Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Rolan Russian form of Roland.
mars Roland Famous Land
venus Rolanda renowned in the land
mars Rolandas Lithuanian form of Roland.
venus Rolande renowned in the land
mars Rolando Famous Land
mars Rolant Old French form of Roland [1].
mars Roldan fame of the land
mars Roldao Famous land
mars Rolend Famous land
mars Rolendo Renowned land
venus Rolene free man
mars Roley One who comes from the legendary lands
mars Rolf Famous Wolf
mars Rolfe Renowned wolf
venus Roline free man
venus Rolla He who is an owner of the legendary lands
mars Rollan Famous land
mars Rolland Famous land
venus Rollande Germanic - From the famous land; Renowned; Famous Land; A variant form of name Rolanda
mars Rollando Renowned land
mars Rollant Old French form of Roland. This form is used in the oldest surviving text of La Chanson de Roland.
mars Rolle A man who is notable for his lands
venus Rolleen free man
venus Rollene free man
mars Rolli He who is famous throughout the land.
mars Rollie Famous land
mars Rollin Wolf Counsel
venus Rollina free man
venus Rolline free man
mars Rollins Son Of Rolf
mars Rollo Famous Wolf
mars Rolo Variant of Rollo.
mars Rolph A counsel of famous wolves
mars Rolund Famous land
mars Rolundo Renowned land
mars Roly An owner of famous landss
venus Rolyne free man
venus Roma From Rome
venus Romaana A woman who is from a Rome
mars Romaeus Latin form of Romeo.
mars Romah Pilgrim to Rome
venus Romaicia One who is like a bouqet of flowers
mars Romail A King founder of the city Rome
mars Romain A Roman man
venus Romaine From Rome
venus Romaisa She who is like a bunch of flowers
venus Romala Roman woman
mars Roman From Rome, Italy
venus Romana Roman
mars Romane citizen of Rome
venus Romanitza One from Rome.
mars Romannea Woman From Rome
mars Romano From Rome
mars Romanos A person who is Roman
mars Romans Latvian form of Romanus (see Roman).
mars Romanus He who is from Rome
mars Romany Derived from the name Romanus, meaning 'a citizen of Rome'.
mars Romao Portuguese form of Romanus (see Roman).
mars Romare From Rome
mars Romario One who is a pilgrim ro Rome
mars Romayne citizen of Rome
mars Rome From Rome, Italy
venus Romea citizen of Rome
mars Romeao One who comes from the ancient city of Rome
venus Romee From Rome
venus Romeeka A girl who is from an ancient city of Rome
venus Romeesa A woman with a heaven's beauty
mars Romein Dutch form of Romanus (see Roman).
venus Romeine citizen of Rome
mars Romejin Roman
venus Romella Roman woman
venus Romelle Roman woman
mars Romello No meaning
mars Romen Roman
venus Romena She who comes from the city of Rome
venus Romene citizen of Rome
mars Romeo From Rome, Italy
mars Romeoh Pilgrim to Rome
mars Romero Pilgrim to Rome
mars Romet Joy
mars Romeu Portuguese form of Romeo.
venus Romey Dew of the sea, bitter rose of the sea
venus Romhilda A glorious battle maid.
venus Romi dew of the sea
venus Romika A girl of the sky
mars Romil One who is renowned in the lands
venus Romila Heartfelt
venus Romilda A battle maid who found her glory
mars Romilius Roman family name derived from the mythological name Romulus.
venus Romilly From A French Place Name
venus Romily She who is from Rome
mars Romin Arrow Fish; An English Surname with Russian Origin
venus Romina Roman
venus Rominah Pomegrante colour, a shade of purple
venus Romini Pretty
mars Romir Interesting
mars Romit One who is associated with the Goddess Lakshmi; Ambitious and Brilliant
venus Rommola Roman woman
mars Romney winding river
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