Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Mubin Distinct, Clear
venus Mubina Clear
mars Mubiru Meaning unknown. This is the name of a figure in Ganda mythology associated with forests and hunting [1].
mars Mucahit Means "fighter" in Turkish.
venus Mucamutara A woman born during the war.
mars Muchese Knife Or Hatchet Blade
mars Muda A young boy.
mars Mudabbir Allah
mars Mudassir Clothed, or enveloped in garments.
mars Mudgal Saint
venus Mudhurie Blessed one
mars Mudil Moonshine
mars Mudit Happy
venus Mudita Joy
mars Mudiwa Means "beloved, darling" in Shona [1].
venus Mudra Healing
venus Mudrika Ring
venus Mueller Miller
venus-mars Mufaddal Chosen One
mars Mufasa To Rule, Govern
mars Mufid Useful
mars Muga Nothingness, None
venus Mugdha Innocent
venus Muge Lily Of The Valley
venus-mars Mugisa Blessing
venus Muguda Spellbound, innocent
venus Mugure Kenyan term, meaning already purchased.
mars Muhaimin A protector
mars Muhallil One who pronounces the Testimony of Faith.
mars Muhamad Indonesian, Malay and Avar variant of Muhammad.
mars Muhamadkhan Combination of Muhamad and the Turkic title khan meaning "ruler, leader".
mars Muhamed Bosnian form of Muhammad.
mars Muhamet Albanian form of Muhammad.
mars Muhammad Praised
mars Muhammadali Combination of Muhammad and Ali 1.
mars Muhammad Ali Combination of Muhammad and Ali 1.
mars Muhammadu Hausa and Fula form of Muhammad.
mars Muhammadyusuf Combination of Muhammad and Yusuf.
mars Muhammed Worthy Of Praise.
mars Muhammed Ali Combination of Muhammed and Ali 1.
mars Muhammed Emin Combination of Muhammed and Emin.
mars Muhammet Turkish and Turkmen form of Muhammad.
mars Muhand Tamazight form of Muhammad.
mars Muharem Sacred, forbidden, holy
mars Muharram first Islamic month
mars Muhazzim A person who defeats others.
mars Muhemmet Uyghur form of Muhammad.
mars Muhib One who is noble and lovable
mars Muhsin Good, Praiseworthy
mars Muhsina Kind, Well-meaning.
mars Muhtadi One who is rightly guided
mars Muhtar Turkish form of Mukhtar.
mars Muir From a Scottish surname, derived from Scots muir meaning "moor, fen". This name could also be inspired by Scottish Gaelic muir meaning "sea".
mars Muirchertach Means "mariner" in Irish. This was the name of a 6th-century Irish high king.
venus Muire star of the sea
mars Muireadhach From Old Irish Muiredach meaning "lord, master" [1]. This was the name of several legendary and historical kings of Ireland.
venus Muireall Scottish Gaelic form of Muirgel.
venus-mars Muireann Of The Sea Or Bitter
mars Muiredach Old Irish form of Muireadhach.
venus Muirenn From Old Irish muir "sea" and finn "white, blessed". This is another name of Muirne, the mother of the legendary hero Fionn mac Cumhaill.
venus Muirgel Means "bright sea", derived from Old Irish muir "sea" and gel "bright".
venus Muirgen Means "born of the sea" in Irish. In Irish legend this was the name of a woman (originally named Lí Ban) who was transformed into a mermaid. After 300 years she was brought to shore, baptized, and transformed back into a woman.
venus Muirgheal Modern form of Muirgel.
venus Muirin Modern form of Muirgen.
mars Muiris Irish form of Maurice.
venus Muirna beloved
venus Muirne High-Spirited
venus Mujde Turkish form of Mozhdeh.
venus Mujgan Turkish form of Mozhgan.
mars Mujo Bosnian diminutive of Mustafa.
mars Mujtaba Chosen
venus Mukami A person who milks cows.
mars Mukasa Chief administrator of the gods
mars Mukesh Lord Shiva
mars Mukesha Means "ruler of Muka" in Sanskrit. This is another name of the Hindu god Shiva, given to him because he killed Muka, a demon in the form of a wild boar.
mars Mukhamed Kazakh form of Muhammad.
mars Mukhammad Russian form of Muhammad, used particularly in the Caucasus and former Soviet republics.
mars Mukhammed Kazakh form of Muhammad.
mars Mukhmad Ingush form of Muhammad.
mars Mukhopadhyay Chief Teacher
mars Mukhtaar Somali form of Mukhtar.
mars Mukhtar Chosen One.
mars Muki One who shines
venus Mukondi A dancer
venus Mukta Liberated
mars Muktananda Liberated
venus Mukti Liberation
mars Mukul Bud
venus Mukula Bud
venus Mukulika Bud
venus Mukulita Bud
mars Mukund Lord Vishnu
mars Mukunda Lord Krishna
mars Mukundi Victor
mars Mukut Crown
venus Mulan Wood Orchid
mars Mulazim Tenacious, persisting
mars Mulder Wooden Bowl Maker
mars Mulkraj King
venus Mullen Lives In Or Near A Mill
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