Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Neves Born when it snows
venus Nevesah pure, holy
venus Neveyah A fortune -teller
venus Nevia Bright
venus Neviah Heaven
mars Nevil Variant of Neville.
venus Nevila The newly established town
mars Neville New Town
mars Nevin Saint
venus Nevina Saint
venus Nevindie She who enjoys law or abides by law.
venus Nevinka She who enjoys law
mars Nevio Mole
venus Nevish The one who is much important to God as his breathe.
venus Nevra Flower, Blossom
venus Nevsa pure, holy
mars Nevukhadnetztzar Hebrew form of Nebuchadnezzar.
venus Nevya snow
mars Nevyn The one who does devotion to the saints.
mars Newall The black color birth mark.
venus-mars Newat Left Handed
mars Newbold The fresh born tree the small tree.
venus Newell New hall
mars Newen Means "force, strength" in Mapuche.
mars Newhall The hall that is just made
mars Newland New land
mars Newlands The lands that war bought recently
venus-mars Newlyn From The Church Of St. Newelina
mars Newman The New Man
mars Newt New town or settlement
mars Newton From The New Town
venus Neya Purpose, bright
venus Neyah Purpose, bright
mars Neyan Affection, dearest, darling, adoration, care.
venus Neylan The person who accomplished the desires.
mars Neymar Not accessible or obtainable or offered.
venus Neysa pure
venus Neysha The night or a time of night
venus Neyva Bright
venus Neyve Bright
mars Neza Slovene form of Agnes.
mars Nezahualcoyotl The fasting coyote. Also the name of a Texcoco king
mars Nezahualpilli A prince who fasts.
mars Nezih Turkish form of Nazih.
venus Nezihe Turkish feminine form of Nazih.
venus Nəzrin Azerbaijani form of Nasrin.
venus Ngahuia An exotic person who can sing
mars Ngai Herb
venus Ngaio Of the mousehole tree
venus Ngaire Fair-haired
mars Ngan Range of the rainbow.
mars Ngawang Powerful speech
venus Ngendo Traveller
venus Ngina One who serves
venus Ngoc Gemstone
mars Ngoneh Unknown
venus Ngozi Dedication, benediction, dedication, consecration.
venus Ngozichukwuka God's blessings are best.
mars Nguna Renowned, illustrious, celebrated, eminent.
mars Nguyen First man
venus Nguyet Moon
venus Nhally An understanding, studious and siligent person
mars Nhean Instinctive
venus Nhi Little One
venus Nhu Alike
venus Nhucha Star
venus Nhung Velvet
venus Nia Bright
venus-mars Niabi Fawn Spared By The Hunter
venus Niada water nymph
venus Niagh An aim or a purpose
venus Niah Purpose, bright
venus Niajia Purpose, bright
mars Nial A variant spelling of the popular name Neil, meaning 'champion', 'cloud' or 'passionate'.
mars Niall Champion
venus Nialla Supporter, supporter, winner, campaigner.
mars Niam Sweetened, satisfied, sugary, comfortable.
mars Ni'am Look a lot like a nose shape.
venus Niama Bright
venus Niamah Bright
venus Niamara A sweet and sugary girl
venus Niambi Melody
venus Niamh Bright
venus Niana Name of an African city in Mali
venus Niara With Utmost Purpose
mars Niatohsa Little French Man
venus Niauppama A beautiful of pleasant person
venus Niawbrawaka A truthful and kind human being
mars Niaz Talents or skills or gifts from God.
venus Niazmina A girl who dear one or apple of the eye
mars Nibaal The mark to indicate the direction.
venus-mars Nibal Arrows
mars Nibaw Standing Tall
venus Nibha Brilliance
mars Nibhish Another name of Lord Ganesh.
mars Nibhiv Name of Lord Ganesha
venus Nibia gracious
mars Nibir One who is fearless
mars Nibodh Knowledge
mars Nibras The nimble and bright which comes from the Lamp.
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