Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Sirio Italian form of Sirius.
venus Siriol Cheerful
venus Siriom The sound of the great infinity
venus Siriporn Blessing of glory
mars Sirish One whose soul is within his body
venus Sirisha Sacred
mars Sirius Dog Star
venus Sirje Possibly from Estonian sinisirje meaning "blue-feathered", a word associated with a magical bird in the Estonian national epic Kalevipoeg (1857) by Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald. Apparently this name was suggested by the linguist Julius Mägiste in the 1920s. It was subsequently used in the 1945 opera Tasuleegid by Eugen Kapp.
venus Sirmata A trusted, reserved and talented human
mars Siro Variation of Cyril
venus-mars Sirocco warm wind
venus Siroun Lovely
venus Sirpa Derived from Finnish sirpale meaning "small piece, fragment".
mars Sirvan Name of a river in Kurdistan.
venus Sirvana woods, forest
venus Sirvanna woods, forest
venus Sirvard Means "love rose" in Armenian.
venus Sirvart Western Armenian transcription of Sirvard.
venus Sirvat Rose Of Love
venus Sis blind; sixth
mars Sisay Means "good omen" in Amharic.
venus Siseel blind; sixth
venus Sisel Blinded
venus Sisely blind; sixth
venus Siselya blind; sixth
mars Sishiranka A dewpoint; an easy going, happy and affectionate being
venus Sisi She who is born on a Sunday
venus Sisile blind; sixth
venus Sisiliya blind; sixth
venus Sisilla A woman without a sight
venus Sisira He who is independent
venus Sisko Means "sister" in Finnish.
venus Sisley blind; sixth
venus Sisse She who has no sight, a blind woman
venus Sissee blind one
venus Sissel A girl who is blind
venus Sissela Form Of Cecilia
venus Sissey Blind
venus Sissie Blind
venus Sissinnguaq Like a little squirrel
venus Sissota A happy, creative and happy individual; soft hearted
venus Sissy Diminutive Form Of Cecilia
venus Sister A word name. Means a female sibling
venus Sistine A name of the Vatican chapel with Michelangelo's frescoed cealing
mars Sisto Italian form of Sixtus.
venus Sisu Means "willpower, determination, strength" in Finnish.
venus Sita Furrow
venus Sitaara One who is like a morning star
mars Sitakanta Lord Rama
venus-mars Sitanka Big Foot
mars Sitanshu Moon
venus Sitara Starlight
venus Sitarah She who is like the star in the sky
mars Sitaram Sita and lord rama
venus Siteare One who is like a star from teh sky
venus Sitembile Trust
venus Sitembileq Trust
venus Sitesh Rama's wife
venus Sithara Star
mars Sitheach Means "peaceful" or "fairy-like" in Irish, from Old Irish síd. Alternatively, it could be from sídach "wolf".
mars Sithembile Means "we trust" in Zulu.
venus Sithmaith From Old Irish síd meaning "peace" or "fairy mound, tumulus" and maith meaning "good".
venus Siti A woman of noble qualities
mars Sitikantha Lord shiva
venus Sitinorlaila An exclusive, beloved and friendly individual
mars Sitka A woman who comes from teh wester Alasca
venus Sitora Tajik and Uzbek form of Sitara.
venus Sitti Maguindanao and Tausug form of Siti, as well as a Malay and Indonesian variant.
mars Si-U From Sino-Korean 始 (si) meaning "begin, start" combined with 祐 (u) meaning "divine intervention, protection" or 雨 (u) meaning "rain". Other combinations of hanja characters can form this name as well.
venus Siusan Lily
venus Siusana Graceful lily
venus Siv Bride
mars Siva Alternate transcription of Tamil சிவா, Telugu శివ, Kannada ಶಿವ or Malayalam ശിവ (see Shiva 1).
venus Sivakami One who is the wife of the Lord Nataraja
venus-mars Sivan Third Month
venus Sivanandini Devoted to Shiva
mars Sivanesh A name of Lord Siva
mars Sivanta Lord Shiva
mars Sive Anglicized form of Sadhbh.
mars Sivert A peacuful victory
venus Sivia One with a hart of a deer
venus-mars Sivneigh well-going
venus Sivney Well-going
venus-mars Sivnie well-going
venus Sivya One with a hart of a deer
venus Siw She who is a bride
venus Siwa A name of the Goddess of love and fertility
venus Siwan form of JOAN - God is gracious
mars Siward He who protects and guards with his victories
mars Siwardus To guide with one's victories
mars Si Woo Si means begin or start, Woo means divine intervention, protection or rain
venus-mars Sixsipita Black Eagle
venus Sixta Spanish feminine form of Sixtus.
mars Sixte French form of Sixtus.
mars Sixten Victory Stone
venus Sixtine Sixth
mars Sixto A person who is courteous
mars Sixtus One who was born as a sixth child
venus Siya Goddess Sita
mars Siyabonga We are thankful or grateful
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