mother Earth
mars Mritul A person who is very soft
mars Mritunjay Shiv
mars Mritunjoy One who wins over the death
mars Mrityuanjaya Who is victorious over death
mars Mrityunjai The one who never been defeated by death
venus Mruga Mruga is the name of a bird
mars Mrugesh Lion, as strong and mighty as lion.
venus Mrunal Unknown
mars Mscisław Polish form of Mstislav.
venus M'shell who is like God?
mars Mstislav Vengeance or glory
mars Mtendere Means "peace" in Chewa.
venus-mars Mu Admired
mars Muaath Protected
venus Muadhnait Means "little noble one", derived from the Old Irish poetic word muad meaning "noble, good" combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a 6th-century saint, a sister of Saint Mo Laisse.
venus Muadnat Old Irish form of Muadhnait.
mars Muamer Bosnian form of Muammar.
mars Muammar long-lived
mars Muammer Turkish form of Muammar.
mars Mubarak blessed
venus Mubaraka Blessed, sacred, and blissful.
mars Mubariz A Lebanese term for soldier or police.
mars Mubashir The bringer of good news.
venus Mubdia One who is smart, creative and innovative.
venus Mubera She who is innocent and respected.
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