Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Muskaan Smile
venus Muskan Unknown
mars Muskowekwan Tough quill
mars Muslim Name for a follower of Islam, ultimately from Arabic أسْلم (ʾaslama) meaning "to surrender, to submit".
venus Muslima Feminine form of Muslim.
mars Muslum Turkish and Azerbaijani form of Muslim.
venus-mars Musoke Rainbow
venus Mussina middle
mars Mustafa Chosen, Preferred
mars Mustafo Uzbek and Tajik form of Mustafa.
mars Mustapha The chosen one
venus Mustika A talisman or a magical stone.
venus Musui The nothing
venus Mut From Egyptian mwt meaning "mother". In Egyptian mythology she was a mother goddess, the consort of Amon and the mother of Khonsu. She was sometimes depicted wearing a headdress with vulture wings.
mars Muta Obeyed
mars Muta Ali The most exalted
mars Mutakabbir Majestic
mars Mu'tamid Means "relying on, leaning on" in Arabic. Al-Mu'tamid was a 9th-century Abbasid caliph. This was also the name of an 11th-century Abbadid ruler of Seville, who was a patron of the arts and a poet.
mars Mutasim Adhering to God.
mars Mu'tasim Alternate transcription of Arabic معتصم (see Mutasim).
mars Mu'Tazz One who is proud, mighty
venus Mutemwiya From Egyptian mwt-m-wjꜣ meaning "Mut is in the sacred barque" [1], from the name of the goddess Mut combined with wjꜣ "sacred barque" (a boat used to carry the dead to the afterlife). This name was borne by a wife of the pharaoh Thutmose IV. She was the mother of Amenhotep III.
venus Muthoni The shy one.
venus Mutia Liberal, Generous
venus Mutnedjmet From Egyptian mwt-nḏmt meaning "Mut is sweet", from the name of the goddess Mut combined with nḏm "sweet, pleasant". This name was borne by the wife of the pharaoh Horemheb.
venus Mutsuko Intimate, Close, Child
mars Muunokhoi Vicious Dog
mars Muwaffaq One who is successful.
mars Muwakkil One who can be trusted
mars Muzaffar Victorious or triumphant in a deed or endeavor
mars Muzakir One who reminds people of Allah.
mars Muzdahir One who is blooming, thriving and prospering.
venus Muzhdah Wonderful news
mars Muzhir A plant whose flowers are opening or have opened
venus Muzhirah Plant whose flowers are opening, blooming.
venus Muzn A variant of Mizn, meaning white cloud.
venus Mwajuma Contracted form of Mwanajuma.
venus Mwanahamisi Means "child born on Thursday" in Swahili.
venus Mwanahawa Combination of Swahili mwana meaning "child" and the name Hawa.
venus Mwanaidi Means "child born during the festival" in Swahili.
venus Mwanaisha Combination of Swahili mwana meaning "child" and the name Aisha.
venus Mwanajuma Means "child born on Friday" in Swahili.
mars Mwangi Means "rapid expansion" in Kikuyu. Kikuyu males were traditionally organized into age sets or generations. The Mwangi generation started around the beginning of the 20th century and lasted for about 30 years.
mars Mwani Chief, Lord
venus Mwassaa Kenyan term, meaning everywhere.
mars Mwayi Means "opportunity" in Chewa.
mars Mwenje Brilliant Light
venus Mwenya From the Chewa word for a type of flowering tree (species Breonadia salicina).
mars Mwinyi Unknown
venus My Form Of Mary
venus Mya Mine
venus Myah Variation of Maya it means Water
venus Myat Better
venus Mychaela who is like God?
mars Mychajlo God like
mars Mychal brook
venus Mychel Who is like God
venus Mychele who is like God?
venus Mychelle who is like God?
mars Mycroft By The Stream, Small Field
venus Myee Native Born
venus Myeisha Combination Of My And Eisha
venus-mars Myeong Clear
venus Myeong-Suk From Sino-Korean 明 (myeong) meaning "bright, light, clear" combined with 淑 (suk) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming". Other hanja combinations are possible.
venus Myesha My Life
venus Myeshia woman; life
venus Myf Short form of Myfanwy.
venus Myfanwy My Fine One
mars Myghal Cornish form of Michael.
venus Myia Emerald
venus Myiesha woman; life
venus Myine Forest
mars Myint High
venus Myisha woman; life
venus Myitzu She who is charming
venus Myka who is like God?
venus Mykaela Form of MICHAEL - who is like God
mars Mykah who is like God?
venus Mykala who is like God?
venus Mykayla Form of MICHAEL - who is like God
venus Mykela who is like God?
mars Mykelti Who Is Like God?
venus Mykena Happy one
venus Mykenzie Form of MACKENZIE - son of a wise ruler, born of fire
mars Mykhail Ukrainian variant form of Michael.
venus Mykhaila Ukrainian feminine form of Michael.
mars Mykhailo Like God
mars Mykhaltso God like
mars Mykhaylo Alternate transcription of Ukrainian Михайло (see Mykhailo).
mars Mykola Victory of people
mars Mykolas Lithuanian form of Michael.
mars Mykyta A boy who has the capability of winning in every field, a winner
venus Myla Merciful
venus Mylah Merciful
venus-mars Mylan Combination Of The Names Myles And Nolan
mars Myle Gracious
venus Mylee This name may be a variant spelling of Miley, or the Hawaiian name Maile refering to a type of vine used in making Leis. Popularised by the teen singer Miley Cyrus.
venus Myleen merciful
venus Mylei Hard-working
venus Mylene merciful
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