Names starting with the letter R

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter R, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a R. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Romola Rome
venus Romolla Roman woman
mars Romolo From Rome
mars Romon A Boy whose home is Rome
venus Romona protecting hands
venus Romonda protecting hands
venus Romonde protecting hands
venus Romonia protecting hands
mars Romuald One who rules fith fame
venus Romualda Feminine form of Romuald.
mars Romualdas Lithuanian form of Romuald.
mars Romualdo A glorious one who is a King
mars Romualds Latvian form of Romuald.
venus Romula Roman woman
mars Romulo Spanish and European Portuguese form of Romulus.
mars Romulus Unknown
mars Romun Roman
venus Romy Rosemary Or Person From Rome
mars Ron Counsel Rule
venus Rona Song
venus Ronae strong counsel
venus Ronaele Eleanor Reversed
mars Ronak Radiance
mars Ronal Ruler's adviser
mars Ronald powerful, mighty
venus Ronalda strong counsel
mars Ronaldinho Diminutive of Ronaldo. A famous bearer is the retired Brazilian soccer player Ronaldo de Assis Moreira (1980-), who is usually called simply Ronaldinho.
mars Ronaldo Advice Ruler
venus Ronaleah A woman who is a great counselor
venus Ronalee Combination Of Rona And Lee
mars Ronan Little Seal
mars Ronaq One who is luminous and fresh
venus Ronat Seal
mars Ronav A person who is an embodiment of charm and grace
venus Ronay strong counsel
venus Rond A tree of a sweet scent
venus Ronda Form Of Rhonda
venus Rondalyn A made up modern name
mars Ronde Round
mars Rondel good lance
venus-mars Rondell Combination Of Ron And Dell
mars Rondelle good lance
venus Rondi good lance
mars Ronec He who is from royal and noble lineage
venus Ronee strong counsel
mars Ronel Ruler's adviser
mars Roneldo Ruler's adviser
mars Ronell To rule people by advise
venus Ronella rough island
venus Ronelle A woman whose advices give power
venus Ronelyn Created Name
mars Ronen Song
venus Ronette strong counsel
mars Roney Hebrew - My joy; Song of Joy; Germanic - Well advised Ruler; A variant of Ron
venus-mars Rong Martial
venus Roni Joyful, Singing
venus Ronia Invented By Astrid Lindgren
venus Ronica strong counsel; victory bringer
venus Ronika strong counsel; victory bringer
mars Ronil The Joy of the God
venus Ronilda An english name for the baby girl
mars Ronin Joyful song
venus Ronisha strong counsel
mars Ronit Song, Chant
mars Ronith A very charming young man
venus Ronja Lake
venus Ronke A person who has someone to pamper
venus Ronli Joy Is Mine
mars Ronn He who will rule with his counsel
venus Ronna Bringing Victory
venus Ronnda good lance
mars Ronne Variant of Roan.
venus Ronnee strong counsel; victory bringer
venus Ronnella strong counsel
mars Ronnelle strong counsel
venus Ronnette strong counsel
mars Ronney Ruler's adviser
venus Ronni Bringing Victory
venus Ronnica victory bringer
venus-mars Ronnie Diminutive Form Of Ronald Or Veronica
venus-mars Ronny Diminutive Form Of Ronald Or Veronica
mars Ronsher Lion of the battlefield
mars Ronson Son of Ronald
mars Ronuld Ruler's adviser
mars Ronuldo Ruler's adviser
venus Rony Hebrew name meaning "My song is my joy
venus Ronya She who is a daughter of a robber
venus Ronza An Arabic female name
venus Roobee A ruby-like woman
venus Roobi A woman who is like a ruby and a pearl
venus Rooh He who is full of spirit and soul
venus Roohee A very spiritual woman
venus Roohi A music tune that touches the heart
mars Roohulamin A spirit of a reliable man
mars Roohullah One who is full of Allah's spirit
mars Rook Crow, To Cheat, Chess Piece
venus Rooney Redhead
venus Roønnaug House or woman
mars Roop Look, Appeal and Form; Good Looking; Blessed with Beauty
venus Roopa Blessed with beauty
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