Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Seleby One from the manor farm
venus Seleena of the moon
venus Selema Goddes of the Moon
venus Selemah A safe place
venus Selena Moon
venus Selene Moon
venus Selenia the moon
venus Selenna the moon
venus Selephia The moon or the moonlight
venus Seleste heavenly
venus Selestia heavenly
venus Selestina heavenly
venus Selestine heavenly
venus Selestyna heavenly
venus Selestyne heavenly
venus Seleta Rock
mars Seletute Seletute is a form of Gertrude. It means strong spear.
mars Seleucus Latinized form of the Greek name Σέλευκος (Seleukos), of unknown meaning. It is possibly related to λευκός (leukos) meaning "bright, white". This was the name of one of Alexander the Great's generals, who established the Seleucid Empire in western Asia after Alexander's death.
mars Seleukos To be light or to be white.
venus Selewine A friend of rock, who befriended a rock
venus Selia Heaven
venus Selie the moon
mars Selif A happy man
mars Selig Blessed
mars Seligman One who is blessed
mars Seligmann Man blessed with happiness
mars Selik The blessed one
mars Selim Peaceful
venus Selima Brings Comfort, Peace
venus Selimah peace
venus Selime Turkish form of Salima.
venus Selin The origins of the name are uncertain but it is mostly likely a variation of the name 'Selina' meaning 'moon'.
venus Selina Moon
venus Selinda heaven; the moon
venus Selinde heaven; the moon
venus Seline heaven; the moon
venus Selini The Moon
mars Selises One who is in touch with his individuality and confidence
mars Seljuk Anglicized form of Selçuk.
mars Sellden Valley of the willow trees
mars Sellen One who lives by the stretch of smooth water
venus Sellene Goddess of the Moon
venus Sellma helmet of God; safe
venus Sellmah A pacifist
venus Selma God's Helmet
venus Selmah peace; helmet of God; safe
mars Selman Turkish and Albanian form of Salman.
mars Selmer One who finds happiness in fame
venus Selodonia swallow
venus Seloua A consolation
venus Seloue Lord is gracious
mars Selred A stretch of wisdom
venus Seluue A social person who has an eye for beauty
mars Selva Woman who lives in the woods
venus Selvaggia Means "wild" in Italian.
mars Selvakumaran One who is prosperous
mars Selvam One who is joy to be around
mars Selvan One who is thriving
mars Selvaraju King of money
mars Selven A suitable one
mars Selver Lord, chief
venus Selveta Comfort, consolation
venus Selvi Happy prosperous daughter
venus Selvie A happy home
mars Selvyn Greek God of trees
mars Selwin One who is a good friend
mars Selwine Friend at court
mars Selwinn One who is a great companion
mars Selwyn Prosperous friend, friend of the manor
mars Selwynn A friend of the house
mars Selwynne One who is fair
venus Sely Strong like a rock
venus Selyna the moon
venus Selyne the moon
mars Sem Renown
venus Sema Sky
venus Səma Means "sky" in Azerbaijani, from Arabic سماء (samāʾ).
venus Semah Forehead, Face
mars Semaj James Backwards
mars Semal A charismatic, unique being
mars Seman One who is God listening
venus Semanntha God heard
venus Semantha God heard
venus Semanti White rose
venus Semara guardian or protected by God; night talk
venus Semeeah A refined, humble, lonely and charismatic individual
venus Semele once
mars Semen Ukrainian form of Simon 1, as well as an alternate transcription of Russian Семён (see Semyon).
mars Semih Man of generosity
venus Semiha She who loves to give
mars Semion Alternate transcription of Russian Семён (see Semyon).
mars Semir Turkish form of Samir 1.
venus Semira Nighttime Companion
venus Semiramis highest heaven
mars Semisi Semisi is a form of James. It means supplanter.
mars Semjon He who hears God
mars Sem'on Form of SIMON
venus Semona Listening
venus Sempronia Eternal and everlasting.
venus Semra Turkish form of Samra.
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