Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Rexford English - King's Ford; Ruler; A chieftain; A variant spelling is Rexferd
venus Rexine A graceful queen
mars Rexley One who comes from the meadow of the King
mars Rexlord One who comes from the crossing of the King
mars Rexton One who comes from the King's town
mars Rey King
venus Reya Queen
venus Reyah A nice scent. Also means a triumphian and victorious one
venus Reyanne A derivative of name Rayan which means the wise one
mars Reyansh One who can be comapared to the first ray of sun in the morning
mars Reyaz Practice; A variant spelling of Riyaz which means Garden
mars Reyburn A man who comes from the deer's brook, creek
mars Reyd A red man who comes from the reeds
mars Reyen A surname of German Origin
mars Reyes Royalty
mars Reyham One who is prefered and favoured by the God
mars Reyhan sweet basil
venus Reyhana Means basil. Also Prophet Muhammad wife's name
venus Reyhaneh She who is flower-like
venus Reyhangul Uyghur elaboration of Reyhan using the suffix گۈل (gül) meaning "flower, rose".
mars Reyhurn One who comes from the stream where the deers can be found
mars Reymond A person who guides others wisely
mars Reymund One who protects with his advice
mars Reymundo Germanic - Well-advised protector; Guards Wisely;
venus-mars Reyn Rule
venus Reyna Queen
venus Reynae Germanic - Counsel; Advice; Latin - Queen; A spelling variant of name Raina and variant of Reyna
mars Reynald Ruler's adviser
venus Reynalda queen
mars Reynaldo Counsel Rule
mars Reynaldos A man who gives advice about ruling
mars Reynard Counsel Brave
mars Reynardo Germanic - Mighty and Brave; A variant of Reynard
mars Reynart A brave and strong man or counselor.
mars Reynaud Wise ruler
venus Reyne An European surname. Can mean: to rule, the ruling couselor, queen or rath chain
venus Reynelle queen
mars Reyner One who counsels the army in matters of war
venus Reyney queen
venus Reynilda all-knowing power
venus Reynilde all-knowing power
mars Reynold Advice, Rule
mars Reynoldo Ruler's adviser
mars Reynolds King's advisor
mars Reyrobert A combination of Rey and Robert, meaning The King with bright fame
venus Reyyan Turkish form of Rayyan.
mars Reza Contentment, Satisfaction
venus Rezan A clear and birght woman
mars Rezaul To achieve satisfaction
mars Rezaulkarim A satisfaction of the most genereous one
mars Rezeya A muslim baby Boy name
mars Rezi late summer
mars Reziko Diminutive of Revaz, meaning wealthy and successful
venus Rezina One who is like a Queen
venus Rezka late summer
mars Rezso Legendary wolf
venus Rhachel Form of Rachel used in the Greek Bible.
venus Rhae flowing
mars Rhagouel Form of Reuel used in the Greek Old Testament.
mars Rhain A spear
mars Rhamesses Hellenized form of Egyptian rꜥ-ms-sw (see Ramesses).
mars Rhamin Unknown
mars Rhaphael Biblical Greek form of Raphael.
venus Rhapsody Ecstatic expression of feelings
mars Rhashad One whose judgement is great
mars Rhashod A clever, intelligent counselor, adviser
venus Rhaxma Of Unknown Meaning
venus Rhaya flowing
venus Rhayne Strong Counsellor; Advisor
venus Rhea Flowing
mars Rheal A royal, kingly one
venus Rheana One who is a grand queen
venus Rheanna Stream, great queen, goddess
venus Rheanne Great queen, goddess
venus Rheba Hebrew - Cattle Stall; To Tie; Variation of the name Rebecca
venus Rhebekka Form of Rebecca used in the Greek Bible.
venus Rhedyn A plant, fern
venus Rheeta Pearl, daisy
venus Rheeya A female singer with great voice
venus Rheia Variant of Rhea.
venus Rheie Greek variant of Rhea.
mars Rheinallt Wise ruler
mars Rhemy from Rheims
venus Rhen A variant of German name Rehn which means a ridge or edge of a field
mars Rheneas Unknown
mars Rhenja Unknown
mars Rhet Advice
venus Rheta pearl; speaker
mars Rhett Counsel, Advice
venus Rhetta speaker
mars Rhette Advice
venus Rheyna A regal woman
venus Rhia A variant spelling of the name Rea or Reah, meaning 'to flow' or 'stream' or from the Latin for 'poppy flower'.
mars Rhiagad A great, respected King
venus Rhiain A young girl, a maiden
venus Rhian Great Queen
venus Rhiana Great queen, goddess
venus Rhianaye reborn
venus Rhiane One who is an outstanding Queen
venus Rhiann Great queen, goddess
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