Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Rihedl The one who shows the way to others
mars Rihit Sound of Leaves
mars Rihoithil A man's name
mars Rihon A creative and restless person
mars Riichi First advantage
venus Riika Variant of Riikka.
venus Riikka Finnish short form of Fredrika, Henriikka and other names ending in rika.
venus Riin Short form of Katariina.
venus Riina Riina is the short form of Katariina. It means pure.
mars Riitho Kenyan term meaning an eye to see with.
venus Riitta Finnish short form of Piritta.
venus Rija A woman of great desire and hope
mars Rijad Desert gardens
venus Rijak Tradition; Way; Sustenance; Custom; Ritual; Habit
venus Rijeka River
venus Rijja A woman of heaven's beauty
mars Riju Innocent
mars Rijul Innocence
venus Rijuta Innocence
mars Rik One who has hardy power
venus Rika Village, Countryside
mars Rikaharduz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Richard.
mars Rikard Daring power
mars Rikardo Hungarian form of Ricardo.
mars Rike One who is a ruler by heritage and power
mars Rikeeth Unknown
mars Riker Daring power
mars Rikhard Finnish form of Richard.
venus Riki Power, Strength
mars Rikild One who is powerful in battle
venus Rikilda A woman who is powerful in battle
venus Rikilde She who is strong and powerful in battle
mars Rikin A hindi Boy name of unknown name
venus Rikina Queen
venus Rikisha Rose
venus Rikita A very clever and wise young woman
venus Rikka Japanese - Dominant Ruler; Rich Powerful Ruler
mars Rikkard A very strong one who rules men
mars Rikkart Brave ruler
venus Rikke complete ruler
mars Rikkert Variation of Richard, meaning a powerful ruler.
mars Rikkey Riky is Estonian form of Rick and means powerful, strong ruler.
venus Rikki complete ruler; peaceful ruler
venus Rikku Japanese - Dominant Ruler; Rich Powerful Ruler
venus Rikky complete ruler; peaceful ruler
mars Rikmai A servant of power
venus Riko Jasmine, Truth
mars Riks Riks is a short form of Riky and means powerful and strong ruler.
mars Riku Land, Continent
mars Rikuto Land
mars Rikward One who guards the ruler and his power
mars Riky Riky is Estonian form of Rick. It means powerful, strong ruler.
venus Rilea A brave and valiant woman
venus Rilee Rye meadow
venus Rilei A gallant and brave woman
venus Rileigh Rye meadow
venus-mars Riley Descendant Of Roghallach
venus Rili She is from the rye field
venus Rilie A courageous and brave individual
venus Riliegh A valiant and courageous noble girl
venus Rilla small brook
mars Rille Rye meadow
venus Rilletta small brook
venus Rillette small brook
venus Rilley Originally an Old English surname based on a place name, meaning 'rye field' .
venus Rillia She who comes from the smal brook
venus Rillie A girl from the brook
mars Rilo Nickname for Riley
mars Rily A person who dwells in the rye fields
venus Rilye A man whose heart was filled with bravery
venus Rilynn A brave heart of a woman
venus Rim A woman graceful as a white antelope
venus Rima Goddess Durga
mars Rimantas From Lithuanian rimti "to calm down" combined with mantus "intelligent" or manta "property, wealth".
venus Rimas Short form of Rimantas.
mars Rimaz Unknown
venus-mars Rimba Jungle
mars Rimbo Jungle
venus Rimca Form of REBECCA
venus Rimel A composed woman
venus Rimi The woman who is beautiful
mars Rimiggiu Sicilian form of Remy, meaning oarsman.
venus Rimilda A glorified maiden of the battle
venus Rimilde A dame who found glory in the battle
venus Rimjhim A woman who is like a rain
venus Rimjim She is like a rain
venus Rimma From Rome
mars Rimmon A praised, exalted, elevated man
venus Rimna A tender and composed woman
mars Rimon Pomegranate
venus Rimona Pomegranate
venus Rimsha A beautiful bouqet of flowers
venus Rin Companion
venus Rina Jasmine, Village, Vegetables, Greens
mars Rinaci A male british name that is very rare
mars Rinacus A very rare Boy name
mars Rinaf A person with a clam personality
venus Rinah joyful
mars Rinaldo One whose power is in his wisdom
mars Rinat Tatar, Bashkir and Kazakh form of Renat.
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