Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Sebastiano From Sebastos
mars Sebastianus Latin form of Sebastian.
mars Sebastiao From Sebastos
mars Sebastien Venerable
mars Sebastienne revered
mars Sebastijan Slovene form of Sebastianus, meaning 'from Sebaste'.
mars Sebastion Sebastion is a variation of the name 'Sebatian'. It is of Greek origin, meaning 'man from Sebasta'. It is mainly used in the French language.
mars Sebastjan Man from Sebaste
mars Sebbe A victorious one
mars Sebbi A sea bear
venus Sebbie Unknown
mars Sebe Victory
venus Sebeeya A young girl
venus Sebella Beauti of the sea
mars Sebert Glory at sea
mars Sebestian The revered one
mars Sebestyen From Sebastos
venus Sebile A name of a fairy
venus Sebille Prophets
venus Sebina Sabine
venus Sebinah Sabine
venus Sebire Norman form of Sibyl.
venus Sebiya A young woman
venus Seble Means "harvest" in Amharic.
venus Sebnem Turkish form of Shabnam.
venus Səbnəm Means "dew" in Azerbaijani, of Persian origin.
mars Sebo Hungarian short version of Sebastian, means revered
venus Sebra cactus
venus Sebrina Form of Sabrina
venus Seburuh An understanding, poised and graceful person
venus Secca One who is shallow
mars Səccad Azerbaijani form of Sajjad.
venus Secelia blind; sixth
mars Secg A swordsman
venus Secga She who is good with swords
mars Secgwic One from the sword grass place
mars Sechnall Old Irish form of Seachnall.
venus Secia Diminutive Form Of Cecilia
venus Secorra aid, help
venus Secoya sparrow
venus Secunda second
mars Secundino Spanish form of Secundinus.
mars Secundinus Roman family name derived from the praenomen Secundus. Saint Secundinus, also known as Seachnall, was a 5th-century assistant to Saint Patrick who became the first bishop of Dunshaughlin.
mars Secundus Roman praenomen, or given name, which meant "second" in Latin. This name was borne by a few early saints, including a 2nd-century martyr from Asti, Italy.
mars Sed Latin name meaning tree
venus Seda Forest Voices
venus Sedaina A self assured, naive and intellectual being; graceful
venus Sedef A pearl in the shell
venus Sedehanna God has favoured with a victory day
venus Sedemai The slave of the victory day
venus Sedemaiden An unmarried young woman from the day of victory
mars Sedemay The servant of the victory day
venus Sedemode One who leads a refined life and is self satisfied
mars Sedge A swordsman
mars Sedgeley One from the swordsman meadow
mars Sedgely Sword meadow
mars Sedgewic Sword grass
mars Sedgewick From the sword grass place
mars Sedgewik Surname, means sword grass
mars Sedgewyck One from the place where the sword grass grows
mars Sedgley A sword meadow
mars Sedgwick A sword place
mars Sedgwyck A place of swords
mars Sedki Quicksilver
venus Sedna Goddess Of The Sea
venus Sedona Created Name
venus Sedora A positive, expressive and a master of charm
mars Sedric Friendly
mars Sedrick He who is kind and loved by many
mars Seduka The existent
mars Seeger Fighter of the sea
venus Seela Possibly a Finnish form of Sela.
mars Seeley Very Happy
venus Seelia blind; sixth
venus Seelie blind; sixth
venus-mars Seely blind; sixth
venus Seema Forehead, Face
mars Seemaab Muslim name meaning silver
venus Seemah treasure
venus Seemal A sympathizer and generous person
mars Seeman Man of the sea
mars Seemannus The God has heard
mars Seemanta Parting of the hair
mars Seemeen White silver
venus Seena Moon
venus Seenu He who has been heard by God
venus Seera Biblical Greek form of Sheerah.
venus Seerat One with inner beauty
venus Seeria sun-bright, glowing
venus Seersha One who is free
venus Seeta Alternate transcription of Hindi सीता (see Sita).
mars Seetal One who loves peace
venus Seetha Furrow
mars Seeton From the town by the sea
mars Sef Short Form Of Joseph
mars Sefa Pleasure
mars Sefare Lord is gracious
venus Sefarina gentle wind
venus Seffora Latin form of Zipporah.
venus Sefira west wind
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