Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Sim Listening
venus Sima Treasure
mars Simaab One who is like a quicksilver
mars Simab One like a Mercury
venus Simah treasure
venus Siman One who i perceived
venus Simantha God heard
mars Simao God has heard
mars Simar God's Favorite; One who is filled with God's Spirit; One who is absorbed in God
mars Simardeep One who is like a lamp of remembrance
venus Simarleen One who is completly absorbed in remembrance
venus Simarou To be in the state of meditation
mars Simas Short form of Simonas.
mars Simay Means "silver moon" in Turkish, from sim meaning "silver, glitter" and ay meaning "moon".
mars Simba Lion
venus Simbala Pond
venus Simbar A girl with a white complexion.
venus Simbiat A woman of bravery
venus-mars Simcha joy
mars Simco One who harkens
mars Sime Croatian short form of Simon 1.
mars Simecek Listening
mars Simeek Hearkening
mars Simela Name of an Assyrian city
mars Simen A compliant and obedient person
mars Simeon To Be Heard
venus Simeona To Be Heard
mars Simeonu Old Church Slavic form of Simeon.
mars Simge Symbol
venus Simhanada The sound of the lion's roar
mars Similini An innocent, lonely, insightful and idealistic being
mars Similinos A lovable, serious minded and reasonable person
venus Similoluwa Rest in the Lord.
venus Simin Silver-Colored
mars Simini Looks Like Grandmother
mars Simion Romanian form of Simeon, meaning to listen.
mars Simione Listening
venus Simisola Wealth is comfortable
mars Simiyu Means "born during the dry season" in Luhya.
mars Simky One who is an amazing listener and orator
mars Simme One with the mind of a victor
venus Simmina hear, listen
mars Simmons Family Of Simon
venus Simmy A person who is of joyful nature
mars Simo God has heard
mars Simon To Be Heard
venus Simona To Be Heard
mars Simonas Lithuanian form of Simon 1.
mars Simond A Son of Simon, a son of the one who listens
venus Simone To Be Heard
venus Simonetta hear, listen
venus Simonette hear, listen
venus Simoni Georgian variant of Simon, which means he has heard
venus Simonia hear, listen
venus Simonida A woman who is heard by God
mars Simonides Derived from Greek σιμός (simos) meaning "flat-nosed" and the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides). This name was borne by the 7th-century BC iambic poet Simonides of Amorgos and the 6th-century BC lyric poet Simonides of Ceos.
venus Simonina hear, listen
venus Simonna hear, listen
venus Simonne hear, listen
mars Simonu Old Church Slavic form of Simon 1.
mars Simpson Son of Simon
venus Simra Memory
venus Simrah A woman who is an entertaining companion
venus Simran Meditation
venus Simranjit One who is a victor of contemplation
mars Simranpal One who meditates and contemplates
venus Simranpreet One who loves to meditate, who contemplates lovingly
mars Simrarjit One who meditates in the remembrance of God
mars Simrat One who remembers through meditation
venus Simrit Remembered
mars Sims Family Of Simon
mars Simson Simon's son, son of the one who has heard
venus Simta A box to save money.
mars Simu One who listens intently.
mars Simun Croatian form of Simon 1.
mars Simunek Listening
venus Simunka To hear, to be heard
mars Sin One like bush
venus Sina Son Of Mount Sinai
mars Sin-Ahhi-Eriba Original Akkadian form of Sennacherib.
venus Sinai One who is from the desert of clay
mars Sinan Spear
venus Sinann Older form of Sionann.
mars Sinanuddin One who is the spear of Islam
venus Sinapopla A systematic, open minded and self sufficient individual
venus-mars Sinasta Expert
mars Sinatra Senator, Elderly Man
mars Sinbad To be a Prince
mars Sincere Honest
venus Sincerely Truly
venus Sincerity Truthful, Open
mars Sinclair From St. Clair, France
venus Sinclaire A name of a prayer, one who prays
venus Sindee from Mount Kynthos
mars Sindhile One who is a survivor
venus Sindhu Name of a river
venus Sindhuja Name of the Goddess Laxmi
mars Sindhunath Lord of the ocean
venus Sindi from Mount Kynthos
venus Sindia from Mount Kynthos
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