Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Nensi Croatian form of Nancy.
mars Nentres The name of the ruler.
mars Neo New
mars Neofit Bulgarian form of Neophytos, meaning newly planted.
mars Neofytos Modern Greek transcription of Neophytos.
venus Neohne'e Means "walks toward woman", from Cheyenne nėh- "toward" and -ehné "walk" combined with the feminine suffix -e'é [1].
venus Neola New
venus Neoma new moon
venus Neomah Pleasantness
venus Neomee Pleasantness
venus Neomi Pleasantness
venus Neomie Pleasantness
venus-mars Neomonni Rain Cloud
venus Neomy Pleasantness
mars Neon He who is strong; chemical element
venus Neona New
venus Neonila Ukrainian form of Neonilla.
venus Neonilla From a Greek name derived from νέος (neos) meaning "new". This was the name of an Orthodox Christian saint, a 3rd-century Syrian woman martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Decius.
mars Neophytos Newly planted
mars Neoptolemos Greek form of Neoptolemus.
mars Neoptolemus New war
mars Neor Droplets , dewdrops, condensation, precipitation.
venus Neorah Light
mars Neper A unit of measurement
venus Nephele Like a cloud
mars Nephi A good son. Founder of Nephite people
mars Nephilim A term for the race of half-human giants
mars Nephrite Mineral Form Of Jade
venus Nephthys Lady of the temple
mars Neptune God of the sea
mars Neptuno Spanish and European Portuguese form of Neptune.
mars Neptunus Latin form of Neptune.
mars Nequiel Victory Of The People
venus Nequoyah A sserious, independent and wonderful being
mars Ner Candle or light
venus Nera candle
venus Nere Mine
venus Nerea Mine
venus Nereida sea nymph
mars Nereo Strong Swimmer
mars Nereus Lamp Of Faith
venus Nereyda sea nymph
venus Nergis Means "daffodil, narcissus" in Turkish, ultimately derived from Greek (see Narcissus).
venus Nərgiz Azerbaijani form of Narges.
venus-mars Nergui No Name
venus Neri The shining nimble or the deity of the sea.
venus Neria lamp of god, angel
venus-mars Neriah Lamp Of God
mars Nerian The person who cares for others.
venus Nericcia black-haired
venus Nerice Nymph
venus Nerida sea nymph
venus Nerilly Lilies of the spirit of seas
venus Nerina Sea Nymph
venus Nerine a nereid, one from the sea
mars Nerio Possibly a variant of Nereo.
venus Neris noblewoman
venus Nerisha That can reveal hidden treasure
venus Neriss noblewoman
venus Nerissa Nymph
venus Nerit candle
venus Nerita Sea Snail
mars Nerivaanan The one who is truthful and frank.
mars Neriya candle
mars Nerlap The one who is separated or uncommitted.
venus Nermana Hero
venus Nermin Delicate
venus Nərmin Azerbaijani form of Nermin.
venus Nermina Brave girl
venus Nərminə Azerbaijani form of Nermin.
mars Nero Powerful
venus Nerola orange flower
venus Neroli The flower which is orange in color.
venus Nerolia orange flower
venus Nerolie orange flower
venus Neroly orange flower
mars Neron Sea
mars Nerovens A knight from the northern region
mars Nerrivaanan The one who is straightforward and open hearted.
mars Nerses Armenian form of Middle Persian Narseh (see Narses). Saint Nerses was a 4th-century patriarch of the Armenian Church.
venus Nerthus Goddess of fertility
mars Nerþuz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Nerthus and Njord.
venus Nertila Meaning unknown.
venus Nerute A polite, easy going and fun loving person
venus Nerva Roman cognomen derived from Latin nervus "strength". This is the name by which the 1st-century Roman emperor Marcus Cocceius Nerva is commonly known.
venus Nery Mine
venus Nerya Mine
venus Nerys Lady
venus Neryss noblewoman
venus Neryssa sea nymph; black-haired
mars Nes Sacred, chaste
venus Nesa Indian Princess
mars Nesamani Lively, exciting, interesting
mars Nesan Prince
mars Nesar The big sources of the earth sun and moon.
mars Nesayam Flower
venus Nesayem Flower
mars Nesbit Nose-shaped bend in the road
mars Nesbitt Resembling nose-bend
venus Nese Means "joy, happiness" in Turkish.
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