Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Rinchen Treasure, jewel, gem
venus Ring A maker of the rings
mars Ringer One who gives counsel with his spear
mars Ringerus A person who makes rings
mars Ringo Apple
mars Ringwar A war of those who wear rings
venus Rini Diminutive Form Of Names Ending In -rina
venus Rinku A sweet natured person
venus Rinnah A joyful, happy song
mars Rino A short of all the names that end with Rino
venus Rinoa One who is a tourch of light in the darkness
mars Rinsheena A male muslim name
venus Rinslet An individual who is clever and stable minded
mars Rinus Short form of Marinus.
mars Riny Diminutive of Marinus, Marina or Catharina.
mars Rio River
mars Riobard Germanic - Bright famous one; Famously Famous; A variant of Robert
mars Riocard German - Powerful Ruler; A variant of Richard
mars Rioghan From Old Irish Rígán, itself from rí "king" (or the derivative ríg "royal") combined with a diminutive suffix.
venus Rioghnach A woman who is a ruler, a royal, a Queen
mars Rioidyl A very old and rare English name
mars Rion A name of the pagan giant
venus Riona Queen
venus Rionach queenly
venus Rionagh queenly
venus Rionna queenly
venus Rionnagh queenly
venus Rionnah queenly
venus Rionne One who brings victory with their strong counsel
mars Riordan Royal Poet
mars Rios Lives Near The River
mars Riot A word name, meaning a riot, a turmoil, an uprising
mars Rip Tear
mars Ripal A compassionate and merciful love
mars Ripam Unknown
mars Ripan The first light of Sun that rises on the horizon
mars Ripkin An Surname of German Origin
venus Ripleigh To shout the man's meadow
mars Ripley From The Strip Field
venus Riply One who lives on the cleared strip of the land
mars Ripu One who is considered as an enemy
mars Ripudaman One who defeats his enemies
mars Ripun One who is skillful in everything
venus Riqbah A name of the prophet's wife
venus Riqua complete ruler; peaceful ruler
venus Ririka Bronze
venus Ris A person who loves to spend time outdoors
venus Risa laughter
mars Risay One who is like a black rose
mars Rise laughter
mars Rish Sage; Saint; One who meditates on Lord's Name; Seeker of enlightment
venus Risha Noble
mars Rishaad One who is on a right path in life, with a good judgment
mars Rishaan Sage; Saint; One who meditates on Lord's Name; Seeker of enlightment
mars Rishab A person of superior morality
mars Rishabh Morality
mars Rishabha A highly moral man
mars Rishabhdev Rishabhdev is the variation of Rishabhnath and means morality.
mars Rishabhkumar Rishabhkumar is the alternative to Rishabhnath and means morality.
mars Rishabhnath Rishabhnath is the name of the 1st Jain Tirthankara. It means morality, superior.
mars Rishabhraj Rishabhraj is derived from the name Rishabhnath and means morality.
mars Rishad A person whose good judgment leads him on a right path
mars Rishan One who is a very good being
mars Rishav The sweetness of caring for someone
venus Rishelle Rest
mars Rishi Sage
mars Rishik One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Rishika Saintly; Knowledgable
mars Rishikesh Hair of a saint
venus Rishima Moonbeam
mars Rishit The best
venus Rishita The best
mars Rishley One who came from the very wild meadow
venus Rishma Saintly; Divine Worshippers; A variant form of name Rishi
venus Rishmitha Saintly; Divine Worshippers; A variant form of name Rishi
mars Rishon First
venus Rishona One who is the first in line
mars Rishu One who rises above others with her honesty
mars Rishvanjas Lord Indra
venus Rishyamuk Mountain on which Sugriva lived; Mountains mentioned in Hindu Puranas where apes lived
mars Rishyasringa Son of sage Vibhandaka, One born with the horns of a deer in Hindu-Buddhist mythology
venus Risica One who is like a gift
venus Risika A gifted person
mars Risko Diminutive of Richard.
mars Rislea One who comes from the shruby meadow
mars Rislee One who lives in the brushwood's meadow
mars Risleigh He who comes from the brushwood clearing
venus Risley One who lives near the brushwood field
mars Risly One who comes from the field with shrubs
venus Risna A wise and blackhaired, dark woman
mars Riso Diminutive of Richard.
venus Rissa Illustrious
mars Risteard A ruler with imense power
mars Risto Variation of Christopher
mars Riston He came from the brusshwood farm
venus Rita Pearl
mars Ritam Beautiful; Divine Truth; Sacred Action; Honest; Right; Duty
mars Ritap Guarding Divine Truth; Sacred Action;
mars Ritch A ruler with great and mighty power
mars Ritcherd A dominant King
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