Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Rayland One who is from the Island meadow
mars Rayle One whose innocence is compared to a lamb
venus Raylee Combination of Ray and Lee
venus Rayleigh From the deer meadow; A variant form of Raylee
venus Rayleine queen
mars Raylen He who was born to counsel people
venus Raylene ewe; queen
venus Raylin Combination of Ray and Lyn
venus Raylina ewe; queen
venus Rayline queen
mars Raylon Germanic - Counselor; Mighty; Advisor; A variant of the name Raymond; A variant spelling is Raylan
venus Raylyn Combination Of RAY And LYN
venus Raym A mother who loves her children strongly
venus Rayma ewe
mars Rayman A protector who is very well advised
mars Raymand Advisor, protector
venus Rayme Loving; Caring
mars Rayment One who counsels protection
mars Raymie Advisor, protector
mars Raymon Advisor, protector
mars Raymond Counsel Protection
mars Raymonde Advisor, protector
mars Raymun Advisor, protector
mars Raymund Advisor, protector
mars Raymundo Counsel Protection
mars Raymy Advisor, protector
mars Rayn The heaven's gate's name
venus Rayna pure. clean
mars Raynald A person who wisely advices the ruler
mars Raynaldus One who gives good advices to the ruler
mars Raynard Strong Counselor; Powerful Advisor; Mighty and brave
venus Rayne Queen
venus Raynee counsel; song
mars Raynel Germanic - Well advised Protector; Wise Guardian; A wise and strong ruler; Strong Counselor;
venus Rayneli Female version of Raynell. It means counselor.
mars Raynell she is singing; queen
mars Raynelle ewe; queen
mars Rayner Advice Army
venus Raynetta queen
venus Rayney Queen
venus Raynne Germanic - Counsel; Advice; Latin - Queen; A variant of Raina
mars Rayno Bulgarian variant of Radko, meaning happy or willing.
mars Raynor mighty army
mars Raynord A very strong counselor
mars Rayo Spanish - Bright; Light; A variant of Rello
mars Rayon Synthetic Fiber/Cloth
venus Rayona ewe
venus Rayowa Life
venus Rayquel Hebrew - Innocent;
mars Rayray Advisor, protector
mars Raysel The flower rose.
mars Rayshan Yahweh is gracious and merciful
mars Rayshard A righteous and brave ruler
mars Rayshawn A blend of names Ray, which means Grace and name Shawn that means Yahweh is gracious
mars Rayshod A righteous man
mars Rayshon Combination of Ray and Shawn
venus Rayssa Rose Or Sun Ray
venus Raytah A daughter of the small farmer
mars Rayton King of Town; Ruler; Mighty
venus Rayven Raven
venus Rayvenne Raven
venus Rayvinn Raven
mars Rayvon Combination Of The Names Ray And Von
venus Rayya Fragrant Breeze
venus Rayyaa One who smells good and is not thirsty
venus Rayyah One who has a fresh and nice scent
mars Rayyan The name Rayyan is a spelling variation of the name Rayan and means 'land that is rich in water'. It is also the name of one of the gates into heaven in Islam.
venus Rayzel rose
venus Rayzil An easy-going person who easily adapts to things
venus Rayzilee A beautiful person
venus-mars Raz Secret.
mars Raza Contentment
mars Razaan A sensible, respectful person
venus Razaanah A person with calm personality
mars Razak A man who is deeply devoted
venus Razan One who is sensible and deeply respected
venus Razana A composed, self-possesed woman
mars Razeen A woman who is noble and very gentle
venus Razi My Secret
venus Razia contented
venus Raziah the Lord's secret
mars Raziel Hebrew - Secrets of God; Keeper of Secrets; Angel of Mysteries
venus Raziela Secret
venus Raziella the Lord's secret
venus Razija She who is satisfied, content with her life.
mars Razik One who is fearless and couragious
venus Razilee Hebrew - My Secret; A variant form of name Razili
venus Razili the Lord's secret
mars Razin A subtel, composed noble man
mars Raziq A person who provides, also means God
venus Raziqa A woman who feeds people
mars Raziurrahman The beneficent man's pleasure
venus Razivia A form of Ziva, meaning alive.
venus Raziya Agreeable, Good-Natured
venus Raziyah Another name of Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
mars Razmig A troubled man, one who is a fighter
mars Razmik Armenian - Warrior; Fighter; Defender; Soldier
mars Razo Royal
mars Razon Wish, Desire
mars Razvan One who brings good news
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