Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Shabi He who is a leading scholar
venus Shabiba SHe who is like a grandmother
venus Shabibah A woman who is young
venus Shabin The music of the night
venus Shabina To be in the eye of the storm
mars Shabir An extremly generous man
venus Shabnam She is like the first morning dew
venus Shabriri Jewish demon of blindness.
mars Shabtai Shabtai is a derivative of "Shabbat
venus Shabu Woman calm like the dewdrop
mars Shachar Dawn
venus Shachi Wife on indra, intelligence
mars Shachna Close to God
mars Shad Battle
venus Shada Pelican
mars Shadaab A fresh and evergreen person
mars Shadab Fresh
venus Shadae honor confers a crown
venus Shadaf She is like a seashell
mars Shadah A pleasant and jovial man
venus Shadai singer
venus-mars Shadan Cheerful, Prosperous
mars Shadd Under the command of the mood god aku
mars Shaddie Unknown
mars Shaddoc A fish, a shad fish
mars Shaddock One who is like a shad fish
mars Shade singer
mars Shadee One who sing beautifuly, a singer
mars Shadeed A lover
venus Shadell Created Name
venus Shaden Woman who is like a young gazelle
mars Shaderr Shaderr is a Dominican Republic spelling of German name Schader. It means tailor.
venus Shadey A man who sings
venus Shadha Aromatic
venus Shadhaa Of good smell, aromatic
mars Shadhan A joyfull, happy person
venus Shadhiyah An aromatic smell
mars Shadi Singer
venus Shadia singer
mars Shadid A very strickt, severe man
venus Shadie He is a singer
venus Shadin He is like a young deer
venus Shadiya Singer
venus Shadiyah Singer
venus Shadleen Happy and soft hearted women.
mars Shadley The skull or one whith pecularity of skull
mars Shadman A happy woman
venus Shadmani A feeling of joy
mars Shadmankhan A cheerful and glad person
mars Shadoe shade
venus-mars Shadow Shade From Sun
mars Shadrach Aku's command
mars Shadwell e who comes from the shed spring
mars Shady A person who sings
venus Shadya Singer
venus Shadyn He who is supplanting
venus-mars Shae Hawk
mars Shaeen A royal white falcon
mars Shael To Inquire
venus Shaela Fairy palace
venus Shaelee admirable
venus Shaelie A noble one
venus Shaelin Combination of Shae and Lynn
venus Shaelyn She is the one who replaces
venus Shae-Lyn from the fairy palace
mars Shaen God is gracious
venus Shaena beautiful
mars Shaene God is gracious
venus Shaexon A pretty, noble one
venus Shafa An advocate who mediates
mars Shafaaat To mediate things
mars Shafaat One who is recommended
venus Shafana A person of integrity
venus Shafaq A virtuous woman on integrity
venus-mars Shafaqat Pity, Compassion
mars Shafath One who recommends things
mars Shafay An intercessor, one who mediates
mars Shafee One who advocates
mars Shafeek One who is compassionate and merciful
mars Shafeeq Compassionate, tender
venus Shafeeqa A tenderhearted and kind woman
venus Shafeeqah A tenderhearted compassionate woman
mars Shafeer One who is a messenger
venus Shafer Good
venus Shaffan A woman cool as a morning breeze
mars Shaffer Steward, Butler
mars Shafi Raham dil
venus Shafia To recommend something to someone
venus Shafika A kind hearted woman
venus Shafinaz A pretty, lovely and kind woman
mars Shafiq Compassion, Compassionate
venus Shafiqa Compassion, Compassionate
venus Shafiqah Compassionate, kind one
venus Shafira A nice and well behaved woman.
venus Shafiulla A woman who is comappionate
venus Shafna A purehearted woman
mars Shafraz The one who is an intelligent leader of others
mars Shaggy Messy-haired
venus Shagoofa A new flower bud
venus Shagoon An auspicious moment in life
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