Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Serilde Maiden in battle
venus Serina Variation of the name 'Serena', meaning 'traquil and calm'.
venus Serinah serene, calm
venus Serinda A beautiful clear or tranquil girl
venus Serinna serene, calm
venus Serissa Seraphim, Angel
venus Serita princess
venus Seriyah A princess or a daughter of a king
mars Serjio Attendant
mars Serkan Chief
venus Serket From Egyptian srqt, possibly meaning "she who lets throats breathe", from srq meaning "to open the windpipe, to breathe" [1] and a feminine t suffix. In Egyptian mythology she was the goddess of scorpions as well as the healing of poisonous stings and bites. Eventually she came to be identified with Isis, becoming an aspect of her over time.
mars Serle A man who is armed
mars Serlo Man carrying armor
venus Sermin Means "shy" in Turkish.
venus Serofina burning ones
venus Serophine burning ones
venus Serpil Means "grow" in Turkish.
venus Serra Italian name meaning ridge
mars Serrano Lives Near A Mountain Ridge
venus Serrena Variant of Serena.
venus Serrilda armed warrior woman
mars Servaas Dutch form of the Late Latin name Servatius, derived from servatus "saved, redeemed". This was the name of a 4th-century saint who helped spread Christianity to the Low Countries.
mars Servando One who is in service of others
mars Servanus The one who serves others
mars Servaos Limburgish form of Servaas.
mars Servatius Latin form of Servaas.
venus Servause A servant girl
mars Servio Attendant
mars Servius Roman praenomen, or given name, meaning "to preserve" from Latin servo.
venus Serwa Rich, Wealthy
venus Seryna serene, calm
mars Seryozha Diminutive of the name Sergei
venus Sesen To Wish For More
venus Sesha serpent who symbolizes time
mars Seshadri King of snakes
mars Seshvar One who believes in God
venus Sesila Croatian form of Cecilia, meaning blind.
venus Sesili Sesili is a Georgian form of Cecily and means blind
venus Sesilia blind; sixth
venus Sessa Blinded by the light
venus Sessaley blind; sixth
venus Sesseelya blind; sixth
venus Sessile blind; sixth
venus Sessilee Blind Of Self Beauty
venus Sessilly blind; sixth
venus Sessily blind; sixth
venus Sessy blind; sixth
mars Sesto Italian form of Sextus.
mars Set Placed, appointed
mars Setanta Mythical son of Sualtam
venus Setare Alternate transcription of Persian ستاره (see Setareh).
venus Setareh A persian name meaning star
mars Seth Appointed
mars Sethan Placed, appointed
venus Sethe One who is appointet to be here
venus Sethunya Means "bloom, flower" in Tswana, derived from thunya "to bloom".
mars Seti From Egyptian stẖj meaning "of Seth 2" [1]. This was the name of two pharaohs of the 19th dynasty (13th century BC).
venus-mars Setia Truth, Faithfulness
mars Setiawan Faithful
venus Setiawati Loyal and faithful
mars Setibogius Ambitious, skillful and dignified individual
mars Seto Surname, means white
venus Seton The place of the Sey
venus Setota Arhaic word for gift
venus Setsuko Occasion, Period, Melody
mars Settimio Italian form of Septimius.
mars Settimo Italian form of Septimus.
mars Setu Sacred symbol
mars Seuare A sea passage, a passage from sea
venus Seula little she-bear
mars Seumas Heel, supplanter
mars Seung successor, winning
mars Seuuardus A flexible and self satisfied person; grateful
mars Seva Service, attendance, care
mars Sevag One who has black eyes
mars Sevak Servant
venus Sevan Life Giving Sweet Water
venus Sevana Grassland
venus Sevandhi Chrysanthemum
venus Sevanna treeless plain
venus Sevanne A place name, lake Sevan
venus Sevara Means "love" in Uzbek.
venus Sevasti A well respected man
mars Sevastian Alternate transcription of Russian Севастьян (see Sevastyan).
mars Sevastyan Variation of Sebastian, meaning a man from ancient city Sebasta
venus Sevati White rose
venus Sevda Passion, Love
mars Seve Serious
venus-mars Seven The Number 7
mars Severe Serious
mars Severena A stren, severe and hard in nature
mars Severi Serious
mars Severiano Serious
mars Severianus Roman cognomen that was derived from Severus.
mars Severin Severe
mars Severina Serious
venus Severine Serious
mars Severino Severe
mars Severinus A relentless man
mars Severn Boundary
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