Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Nesha lamb
venus Neshama Life force or inner self.
venus Neshat Pleased, exultant, glad, joyful, contented
mars Neshaun God is merciful
mars Neshu Strong, well, hale and hearty, vigorous.
mars Neshvee A good judge; pleasant and humble being
venus Nesi pure, holy
venus Nesiah Miracle Of God
mars Nəsib Azerbaijani masculine form of Nasiba.
venus Nəsibə Azerbaijani form of Nasiba.
mars Nesim Turkish form of Nasim.
venus Nesita The poor, chaste of pure
venus Neske Sacred, chaste
venus Neslihan Cheerful woman or blissful woman.
venus Nesrin Means "eglantine, sweetbrier" in Kurdish.
venus Nesrine Arabic (chiefly North African) form of Nasrin.
mars Ness Enchanted, surprise, emblem, ensign
venus Nessa Lamb
venus Nessah pure, holy
mars Nessan Stoat
venus Nessarose The rose of the peninsula
venus Nessia lamb
venus Nessie lamb
mars Nessim The floret which blooms in the forest.
venus Nessy pure, holy; butterfly
venus Nessya lamb
venus Nest form of AGNES - chaste
venus Nesta Pure
mars Nestah pure, holy
venus Nestan Unique
venus Nestan-Darejan Created by the Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli for a character in his 12th-century epic The Knight in the Panther's Skin. Rustaveli derived it from the Persian phrase نیست اندر جهان (nīst andar jahān) meaning "unlike any other in the world" or "unique". In the poem Nestan-Darejan is a princess loved by Tariel.
venus Nestani A form of Nestan, meaning unique
mars Nestor Traveller
mars Nestore An explorer or a tourist
mars Nestori One who comes home
venus Neta Shrubbery.
mars Netanel Gift of God
mars Netan'el Biblical Hebrew form of Nathanael.
venus Netanela God has given
venus Netanella God has given
venus Netania God has given
venus Netanya God's Gift
mars Netanyahu God gives
mars Netar Spearhead, front-runner, lead, groundbreaker.
venus Netasha The Lord's birthday
mars Nethaji The respected leader of a country
mars Nethaka He who has the ability for legal argument.
mars Nethan The special talent from God.
mars Nethaneel Form of Nathanael used in some versions of the Old Testament.
mars Nethanel Form of Nathanael used in some versions of the Old Testament.
venus Nethania God has given
venus Nethaniah Means "Yahweh has given" in Hebrew, derived from נָתַן (naṯan) meaning "to give" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. In the Old Testament this is the name of the father of Ishmael (the assassin of Gedaliah), as well as other minor characters.
mars Nethaniel The special skills from the heavens.
mars Nethel One which means low; nomenclature
venus Neti He (God) has favored me
venus Netia Planting
mars Netik Old-fashioned, customary, outmoded, cultural.
venus Netis Friend
mars Neto Intense, solemn, serious, sincere.
venus-mars Netra Vision
venus Netrani River Ganga
mars Netrapal The one who has the blessing eyes.
mars Netrapala Who has a blessed eyes
venus Netraranjana Something that makes the eyes prettier.
mars Netratav The one who guides others.
venus Netravati Beautiful eyes
mars Netro Vision
venus Netsai From Shona netsa meaning "trouble, annoy, bother" [1].
mars Netsenet Freedom
venus Netta Gate, shrubberies, trees, wilds, planting.
venus Nettia He (God) has favored me
venus Nettie Gracious, merciful
mars Netto Unknown
mars Nettuno Italian form of Neptune.
mars Nettunu A form of Neptune, meaning wet, damp clouds.
venus Netty He (God) has favored me
mars Netuno Brazilian Portuguese form of Neptune.
venus Nety Variation of Antonia which means Pricesless one
mars Netzahualcoyotl Hungry coyote
venus Neugeanie New Born
venus Neus Snow
venus Neusa Variant of Neuza.
venus Neuss Snow
mars Neutron Subatomic Particle With No Charge
venus Neuza Meaning uncertain. Some theories connect it to Greek νέουσα (neousa) meaning "swimming", though the reasons for this formation are unclear.
venus Nev New village
venus Neva Snow
mars Nevaan The one who is spiritually holy.
venus-mars Nevada Covered In Snow
venus Nevaeh Heaven
mars Neval New village
mars Nevan Little Saint
venus Nevanthi A spiritual lady, holy lady
venus Nevara snow
venus Neve Snowy
venus Neveah A popular alternative is Nevaeh, meaning 'heaven' , the name is fairly modern and spell 'heaven' in reverse.
venus Nevee Bright
mars Neven The worker of the saint's follower.
venus Nevena Marigold Flower
venus Nevenka Marigold
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