Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Ricarda powerful leader
mars Ricardas Lithuanian form of Richard.
mars Ricardo Brave Ruler
mars Ricards Latvian form of Richard.
mars Ricardus One who is a powerful ruler of men
mars Ricarlo Man, Brave Ruler
mars Ricary An English Surname; A variant spelling is Recarey
mars Ricati To be powerful as a ruler
mars Ricbert A bright, strong, powerful and mighty ruler
venus Ricca complete ruler; peaceful ruler
venus Riccarda A woman who rules stronglz and powerfuly
mars Riccardo Strong power
venus-mars Ricci Curly Haired
venus Ricel A counselor and advisor who is stronger than the ruler
venus Ricela A female counselor, adviser, who is very strong
mars Rich Brave Ruler
mars Richa Peaceful Ruler; Ruler Forever; Rich; A variant of Rica
venus Richael A saint's name
mars Richan A surname from German Origin; Possible derivative from Rich
venus Richanda powerful leader
mars Richard Brave Ruler
venus Richarda powerful leader
venus Richarde One who rules with domination
venus Richardella powerful leader
venus Richardene powerful leader
venus Richardette powerful leader
venus Richardina powerful leader
venus Richardine Daring power
venus Richardis Germanic name, possibly a feminine form of Ricohard, though it is likely the second element is gart "enclosure" (being more common as a second element in feminine names). This was the name of the 9th-century wife of the Frankish emperor Charles the Fat. She is regarded as a saint.
mars Richardson Daring power
mars Richardus One who rules with power and strenght
venus Richardyne powerful leader
mars Richarzh Bretons form of Richard, meaning brave ruler
mars Richaun One who is like a powerful ruler
mars Richeard To rule men with power and dignity
venus Richel powerful leader
venus Richela powerful leader
venus Richele powerful leader
venus Richella powerful leader
venus Richelle Combination Of Richard And Rachelle
mars Richeman A powerful and dignified man
venus Richemaya Aa very old, Medieval English girl name
venus Richemeya A medieval English name given to girls
venus Richenda powerful leader
venus Richenza powerful leader
mars Richer A man of great power and wealth
mars Richerd Strong power
venus Richette powerful leader
mars Richey Strong power
mars Richi Strong power
venus Richia powerful leader
mars Richie Brave Ruler
venus Richil A girl who is a very powerful ruler
venus Richild A woman who rules with great power
venus Richilene powerful leader
venus Richina powerful leader
venus Richitha An alternative spelling of name Rishitha, meaning the Best
venus Richmal Strong power, Who is like God?
venus Richmalle powerful leader
mars Richman A powerful, strong, mighty man
mars Richmond The Protector King
venus Richolda A woman who is mighty and powerful in a battle
mars Richrit A powerful one who will lead others
mars Richter Judge
mars Richy An elderly but very powerful and wise ruler
mars Rick Brave Ruler
venus Ricka power of the wolf; power of the home
mars Rickard A powerful and strict ruler of men
venus Rickee complete ruler
venus Rickelle From hebrew, meanin a female cheep, an ewe
mars Ricker One who has a very strong army at his side
mars Rickert A powerful, hard rule. Mainly used as a surname
mars Rickey Strong power
venus-mars Ricki complete ruler; peaceful ruler
venus-mars Rickie peaceful ruler
mars Rickman Mainly used as an English surname, means a powerful ruler
mars Ricko A mighty and distinguished man
mars Rickon A made up name from the popular books,tv show Game of Thrones. Could mean little king, or impulsive
mars Rickward A firm, strong, determined guardian
mars Rickwerd A mighty, determined one who guards
mars Rickwood A powerful and mighty guardian
mars Ricky Brave Ruler
mars Ricmaer A powerful ruler who reached fame
mars Ricman A man with great power and rule
mars Ricmann A person who has a power to rule
mars Ricmod Derived from the Old German element rih "ruler, king" combined with muot "mind, spirit".
mars Rico Brave Ruler
mars Ricohard Old German form of Richard.
venus Ricola A female name associated with being powerful
venus Ricolda A girl who is in some way linked with with power and the kings
mars Ricole A woman who brought victory to people
venus Ricquie peaceful ruler
mars Ricsig A name of the Northumbrian king
mars Ricsige King of the Northumbria, an old Northern English Kingdom
venus Ricula One who rules with a wise counsel
mars Ricweard A firm and strong man who protects and guards
venus Rida Consent, Agreement
mars Ridah One selcted and preferred by the God
mars Ridan Searcher; One who is very keen; Clever; Shrewd
mars Ridasiraj An Arabic Boy name that is linked to a favor
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