Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Sefirina gentle wind
venus Sefora Life
venus-mars Sefton Town With The Rushes
mars Sefu Sword
mars Segar A sailor
mars Segdae Old Irish form of Séaghdha.
mars Seger Sea spear, sea warrior
mars Seghada A strong, brave and clever minded individual; independent
venus-mars Seghen Ostrich
venus Seghiue A humble, easy going and pleasant individual
venus Seghuie A smart, honest, eccentric and humble natured person
mars Segismundo Spanish form of Sigismund.
mars Segod God of the sea
venus Segolene From the Germanic name Sigilina, itself a diminutive derivative of the element sigu meaning "victory" (Proto-Germanic *segiz). This was the name of a 7th-century saint from Albi, France.
mars Segovax A good sea or sea for good
mars Segramour An ordinary, modern and nonchalant individual
venus Segrid A beautiful victory
venus Segulah Treasure
mars Segun Means "conquer" in Yoruba, also a short form of Olusegun or Oluwasegun.
venus Segunda Spanish feminine form of Secundus.
mars Segundo One who is born second
mars Segwrides One who likes individuality and independence
mars Sehaam One who is good with arrows
venus Seham One who shares with others
venus Sehar The meaning and origin of the girl's name, Sehar are very uncertain. It may mean 'early morning' but there is evidence to back this up.
venus Sehba Name of white grape wine
mars Sehen Patience
venus Seher An early morning
venus Seherunnisa The woman of dawn.
venus Seheve A stable natured, responsible and calm being
mars Sehild Sea/Lake, Battle
venus Sehrazad Turkish form of Shahrazad.
venus Sehrazat Turkish form of Shahrazad.
venus Sehrish A woman with a fascinating and enchanting personality.
mars Sehzade Turkish form of Shahzad.
mars Seibert Bright sea
mars Səid Azerbaijani form of Said.
venus Səidə Azerbaijani form of Saida.
mars Seif Sword (religion)
mars Seifaldin Sword of the faith
mars Seif al din Sword of the faith
mars Seifer Victory Peace
mars Seifred Peace after victory
mars Seigmund Protector of triumph
mars Seignour Lord of the manor
mars Seiichi One who is sincere
venus Seija A cloudless sky
venus Seiji Correct, Heal, Peace
venus Seika Pure summer
venus-mars Seiko Force, Truth
venus Seila blind
mars Seild A shallow place, one who lives near the shallow land
mars Seilenos Greek form of Silenus.
mars Seim Spirit Entering Into Manifestation
venus Seimone She who is heard by God
mars Sein He who is innocent
venus Seina The innocente one
venus Seini Yahweh is gracious, Yahweh is merciful
mars Seir Boy with rough hair
venus Seiran Sparkling
venus Seiras A person who is honest, charming and reasonable
mars Seireadan He who is untamed
venus Seiren A refined star, a smelt star
mars Seisill He who is born sixth
mars Seisyll A blind person, one who cannot see
mars Seith Welsh name meaning seven
mars Seiua Name for an arrow star or the almighty pure father figure
mars Sejad Fortunate, happy
venus Sejal Pure
venus Sejma Bosnian form of Shaima.
mars Sejun A charming man.
venus Seka Sister
mars Sekai Funny
mars Sekani Laugh
venus Sekar One who has talent
mars Sekhar Ultimate
venus Sekhmet From Egyptian sḫmt, derived from sḫm meaning "powerful" and a feminine t suffix. Sekhmet was an Egyptian warrior goddess, also associated with healing, violence and plague. She was commonly depicted with the head of a lioness, and was sometimes conflated with the cat-headed goddess Bastet.
venus Səkinə Azerbaijani form of Sakina.
mars Sekla Occupational name for a mender of saddles; saddler
mars Sekou Wise, Educated
venus Sela Rock
venus Selah Rock
mars Selahattin Turkish variant of Selahattin, using an optional circumflex accent.
venus Selam Peace
venus-mars Selas Trinity
mars Selasa Malay word for Tuesday.
mars Selassie One that refers to a trinity
mars Selatan The South
venus-mars Selbea manor village
venus Selbee manor village
venus-mars Selbeigh manor village
venus-mars Selbey manor village
mars Selbi Means "cypress" in Turkmen (derived from Persian, ultimately from Sumerian).
venus Selbie manor village
mars Selby From The Willow Farm
mars Selcuk Possibly derived from a diminutive form of the Turkic root sil meaning "clean, pure". Selçuk was the eponymous leader of the Seljuk Turks, who established the Seljuk Empire in the Middle East in the 11th century.
venus Selda grey battle; dark battle
mars Selden He who is from a small valley
mars Seldon Willow tree town
venus Sele A rock
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