Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Nirdesh Route or appreciation or suggestion.
mars Nirdhar The one who is carrying the boulder.
mars Nirdosh The person who is free from fault , mistake, iniquity and wrong.
mars Nirdosha The one who is from error, blunder, crime and immoral.
mars Nireekshat The procedure of doing something
venus Nireida sea nymph
mars Nirek Superior
venus Nirela plowed field
mars Niren The person who comes along from northern part.
mars Nirendra The one who came from northern cliff.
venus Nirendranath One of the provinces in France.
mars Nirgranth One who is coming from the northern part of the nation.
mars Nirgun From the northern face.
mars Nirguna Comes from the North region
venus Niria Mine
mars Nirijhar The mankind form the north side.
mars Niriksh Remarkable, widely known, popular.
venus Niriksha Expectation
mars Nirish A warden or custodian.
venus Nirit plowed field
venus Nirja Name of a sanskrit flower; Lotus
mars Nirjarini Person from the north side.
mars Nirjhar North side human being.
mars Nirjis One of the main directions , north.
mars Nirjvar Healthy
mars Nirlep Residing at northern part.
mars Nirlepa One who dwells in the north face.
mars Nirlipth One who is staying at North part.
mars Nirlobh Native from northern cliff.
mars Nirlobha Living in north side.
mars Nirmada One person hailing from northern part
mars Nirmail One who owns a farm in north part.
mars Nirmal Pure
venus Nirmala The cleanest one
mars Nirmalan Wood from the northern forests
mars Nirmalbir The farm house which is situated in the northern part.
mars Nirmalcheet The one who found good to settle in north part.
mars Nirmalchit A town or village in Northern part
mars Nirmaldeep A village located in northern region
mars Nirmaldharam The bright light of something
mars Nirmalendu Moon
mars Nirmaljas The light of right guidance
mars Nirmaljeet The guiding light trough
mars Nirmaljeev Living in the town which is situated in the northern part.
mars Nirmaljog Staying in the north face.
mars Nirmaljot Town that is situated in the north range.
mars Nirmalkaram The one closer to heart from the north side.
mars Nirmalpreet A very close companion
mars Nirmalprem Close buddy from the north face.
mars Nirmalsev Protector who comes from the north cliff.
mars Nirmaltek Water falling in spring season in the north part.
mars Nirmalya One of the climate seasons that comes from the north side.
mars Nirmama Timber or lumber from the north part.
mars Nirman Humble
mars Nirmantu Flawless
mars Nirmay Pure
mars Nirmaya Healthy
venus Nirmayi Blemish
mars Nirmeet Created
venus Nirmesh Honeyed and sweet smelling.
mars Nirmit Created
mars Nirmoh One with no illusions
mars Nirmoha A person who has no illusion
mars Nirmohi Person from the northern section
mars Nirmol Person residing in north section.
mars Nirmolak A wolf from the northern areas
mars Nirnasha One who can never die; deathless
mars Nirnay Person who is convincing with the spear.
mars Nirodha Brave and courageous as Eagle.
venus Nirogi The utmost point of a hill.
mars Nirol A proud person who can fight
mars Niroop A bright shining appearance
venus Nirosha Calm
venus Niruban Glittering light.
mars Niruj The divine light of religion
venus Niruja The radiance of hope.
venus Nirup The bright shining light.
venus Nirupa Command
mars Nirupam The God is my bright and nimble.
venus Nirupama Unmatched
venus Nirupesh Honeyed, sugary, sweet flavoured.
venus Nirush Initiator of joy and bliss.
venus Nirut Honeyed and sweet smelling.
mars Nirvaan Bliss
mars Nirvair Youth and fresh
mars Nirvaira The new comer to the family, fresh family member.
venus Nirval Fresh greenly pasture.
mars Nirvan A recent beginner
venus Nirvana Meaning is 'Bliss', 'liberation
venus Nirvash Beginner or Fresher.
venus Nirvelli Water child
venus Nirvi New comer to the family.
mars Nirvighna Unhindered
venus Nirvikalpa The new or the recent one
mars Nirvikar Perfect
mars Nirvikara Child was delivered on Christmas period.
venus Nirya Mine
venus Nis to test
venus Nisa Devotee Of Dionysos
venus Nisaa One who has excellent knowledge in all matters.
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