Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Ritchey A variation of Aldrich meaning old, elderly
mars Ritchie Strong power
mars Ritchy A ruler who holds big power
mars Ritesh Lord of truth
mars Rith Strength and courage.
venus Ritha Old Greek - Excellence; Virtue; Pearl; A derivative of the name Aretha
mars Rithik Stream
venus Rithika A brass or one who comes of a stream
mars Rithipol Mystical powers
mars Rithisak Powerful
mars Rithish One who is the strongest of all men
mars Rithvik One who is to become a priest
mars Rithwik Sage; Saint; One who meditates on Lord's Name; Seeker of enlightment; Scholar; Head of the Vedas
mars Rithy Powerful strength
venus Riti Memory
mars Ritik Successes in Life; Tiumphant; Victorious in Life
venus Ritika Bronze
mars Ritish He who is a Lord of the Truth
venus Ritisha Goddess of truth
venus Ritkriti A creation of the Sun God
venus Ritsa man's defender
mars Ritsherd The truthful and honest person
venus Ritsika Traditional
venus Ritsuko Pear, Child
venus Ritta Pearl, daisy
mars Ritter Knight
mars Ritthirong Good in fighting
mars Ritu One of the four seasons of the year
mars Ritujeet One who conquerers the seasons
mars Ritul Talented; Skilled; Clever; Capable; Endowed; Brilliant; Gifted
venus Ritupara The season of the leafs
venus Rituparna Leafy season
mars Rituraaj One who is the King of the seasons
mars Rituraj Spring
venus Ritva The branch of the tree
venus Ritvi Lady Indian priest, right guidance, scholar. The one who has completed Vedas.
mars Ritvik Priest
mars Ritz Brave Ruler/Luxury
venus Ritza She who gives everything to protect the people
venus Ritzpa Hebrew form of Rizpah.
mars Riuallaun An english baby Boy name, very rare
mars Riuelgur A rare name given to british Boys
mars Riuguallaun A very old and rare male name
venus Riva Maiden
venus Rivah to bind
mars Rivaille A variant of name Rivai which means contentment in Hebrew
mars Rivaldo Meaning uncertain, possibly a variant of Rinaldo, possibly influenced by Portuguese rio, Latin rivus meaning "river". A famous bearer is the Brazilian former soccer player Rivaldo Vítor Borba Ferreira (1972-), who is usually known by only his first name.
venus Rivalee to bind
mars Rivalin An old celtic Boy name with uncertain meanng
mars Rivan Interesting; Ambitious; Self Sufficient; A star brilliant like the Sun
mars Rivas From The River Bank
venus Rivekka to bind
venus Riven To tear something into pieces
venus-mars River River
venus-mars Rivera Lives Near The River
venus Riverlyn A made up name, meaning one who is like a river
mars Rivers A word name, the plural of river
venus Rivi to bind
venus Riviera River Bank, Coast
mars Rivin Flame
venus Rivka to bind
venus Rivkah to bind
venus Rivke to bind
venus Rivkie One who traps and binds
venus Rivqa Biblical Hebrew form of Rebecca.
venus Rivy to bind
mars Riwas Tradition; Culture; A variant spelling is Riwaz
mars Riwaz Tradition; Culture; A variant spelling is Riwaz
venus Rixa A germanic girl name with lost meaning
venus Rixi Variation of Ricki
mars Rixley An ancien land division in Kent, England
venus Riya Singer
mars Riyad Garden
mars Riyadh He who loves gardens
venus Riyah A powerful, ritch and brave ruler and leader
venus Riyanshi Cheerful
mars Riyas A promised Paradise, Heaven
mars Riyasat A dominion who rules
mars Riyaz Gardens
mars Riyazulislam The beautiful gardens of Islam
mars Riye Truth, Blessed, Village
mars Riyeko Truth, Blessed, Child
mars Riyon An immense beauty of Heaven
mars Riyyan A special gate of Heaven for people who fasted a lot in their lives
mars Riza He who fears God and is full of virtue
mars Rıza Turkish form of Rida.
mars Rizawan A guardian angel of the Paradise
mars Rizki Derived from Arabic رزْق (rizq) meaning "sustenance, boon, blessing".
mars Rizky Variant of Rizki.
mars Rizmi One with a big heart
venus Rizpah One who is like a coal
mars Rizq A livelihood person who is blessed of Allah
mars Rizqallah A livelihood given by the God
venus Rizqin One who has good fortune
mars Rizu Brave; Powerful; Mighty; Courageous
mars Rizvan An Angel who guards the Heaven
mars Rızvan Turkish variant form of Ridwan.
mars Rizvi An Angel who protects the Paradise
mars Rizwaan Satisfaction
mars Rizwan Satisfaction, Contentment
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