Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Niloufar The lily floras which are prospering in the water ponds.
venus Niloufer Water Lily
mars Niloy The blue colored person, referred to Lord Shiva
mars Nils Victory Of The People
venus Nilsa champion
venus Nilshikha The top or peak or uppermost part of the blue hills.
venus Nilsina champion
venus Nilsine champion
mars Nilson The born son of the winner or conqueror or victor.
mars Nilsson Nils's son
mars Nilton Mill town
venus Nilufar The lily flower that grows in the lakes or ponds.
venus Nilufer Turkish form of Niloufar.
venus Nilukshi A self-expressive woman.
mars Nilus Latinized form of Neilos.
venus Nima Blessing
venus Nimaat Sanction or dedication or benediction.
venus Nimah The one who was born during wealthy time.
venus Ni'Mah The talent from Allah (God)
venus-mars Nimai Filled With Inner LIght
mars Nimal An independent, justified and adventerous being
venus Nimala She who is creative.
mars Nimalan A name given to Lord Murugan
venus Nimali An independent woman.
mars Nimansh Name given to the blue god; Krishna
venus-mars Nimat Blessings
venus Ni'mat Dedications, credits, benediction, advances, dedication, lends.
venus Nimatuallah Who is like unto the most high Yahweh.
mars Nimay The natural stream of water.
mars Nimayak The most loving angel of the God
mars Nimeesh One who can peek inside soul and split second
venus Nimeesha Princess
venus Nimeeta One who is permanent and fixed
mars Nimesh The person who is connected to God.
venus Nimet Turkish form of Nimat.
venus Nimi A friend of fire who has sparkling eyes
venus Nimiane The Lady of the Lake
mars Nimin A standard and traditional person
mars Nimish Split second
venus Nimisha Who will be in same image as God
venus Nimishambha Deity
mars Nimit The closest angel to the God
venus Nimita Messenger of God.
mars Nimith Transformation
mars Nimkeek An optimistic and healthy human
mars Nimm The dearest messenger of God
mars Nimmana The Archangel of the almighty God.
mars Nimmapreet The Angel who carries messages of God
mars Nimmarata The God is not like a human.
mars Nimmardeep The God is not like anyone in this world.
venus Nimmi One who has sparkling eyes and shines
venus Nimmia The precious talent from the most high place.
mars Nimmit The upright path.
mars Nimol Flawless
mars Nimr Road, path, way, lane, street.
venus Nimra Number
venus Nimrah The angel of the Almighty
venus Nimrat The one who carries God's message.
venus Nimrata The large river.
mars Nimrod Rebellion
mars Nimruchi Sunset
venus Nimthaki One who is logical and sane.
venus Nimue Arthurian legends of the lady from the lake
venus Nin Sapphire
venus Nina Little Girl
mars Ninaad Flowing water; a sound or hum
venus Ninacska little girl; great-granddaughter
mars Ninad Gentle sound of water
mars Ninadha An understanding and happy individual
mars Ninadit Sound
venus Ninah Enclosure of fish, fire, little girl
venus Ninarika Misty
venus Nindaanis Means "my daughter" in Ojibwe.
mars Ninder Treasurable skills from God.
mars Ninderbir God is supreme.
mars Ninderjeet God is one and there is none like him.
mars Ninderpaul God is Almighty and outstanding.
mars Nine Frisian short form of Katherine.
venus Ninel Name of a saint; imaginative and fertile
venus Nineta little girl; great-granddaughter
venus Ninete little girl; great-granddaughter
venus Ninetta little girl; great-granddaughter
venus Ninette Enclosure of fish, fire, little girl
venus Nineve The God's beloved angel
venus Nineveh Archangel of God
venus Ninfa sea nymph
venus-mars Ning Peaceful
venus Ningal Means "great lady", from Sumerian 𒎏 (nin) meaning "lady" and 𒃲 (gal) meaning "big, great". This was the name of a goddess of reeds in Sumerian mythology. She was the daughter of Enki and the wife of Nanna.
mars Ningappa Recognize with gratitude.
venus Ningrat Noble
venus Ningrum Inside the soul.
venus Ningsih With love
venus Ninhursag Means "lady of the mountain", from Sumerian 𒎏 (nin) meaning "lady" and 𒉺𒂅 (hursaĝ) meaning "mountain". This was the name of the Sumerian mother and fertility goddess, the primary consort of Enki.
venus Nini Momentary and excellent industry.
venus-mars Ninian Unknown
venus Niniane Ash; one who always rises up
mars Ninion The one who is in need of water.
venus Ninisina Means "lady of Isin", from Sumerian 𒎏 (nin) meaning "lady" combined with the name of the city-state of Isin. This was the name of a Sumerian goddess of healing, later conflated with Gula.
mars Ninita Little Girl
venus Ninja Enclosure of fish, fire, little girl
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