Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Sephira west wind
venus Sephora Bird
mars Sepi Occupational name, smith
mars Sepp He will increase
mars Seppe Victory
mars Seppel He will increase
venus Sepphora Greek form of Zipporah.
mars Seppo From Sebastos
venus September Born In September
venus Septima Seventh
mars Septimius Roman family name that was derived from Septimus. Septimius Severus was an early 3rd-century Roman emperor. This was also the name of a 4th-century saint and martyr.
mars Septimus Seventh
venus-mars Sequence Succession
venus-mars Sequester Withdraw Into Solitude, Seclusion
venus-mars Sequin Shiny Disc Or Coin
venus-mars Sequoia Giant Redwood Tree
venus-mars Sequoya sparrow
mars Sequoyah Probably derived from Cherokee ᏏᏆ (siqua) meaning "hog". This was the name of the Cherokee man (also known as George Guess) who devised the Cherokee writing system in the 19th century.
venus Sequoyia sparrow
venus Sera Seraphim
venus Serach princess
mars Serafeim Alternate transcription of Greek Σεραφείμ (see Serafim).
mars Serafim Angel of the lower order
venus Serafima Fiery one
mars Serafin Spanish form of Seraphinus (see Seraphina).
venus Serafina Seraphim, Angel
venus Serafine burning ones
mars Serafino The one that burns
venus Serah Created Name
mars Seraiah Prince Of The Lord
venus Seraide A sauve, authentic and eccentric individual
venus Serap Mirage
mars Seraph Ones who burn
venus Seraphe burning ones
venus Seraphia A fiery angel
venus-mars Seraphim Angel
venus Seraphin Order of fiery angels
venus Seraphina Fiery
venus Seraphine burning ones
mars Seraphinus Masculine form of Seraphina.
mars Serapion From the name of the Greco-Egyptian god Serapis. Saint Serapion was a 3rd-century patriarch of Antioch. This was also the name of a 13th-century saint, a Mercedarian friar who was martyred by pirates.
mars Serapis From a compound of Asar, the Egyptian form of Osiris, and Apis, the sacred bull of the Egyptians. This was the name of a syncretic Greco-Egyptian god, apparently promoted by Ptolemy I Soter in the 3rd-century BC in an attempt to unite the native Egyptians and the Greeks in the Ptolemaic Kingdom.
venus Seraya Biblical Hebrew form of Seraiah.
mars Serban Someone from Serbia.
mars Sercan Servant or slave
mars Serdar Turkish and Turkmen form of Sardar.
venus Sereana She who is calm
venus Sereen One who is serene
venus Sereena serene, calm
venus Serefina A burning fire
venus Sereia A tranquil one
venus Seren Star
venus Serena Serene, Calm
venus Serenade One who sings songs of love
venus Serenah serene, calm
venus Serenata Serenade, evening music
venus Serenay Unknown
venus Serendipity Fateful Meeting
venus Serene Serene
venus Sereniah The clear or tranquil or serene
venus Serenity Peaceful Disposition
venus Serenna serene, calm
mars Sereno Calm, Serene
venus Serenus She who is calm and composed
venus Serepta Peaceful
venus Seresa Security lover with a congenial nature personality
venus Seretha One who is calm and peaceful
mars Serge Servant
mars Sergei Servant
mars Sergej Serbian, Slovene, Czech and Slovak form of Sergey, as well as an alternate transcription of Russian/Bulgarian Сергей (see Sergey).
mars Sergejs Latvian form of Sergius.
mars Sergejus Lithuanian form of Sergius.
mars Sergey Guardian
mars Serghei Romanian version of the name Sergey, meaning protector or shepherd.
mars Serghey Guardian
mars Sergi Catalan and Georgian form of Sergius.
mars Sergie Guardian
venus Sergine French feminine form of Sergius.
mars Sergio attendant
mars Sergiu A form of Serghei, possibly sergeant.
mars Sergius Net
mars Sergiusz Polish form of Sergius.
mars Sergiy Sergiy is derived from the Roman clan name Sergius. It means protector.
mars Sergo Georgian form of Sergius.
mars Serhan The top leader
mars Serhat Border
mars Serhii Alternate transcription of Ukrainian Сергій (see Serhiy).
venus Serhild Beloved mainden in war
venus Serhilda armed warrior woman
venus Serhilde armed warrior woman
mars Serhiy Ukrainian form of Sergius.
venus Seri Slender and delicate girl
venus Serif Turkish form of Sharif.
venus Serife Turkish feminine form of Sharif.
venus Serihilda Woman who goes into battle
venus Serihilde Armored woman in battle
mars Serik Means "support" in Kazakh.
mars Serikbolat Companion of steel
mars Seriki Leader of an Islamic community.
venus Serilda armed maiden of war
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