Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Razwa A name of the Mountain that exists in Madina
mars Razzaq The provider of live's necessities
venus Rdita She who is beautiful by her deeds
venus Re Variant spelling of Ra.
venus Rea Flowing
mars Reace Enthusiasm
mars Reach A beautiful woman.
mars Read Red-haired
venus Reada One who is a redhead, mostly used as a surname
mars Reade with red hair
venus-mars Reading Dweller In The Clearing
mars Readman A counselor with red hair
venus-mars Reagan Little King
mars Reagen From the name Regan, meaning the little king
mars Reaksmey Shining and sparkling
mars Reality The State Of Things As They Exist
venus Ream Meaning 'horned animal
mars Reamann Irish form of Raymond.
mars Reamonn One who is a well-advised guardian
venus Reanan Welsh - Great Queen; A variation of the name Rhiannon
venus Reanna Great queen, goddess
venus Reannah Great queen, goddess
venus Reanne Great queen, goddess
venus Reannon Great queen, goddess
mars Rearden Poet king
mars Reason A word name, meaning a reasonable one
venus Reatha excellence; righteous
mars Reave One who works as a steward
mars Reaves The steward's son
venus Reba Short Form Of Rebecca
venus Rebakah to bind
mars Rebanta Son of sun
venus Rebati One who is like the star from the sky
venus Rebba to bind
venus Rebbeca Captivating
venus Rebbecca to bind
venus Rebbecka to bind
venus Rebbie Captivating
venus Rebeca Captivating
venus Rebecah to bind
venus Rebecca Snare
venus Rebeccah Captivating
venus Rebeccanne Combination of Rebecca and Anne 1.
venus Rebeccea to bind
venus Rebeccka to bind
venus Rebecha to bind
venus Rebecka Captivating
venus Rebeckah to bind
venus Rebeckia to bind
venus Rebecky to bind
venus Rebeha to bind
venus Rebeka to bind
venus Rebekah Snare
venus Rebekha to bind
venus Rebekka Snare
venus Rebekkah to bind
venus Rebekke to bind
venus-mars Rebel Defiant Person
venus Rebeque to bind
venus Reberta bright fame
venus Rebha Spring praises
mars Rebin Path finder
venus Rebora One who brings victory to people
venus Rebqah Assyrian form of Rebecca. It means to bind or connect.
mars Recardo Strong power
mars Recep Turkish form of Rajab.
mars Rechav'am Hebrew form of Rehoboam.
venus Rechell ewe, female sheep
venus Rechemay A very old female name used in Medieval England
mars Red Red Haired
venus Reda Favored By God
mars Redamann A counselor of red hair
mars Redan One with a loving heart
mars Redawulfaz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Radulf and Ráðúlfr.
mars Redbourn A person from the place where the reeds grow
mars Redbourne One who comes from the redds growing place
mars Redcliff One who comes from the red cliff
mars Redcliffe A person whose home is on the red sliff
mars Redd One who has a red hear or a ruddy complexion
mars Redding Descendant of the one with red hair
venus Reddy Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
venus Redeem A woman who has redeemed herslef
venus-mars Redeemer Pseudonym For Jesus Christ
venus-mars Redell Wolf Counsel
mars Redfers To have red fur
mars Redford From The Red Ford
mars Redha A man who is satisfied and content in the God's favor
mars Redlea One who is from the red field
mars Redleigh A person who is from the red fields
mars Redley Red fields are his home
mars Redly One whose home is in the red fields
mars Redman Man with red hair
venus Redmilla industrious for the people
mars Redmond protecting counselor
mars Redmund A protector of red hair
mars Redvers An old English surname from the medieval period
mars Redwald One who strongly counsels others
mars Redwulf Counsel, Wolf
venus Ree Short For Names Ending In REE Or RIE
venus Reeanne Great queen, goddess
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