Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Severne One who is strict
mars Severo Serious
mars Severu Severu is obtained from Severus and means stern.
mars Severus Severe
venus Sevgi Love
venus Sevgili Darling
venus Sevi She who has heard God
venus Sevil Beloved
venus-mars Sevilen Loved
mars Sevilin Beloved
venus Sevilla prophetess, oracle
mars Seville Unknown
venus Sevim Means "love" in Turkish.
venus Sevin One who loves a woman
venus Sevina A woman who is loved
venus Sevinc Joy, delight
venus Sevinj Variant of Sevinc.
venus Sevita Cherished
mars Sevket Turkish form of Shawkat, meaning power and dignity
mars Sevrin One who likes being strict and restrained.
venus Sevval From Arabic شوّال (shawwāl), the tenth month of the Islamic calendar [1].
mars Sevyn Variant of Seven.
mars Seward Sea guard or victorious guard
mars Sewati Curve Of Bear Claw
mars Sewell Sea guard or victorious guard
venus Sewenna British name for girls
mars Sewerd Guardian of the sea
mars Seweryn Polish form of Severinus.
venus Seweryna Polish form of Severina.
mars Sewin Hindi name for Boys
venus Sexburga The bright sharp knife
mars Sextilius Roman cognomen that was a derivative of Sextus.
mars Sexton A bodyguard or one who guards the church
mars Sextus Roman praenomen, or given name, meaning "sixth" in Latin. It was traditionally given to the sixth child.
venus-mars Seyah Place Name
venus Seychelle The beautiful shells of the sea
venus Seyda A woman who is crazy in love.
mars Seydou Form of Said used in parts of French-influenced West Africa.
mars Seye Honor
mars Seyed The Lord, the master
mars Seyfettin Turkish form of Sayf ad-Din.
mars Seyfullah Turkish form of Sayfullah.
venus Seyiua Lord is gracious
venus Seyma Turkish form of Shaima.
mars Seymour From St. Maur
venus Seynabou Form of Zaynab used in parts of West Africa (mostly Senegal).
venus Seyua One who is truthful
venus Seyyada A woman leader
venus Seyyal Traveler
mars Seyyed Persian form of Sayyid.
mars Seyyid Mister or sir
mars Seyyit Turkish form of Sayyid.
venus Sezen Feeling
venus Sezim Means "sensitive" in Kazakh.
venus Sezja Protector
venus Sfiyah A best of friends
mars Sganyodaiyo Means "handsome lake" in Seneca, from sganyodeo "lake" and the suffix -iyo "good". This name was borne by an 18th-century Seneca prophet.
mars Shaaban eighth Islamic month
mars Shaad Under the command of the mood god aku
mars Shaady Singer
mars Shaaf One who is in great health
mars Shaafi Occupational name, lawer
mars Shaah A king
mars Shaaheen A royal falcon
mars Shaahid One who has witnessed an event
venus Shaahida One who observes
venus Shaaira She who is extremly beautiful
venus Shaaista A beautiful woman
mars Shaakir A thankful person
venus Shaakira One who is grateful
venus Shaakirah One who is deeply grateful and thankful for every little thing in their lives
mars Shaan Pride
mars Shaandilya Name of a saint
mars Shaant Peace and calm
mars Shaar A force of habit
mars Shaarav Pure and innocent
mars Shaardul A tiger
mars Shaashwat Eternal
mars Shaawiyyah Arabic name for Boys
mars Shaaz One who is unique
mars Shabaan A name of ISlamic month
venus Shabaana A young woman who belongs to the night
mars Shabab A youthful girl
mars Shabad The light of the divine world
mars Shabaddeep The light that sines from the holy world
mars Shabadpreet He who loves the holy world
venus Shabahang The morning-star, or nightingale
mars Shabaka Name of an Egyptian ruler.
venus Shabalaa Spotted
mars Shaban An eight month of the Muslim lunar calendar
venus Shabana Belonging to night
mars Shabani Swahili form of Shaban.
venus Shabanna Belonging to night.
mars Shabar Nector
mars Shabbar A singer
mars Shabbeer A virtous and beautiful man
mars Shabbir A phrophet's grandson
venus Shabeeba One who is a grandmother
venus Shabeenah A nocturnal person, who loves the night
mars Shabeh A week
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