Names starting with the letter M

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter M, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a M. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Myles Soldier
venus Myley Derived from the Slavic word mil meaning 'gracious', this name was introduced to the English as Miles.
venus Mylie A modern name, probably a variation on Maile, which is a type of vine that is used in making Hawaiian leis.
mars Mylo Gracious
mars Mylon Gracious
venus Myly Hard-working
venus Myna Bird
venus Mynte Means "mint" in Danish.
mars Myo Relative
venus Myra myrrh
venus Myrah princess; myrrh
venus Myranda worthy of admiration
mars Myrat Turkmen form of Murad.
mars Myrddin Sea Fort
venus Myree Myrrh
venus Myrelle admire
venus Myrena Of the sea
venus Myrene wonderful; peace; prosperous
venus Myrgjol Old Norse form of Muirgel.
venus Myriah myrrh
venus Myriam Beloved
venus Myril Famous or of the sea
venus Myrilla Myrtle
venus Myrl Variation of Merle which means Blackbird or Of the Sea
venus Myrla shining sea
venus Myrle blackbird
venus-mars Myrleen blackbird
venus Myrlene blackbird
venus Myrline blackbird
venus Myrna Beloved
mars Myron Myrrh
mars Myroslav Ukrainian form of Miroslav.
venus Myroslava One who is destined to be glorious, glorious
venus Myrrh Ancient Spice
venus Myrrhine Derived from Greek μύρρα (myrrha) meaning "myrrh". This is the name of a character in the comedy Lysistrata by the Greek playwright Aristophanes.
venus Myrrilla worthy of admiration
venus Myrrine Myrrh
venus Myrthe Myrtle Plant
venus Myrtie Diminutive of Myrtle.
venus Myrtle Evergreen shrub
venus Myrto From Greek μύρτος (myrtos) meaning "myrtle". This was the name of a few characters from Greek mythology, including one of the Maenads.
venus Myryam Beloved
venus Myshell who is like God?
venus Myshella who is like God?
venus Mysie Variant of Maisie.
venus Mystee mist
venus Mysterious Secretive; Full Of Mystery
venus Mystery Unexplained
venus Mysti mist
venus Mystica air of mystery
venus Mystique air of mystery
venus Mystral Cold, Dry, Northerly Wind
mars Mystras Town In Greece
mars Mythany Fabled, Dear One
venus Mythili Seetha
venus Mythily Seeta
venus Mythri Friendship
venus Myung Clear
venus Myung Hee Brightness and pleasure
venus Myvanwy The rare one
venus Mzia Sun
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