Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus-mars Schyler fugitive
venus Scianna Unknown
venus Sciencia A sacred woman
venus Scilla Old-time, ancient
mars Scipio Walking Stick
mars Scipione Italian form of Scipio.
mars Scirheah A helpful, honest, rebellious and satisfied individual
mars Scirheard The bright or hard person
mars Scirloc A man with blonde hair
venus-mars Scirocco warm wind
mars Scirwode He who is from the bright forest
mars Scituc A composed, courageous and strong minded individual
mars Scobba One who has high morals and a charming personality
mars Scolace One who gives comfort to others
venus Scolacia She who brings solase
venus-mars Scoop Stands And Looks Back
mars Scooter Person From Scotland
venus-mars Scorpio The Scorpion
mars Scorpius A scorpion
mars Scot Of Scottish Origin
venus Scotia From Scotland
venus Scotlyn Combination Of Scott And Lyn
mars Scott Person From Scotland
mars Scottas He who wanders
venus Scottie Familiar form of scott
mars Scotto Scottish
mars Scotty Of Scottish Origin
venus-mars Scout First Explorer
venus Scoutt to listen
venus Scovia Short form of Proscovia, mainly used in Uganda.
mars Scriabin Scribe, Writer
mars Scrobb English name for Boys
mars Sctore Hold, check
mars Scully Scholar
mars Scytta The duminitive name means to shoot
mars Se Irish name for Boys
venus Sea Ocean
mars Seabern Born of the sea
mars Seabert A shining sea
mars Seaborn Sea warrior
mars Seabright Glory at sea
mars Seabroc One who is born near the sea
mars Seabrook One who is from the brook of the sea
mars Seabrooke A stream near the sea
mars Seaburt One who is glorious at sea
mars Seachlann Metathesized variant of Seachnall.
mars Seachnall Possibly an Irish form of Secundinus. This was the name of a 5th-century Irish saint, also known as Secundinus.
mars Sead Fortunate, happy
venus Seada One who is happy and cheerful.
venus Seadhna wayfarer, traveler
mars Seadon One who comes from the hill by the sea
mars Seafra Irish form of Geoffrey.
mars Seager Sea spear
mars Seaghan God is gracious
mars Seaghdh Scottish Gaelic form of Séaghdha.
mars Seaghdha From Old Irish Ségdae, probably derived from ségda meaning "fine, good, favourable, learned". According to an Irish legend this was the name of a boy who was set to be sacrificed but was saved by his mother [1].
mars Seain God is gracious
mars Seaine God is gracious
venus Seaiqa A thunderbolt
mars Seal Dweller By The Small Wood
mars Sealey He who is blessed
venus Seallie A princess
mars Seamas Heel, supplanter
mars Seamus Supplanter
venus-mars Sean God Is Gracious
venus Seana God Is Gracious
mars Seanan One who is old and wise
mars Seane God is gracious
mars Seanix American modern invented name
mars Seann God is gracious
venus Seanna God Is Gracious
venus Seara bright, famous
venus Searlait petite
mars Searlas Irish form of Charles.
mars Searle Armor
mars Searlus Manly
venus Searra black; bright, famous
mars Searu A quick learner who is blessed with an active mind
venus Season Sowing, Planting
venus Seassa The sharp knife
venus-mars Seath Wolfish
mars Seaton One who is from the farm by the sea
mars Seattle A place name
mars Seaver A fierce stronghold
mars Seaward A sea guardian
venus Seawillow A willow growing by the sea
venus Seaxa a knife of a cutter
venus Seaxburh The bright or shining knife
venus Seaxel The mighty or the powerful knife
mars Seaxwulf Wolf of the sea
mars Seayn God is gracious
mars Seayne God is gracious
mars Seb A pet name of the Spanish Sebastian, meaning 'man from Sebaste', the Roman name for a town in Asia Minor. Derived from sebastos meaning 'venerable'.
mars Sebald A brave victory
mars Sebasten venerable, revered
mars Sebastiaan Dutch form of Sebastianus (see Sebastian).
mars Sebastian Venerable
venus Sebastiana revered
mars Sebastiane revered
mars Sebastianne Italian name meaning revered
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