Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Ridder Knight
mars Riddhesh God of Riddhi. Another name of Lord Ganesha.
venus Riddhi Fortunate
mars Riddhiman A wealthy, pich man
mars Riddick Smooth field
venus Riddle Verbal Puzzle Or Game
mars Riddley One who comes from the cleared woods
mars Rider Knight, Mounted Warrior
mars Riderch A name of Scottish kings
mars Ridere A man who acts like a true Knight
mars Ridge Ridge
mars Ridgeiey One who lives at the meadow ridge
mars Ridgeleigh One who dwells at the meadow near a ridge
venus Ridgeley A man who is from the meadow near a ridge
mars Ridgely A person whose home is at the meadow near the ridge
mars Ridgeway To be on the ridge road
mars Ridglea To be from the ridge meadow
venus Ridglee One who lives at the meadow near the hill
mars Ridgleigh A meadow that is near the raised part of solid ground
venus Ridgley One who lives by the meadow's edge
mars Ridha Contentment, Satisfaction
mars Ridhaa A feeling of utter contentment, acceptance and satisfaction
mars Ridhan Unknown
venus Ridhi Realm; Limit
venus Ridhima Full of love
venus Ridhushni Season
mars Ridhwaan One who guards the gates of Heaven
venus Ridhwaana A woman filled with pleasure and acceptance
mars Ridhwan A good willed keeper of the Heaven's gates
venus Ridhwana A woman of great pleasures and acceptance
mars Ridit World; World Known; One of the Vedas
mars Ridlea One who lives in the cleared part of the woods
venus Ridleigh One who comes from the clearing, a meadow
mars Ridley Reed Clearing
mars Ridly A person who lives in the wood, clearing or a meadow
mars Ridpath A person who lives next to the red path
mars Rıdvan Turkish form of Ridwan.
mars Ridwan Satisfaction, Contentment
venus Ridwana Satisfaction, Contentment
venus Rie Japanese - Blessing; Value; A variant form of Ria
venus Rieca complete ruler; peaceful ruler
venus Riece An ethusiastic woman
venus Riecka complete ruler; peaceful ruler
mars Ried A red haired man who lives in the cleared land
mars Rieden English Habitational Surname from the name Reed which means Wood Clearing
mars Riegan Little Ruler; Regal; Descendant of Riagan;
mars Riehard A strong, hard red-haired man
venus Rieka complete ruler; peaceful ruler; power of the wolf; power of the home
venus Rieko Japanese - Blessed Benefit Child;
mars Riel God Is My Strength
venus Rielle Old English - Rye Field; A variant of name Riley
mars Riely From Germanic origin meaning 'small stream, brook', also a variant of Reilly.
venus Rielyn A leon-like companion or friend
mars Rien Dutch cognate of Rein.
mars Rience A British baby Boy name, very rare
mars Ries Virile, manly
venus Riesa laughter
venus Riet Pearl, daisy
venus Rieta Pearl, daisy
venus Rifa A feeling of happiness and prosperity
mars Rifa'ah One with dignity
mars Rifaaqat He who is a good companionship
mars Rifaat One who has a high status, rank
venus Rifah The feeling of dignity and elevation
mars Rifaqat A feeling of friendship and companionship
mars Rifat high rank
mars Rıfat Turkish form of Rifat.
venus Rifka to bind
venus Rifkah A bounded woman
venus Rifna An angel faced princess
venus Rifq Grace
venus Rifqa A person of gentle and kind personality
venus Riga Italian - Variant of Greek Rigas
mars Rigan Old Irish form of Ríoghán.
venus Rigantona Reconstructed old Celtic form of Rhiannon.
mars Rigbarddan Means "little poet of the king", from Old Irish rí "king" (genitive ríg) combined with bard "poet" and a diminutive suffix.
mars Rigby ruler's valley
mars Rigel Arabic - Foot; Rygel is a variant of Rigel
mars Rigg Dweller By The Ridge
mars Riggin An English Surname of possible German Origin
mars Riggs Son of a man who lives near the ridge
venus Righnach Variant of Ríoghnach.
venus Rigmor Germanic - Rich; Powerful; Ruler; Spirit; Courage; Maid; A variant is Rigmora
venus-mars Rigny From Rigny, France
mars Rigo From the Ridge; A variant transcription of Ridge
mars Rigoberto Rule Bright
mars Rigocatus A mighty, powerful and strong man
mars Riguallaun The most kingly among all men
mars Rigved The name of the Veda
venus Rigveda An ancient collection of Indian Vedic Sanskrit hymns
mars Rigware An Irish baby Boy name
venus Riha A free woman
venus Rihab A wide, spaceous places
venus Riham She who is like the light rain
mars Rihan A nice smell, fragnance, parfume
venus Rihana Handful Of Sweet Basil
venus Rihanna Great Queen
mars Rihard Slovene form of Richard, meaning 'powerful or hardy ruler'.
mars Rihards Latvian form of Richard, meaning ruler.
mars Rihaz An Arabic name for baby Boy
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