Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus-mars Renny Son Of Reynald
mars Reno Born again
mars Renold A ruler who has a good adviser
mars Renouf Adviser wolf
venus Renowe To make famous; A derivative of Renomer and a Old French variant of Renom
mars Rens Short form of Laurens or Emerens.
mars Renshaw A man who comes from the raven forest
venus Renske Of Laurentum
mars Renton Person who governs a village or settlement
mars Renu It means atom; one who is systematic and practical
venus Renuka Molecule, earth
venus Renumathi Nakul's wife
mars Renwick One who comes from the farm near the raven river
venus Renyta resistant
mars Renz Laurel
mars Renza Short form of Lorenza.
mars Renzo Short for Lorenzo
mars Reo A variant spelling of Rio , meaning 'river' in Spanish and Portuguese.
mars Reod A person with a ruddy complexion
mars Reon Descendant Of The King
venus Rephaela God heals
venus Rephayelle God heals
venus Requiem Rest
mars Rereloluwa God is good all the time.
mars Res A red-headed woman
venus Resa Latin - Laughter; Old Greek - Hunter; Harvester; Guardian; Women from Therasia; A derivative of the name Theresa
mars Rəsad Azerbaijani form of Rashad.
mars Resat Turkish form of Rashad.
venus Reseda mignonette flower
venus Resha An endless straight line
mars Reshad A righteous, ethical, honorable man
venus Resham Silk
mars Reshbin A male name given to Muslim Boys
mars Reshef Flame, Spark
venus Reshika A woman who brings light into your life
venus Reshma Soft, shining like silk
venus Reshmaan A woman made of silk
mars Reshman A silky skinned woman
venus Reshmi Silken
mars Reshteen Of truthful nature and character
venus Reshtina Truthful, a stern believer of truth.
venus Resi late summer
venus Reside Turkish feminine form of Rashid.
mars Resit Turkish form of Rashid.
venus Resmi A girl who is just like a silk
mars Resolved A Puritan name; To settle or solve
venus Ressie Summer harvest
mars Reston A locational surname, means the place among the brush wood
mars Rəsul Azerbaijani form of Rasul.
venus Resurreccion Means "resurrection" in Spanish, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus.
venus Reta pearl
mars Reth King
venus Retha excellence; righteous
venus Rethabile We are happy, Happy
mars Reti One who is like a sand
mars Reto Means "of Rhaetia". Rhaetia is a region in eastern Switzerland that got its name from the Rhaeti, a Celtic tribe who originally inhabited the area.
venus Retta speaker
mars Reu A friend of his, or a shepard
mars Reuban Behold the son
mars Reuben Behold, A Son
venus Reubena see, a son
mars Reubin To see the son
venus Reubina see, a son
mars Reuel Friend Of God
mars Reuf Very merciful
venus Reumah Means "elevated, exalted" in Hebrew, derived רָאַם (raʾam) meaning "to rise" [1]. According to the Old Testament, Reumah was a concubine of Nahor and by him the mother of four sons.
mars Reunan Breton form of Ronan
venus Reut Friendly
mars Reuven One who sees the son
venus Reva Star, Goddess Durga
mars Revan One who is a wonderful horse rider
venus Revanche Revenge
mars Revant Son of sun
mars Revanth Horse rider
mars Revateesh Balrama
venus Revathi The star that brings prosperity
venus Revati Wife of Balaram
mars Revaz He who is wealthy and successful
mars Revazi Revazi is a variant of Revaz and means wealthy and successful
mars Reve A man who is like a dream
venus Reveka to bind
venus Revekah to bind
venus Revekka to bind
mars Revel A word name, meaning to celebrate, to take pleasure
mars Revelin Pride, Rebellion
mars Revere River Bank; French variant of the name Rivier
venus Reverie One who daydreams and contemplates a lot
mars Reviancy Unknown
mars Revin Escape or flight
venus Revital Hebrew - Be full of Dew; Be saturated with dew; A variant of Ravital
mars Revon A person who is dark as a raven
venus Revonda From Saxony
venus Rewa Swift
venus Rewan Soul, adult or properly
mars Rewat A prosperous and splendid individual
venus Rewati A prosperous star
mars Rex King
venus Rexana Variant of Rexanne.
venus Rexanne king
venus Rexelle Persian - Bright; Dawn; Light; A variant spelling of Rexella
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