Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Siharn A feeling of enchantment
mars Siim Estonian form of Simon 1, originally a short form but now used independently.
mars Siimo Listening
venus Siiri A deminutive of Sigrid, meaning a fair, beutiful woman who is victorious
mars Sijuwade A man who is destined for greatness.
venus Sika Money
mars Sikandar Victorious
mars Sikander One who is a defender of mankind
venus Sikata Sand
venus Sikeena A feeling of devout and tranquility
venus Sikina One who is devoted and sincerely believes in something
mars Sikke Originally a short form of names beginning with the Old German element sigu meaning "victory".
venus Sikota The kingfisher bird.
venus Sikudhani A pleasant surprise
venus Sikueli Tongan word for squirrel.
venus Sila United again
venus Sıla Means "reunion, arrival" in Turkish.
venus Silaah To be reunited
venus Silafi Tongan word for giraffe.
mars Silahuddin One who believes in the righteousness of the faith
venus Silai Pashto word for wind
venus Silaine The Moon
mars Silan He who is like a diamond
mars Silas Man Of The Forest
venus Silda Warrior maiden
venus Sile Heaven
venus Sileas Heaven
venus Sileema One who is safe
venus-mars Silence No Sound
mars Silenus Latinized form of Greek Σειληνός (Seilenos), of unknown meaning. In Greek mythology he was a companion and teacher of Dionysos, often depicted as an intoxicated, portly old man.
venus Sileny Moonlight, Silence
mars Siler One who makes ropes for living
venus Silesta heavenly
venus Silestena heavenly
venus Silestia heavenly
venus Silestijna heavenly
venus Silestina heavenly
venus Silestyna heavenly
venus Silestyne heavenly
venus Silia blind one
venus Silija blind one
venus Silika She who is soft as a silk
mars Siliman A happy man with good fortune
venus Siliya blind one
venus Silja blind one
venus Silje Blinded
venus Silka A dim-sighted woman. Short of Cecilia
venus Silke Heaven
mars Silko Silk
venus Silla God of sky
mars Sillan A diamond-like man
venus Sille Blinded
venus Sillia blind one
venus Sillija blind one
venus Silliya blind one
mars Silm He who brings peace
venus Silma A woman of peace
mars Silouanos Form of Silvanus used in the Greek New Testament.
venus Silpa A woman with good proportions
mars Silsby One who comes from teh Sill's farm
mars Siluwe Leopard
mars Silva woodland, forest; woods, forest
mars Silvain Forest
venus Silvaine woods, forest
mars Silvan He who is from the woods
venus Silvana Forest
venus Silvania woods, forest
venus Silvanna woodland, forest; woods, forest
venus Silvano Wood
mars Silvanus A man from the woods
venus-mars Silver A Metal Element
mars Silverio One who loves trees and forest
mars Silverius Probably from Latin silva meaning "wood, forest" (compare Silvanus, Silvester and Silvius). This name was borne by a 6th-century pope who served for less than a year but is considered a saint.
mars Silvester Of the woods
mars Silvestr From the woods
venus Silvestra From The Forest
mars Silvestre Of the woods
mars Silvestro Of the woods
venus Silvi woods, forest
venus Silvia Of The Forest
venus Silviah Of the forest
venus Silviana woods, forest
venus Silvianne woods, forest
venus Silvie woods, forest
venus Silviea Silviea is a form of Silvia and means woman of the woods.
venus Silvija woods, forest
mars Silvijn Of The Woods
mars Silvijo Croatian form of Silvius.
venus Silvina woodland, forest
venus Silvine Forest
mars Silvino He is a man from the forest
mars Silvinus Roman cognomen that was a variant of Silvanus. This name was borne by an 8th-century saint who evangelized in northern France.
mars Silvio From the woods
mars Silviu Romanian variant of Silvius, meaning forest or woods.
mars Silvius A forest-lover, a man of the woods
venus Silviya Bulgarian form of Silvia.
venus Silvy woods, forest
venus Silvya woods, forest
venus Silwa She who is of the forest
venus Silya Heavenly
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