Names starting with the letter N

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter N, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a N. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Nisan Sign or symbol
venus Nisanur From the name Nisa combined with Arabic نور (nūr) meaning "light".
venus Nisar One who is passive and diplomatic.
mars Nisarg Handsome and fine looking person.
mars Nisay Loved from afar.
mars Nisbet Adorable and pretty as rose floret.
mars Nisbett Reliable, dependable, trust worthy.
mars Nischaijeet The super hero among male sex.
mars Nischal The Lord of all the mankind
venus Nischala The powerful man among other men.
mars Nischay Other name of Lord Vishnu.
mars Nischint The soul or heart of man
mars Nischinta Monarch or emperor.
mars Nischit Ruler of sovereign.
mars Nischith Guardian of the nation.
mars Nischitha Head of nation or royal leader.
venus Nish The one who leads the country.
venus Nisha Night
mars Nishaa The great ruler of the rulers
mars Nishaaj The great ruler who rules the other kings of the nations.
mars Nishaan The big emperor who commands the other rulers as well.
mars Nishaat The lord of the rulers.
mars Nishaath The king of kings and lord of lords.
mars Nishad Seventh note on Indian musical scale
mars Nishadh The lion in form of male appearance
mars Nishadha The feet of a monarch or ruler.
mars Nishakant Ruler of the nation.
mars Nishakar One who lives in Night
mars Nishal No end or limitless
mars Nisham Fresh or cool air of night
venus Nishamani Moon
mars Nishan Flag, Sign
mars Nishanath The lord of night
mars Nishandeep The lamp for a sign
venus Nishani A sign to remember something
mars Nishant End of the night
mars Nishanta The dawn time, end of night
mars Nishanth Destroyer of darkness
mars Nishantha A variant of Nishant, meaning night's end or dawn.
venus Nishanthini Dawn
mars Nishar To sacrifice in the path of good
mars Nisharg The nature or presented by God
venus Nishat the liveliness of a person
mars Nishav One of the best person
venus Nishay The night, dark time
mars Nishchal Steady
mars Nishchay The decision confirmed
mars Nishchint Carefree
mars Nishchit The destiny or confirmed thing
mars Nishedu A prohibited thing
mars Nisheeth The peaceful time of early morning
venus Nishelle Created Name
mars Nishesh Entire
venus Nishi Night
mars Nishik A garden of Lotus
venus Nishika Honest
mars Nishikaant The husband of stronger woman
mars Nishikant Lord of Night
mars Nishikanta Lord or Night, Lord Moon
mars Nishikar Moon, who came to existence in night
mars Nishiketh The King of moon
mars Nishil A night-time, dusk
mars Nishiman One who is grand to the infinity
mars Nishinath The Companion of night
mars Nishipal The protector of night
mars Nishipati The husband or possessor of night
mars Nishit Midnight
venus Nishita Light
mars Nishith Night
venus Nishithini The quite time of midnight
venus Nishka Out of night, honest
venus Nishkala Perfect
venus Nishkalanka A honest and pure person
venus Nishkama The honest work without selfishness
venus Nishkapata Innocent
venus Nishkarana Self-less reason
mars Nishkarsh The result or outcome of work
venus Nishma One who brings light, bright person
venus Nisho A rare or precious one
mars Nishok Happy
mars Nishokha A quite or reserved person
mars Nishpar Without any boundary
venus Nishpara Limitless or boundless person
venus Nishtar A sharp knife used as surgical equipment
venus Nishtha Devotion or faith towards God
venus Nishwan A champion from heaven
mars Nishwanth The great person
mars Nisien A mythical son of Euroswydd
mars Niskam A selfless person, without desires
mars Nisreen An plant full of aroma
venus Nisrin An aromatic plant
venus Nisrina A girl who is aromatic as a flower
venus Nissa Signal, Sign.
venus Nissanit to test
mars Nissar A devoted person
venus Nisse Victory of the people.
mars Nissim A wonder, full of wonders
mars Nissin A flight, something that makes you fly
venus Nissnana to test
venus Nistarini Apsara
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