Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Shagufa SHe is new like a new bud of flower
venus Shagufta Affection, or fresh.
venus Shaguftah A person who blooms with happiness
venus Shagun Auspicious
venus Shah Of Persian origin, meaning 'King' or 'Emperor'.
mars Shahaab He is like a shooting star
mars Shahab One who is like a shooting star or a metheor
mars Shahaba One who shines like a shooting star
venus Shahada She who is a witess
mars Shahadat To be a witness
venus-mars Shahaka Big White One
mars Shahalad Joy
mars Shahalam He who is the King of the world
venus Shahamat A woman of great bravery and valour
venus-mars Shahan King/Queen
venus Shahana A woman according to Kings
mars Shahanshah The King of the Kings, The Shah of Shahs
venus-mars Shahar Dawn
venus Shahara A woman who is like a Moon
mars Shaharyar He is a King
venus Shahay Beautiful. It's the name of the heroine of folk tale ""Dalay aw Shahay, a love story at the times of Mughal Emperor Akbar
mars Shahazad A man who is a King
mars Shahbaaz He who is like a WHite Falcon
mars Shahbaz The falcon king, the White Falcon
venus Shahd Means "honey" in Arabic.
venus Shahdokht A name or term used for the daughter of monarch.
venus Shahed A Boy sweet as honey
venus Shaheda She is a witness
mars Shaheed He is a witness and a martyr
venus Shaheeda A Martyr for the Islamic cause
mars Shaheem An intelligent man
mars Shaheen One who is liek a royal falcon
venus Shaheena Falcon
mars Shaheer SOmeone who is well-known, famous
venus Shaheera An emintent. distinuished woman
venus Shahen Falcon
venus Shaherbano SHe who is like a princess
venus Shahernaz The town's loved one, or favorite one.
mars Shaheryar He is the king
venus Shaherzad City-born, or daughter of city.
venus Shahfiqa A kind girl
mars Shahi A rolyal woman
mars Shahid A martyr
venus Shahida One who is considered beautiful
mars Shahil One who is leader and ruler of men
mars Shahin Falcon, Peregrine
venus Shahina She is a falconess
venus Shahinaz A beloved, beutiful girl
mars Shahiq A high and towering person
mars Shahiqa One whith high status
mars Shahir A well-known and eminent person
venus Shahira Famous, Known
venus Shahirah A woman who makes things popular
venus Shahisa A shah-like woman
mars Shahjahan He is the King of the World
mars Shahkam As the King wishes
venus Shahla A woman of bluish-black eyes
venus Shahlaa A girl whose eyes a re bluish-black color
venus Shahlah One who blushes
venus Shahlyla Princess or queen of the night.
mars Shahmeer One who is very handsome.
mars Shahmir A woman with beautiful, magical eyes
venus Shahnaaz One who is born to be a bride
mars Shahnawaz Prince
mars Shah Nawaz Brave or prince
venus-mars Shahnaz King's Pride
venus Shahnoor A woman with a royal glow around her
venus Shahnoza Uzbek and Tajik form of Shahnaz.
mars Shahood One who is always ready at the service of others
mars Shahou The best and most valuable pearl. A variant of Shahu.
mars Shahpar The longest feather in a bird.
venus Shahparee Royal fairy and king's fairy. Or one who is extremely beautiful.
mars Shahpuhr Middle Persian form of Shapur.
mars Shahpur Prince, son of a king.
venus Shahra One who is gift
mars Shahram Means "king Ram", from Persian شاه (shāh) meaning "king" combined with the name of the Yazata Ram 3.
mars Shahran He is like the Moonlight
venus Shahrazad city dweller
venus Shahrbano She is the king's wife
venus Shahrbanou She is the lady of the town
mars Shahrdad He is the town's gift
mars Shahriar He is a Lord
mars Shahrin A month of the year
mars Shahrivar Persian form of Avestan 𐬑𐬱𐬀𐬚𐬭𐬀⸱𐬬𐬀𐬌𐬭𐬌𐬌𐬀 (Xshathra Vairiia) meaning "desirable power". In Zoroastrianism this was the name of a god (one of the Amesha Spenta) associated with the creation of metals. The sixth month of the Iranian calendar is named for him.
mars Shahriyar Means "lord" in Persian.
venus Shahrizad A woman from the free city
venus Shahrnaz The town's most loved one
mars Shahrokh One who has a royal face
mars Shahrooz One who is like a great river
mars Shahrukh Urdu and Hindi form of Shahrokh. A notable bearer is the Indian actor Shahrukh Khan (1965-), normally called Shah Rukh Khan.
mars Shahruz One who is like a great river
mars Shahryar Friend Of The City
venus Shahrzad Bringing freedom to the city
venus Shahrzadah She is the city's child
venus Shahrzadi She was born from the city
mars Shahu The best and most valuable pearl
venus Shahwar A woman worthy of Kings
mars Shahyar A friend of the King
mars Shahzaada A princley person
venus Shahzaadee A girl who is a Princess
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