Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Siyaf One who is a great swordsman
mars Siyamak Solitary
venus Siyana One who provides protection
venus Siyanda We Are Growing
venus Siyasundari Wife of Lord Shiva
mars Siyavash Black Bull
venus Siyona Graceful
mars Sizwe Means "nation" in Xhosa.
mars Sjaak Dutch form of Jacques or Isaac.
mars Sjakie Diminutive of Sjaak.
mars Sjang Limburgish form of Iohannes, via the French form Jean 1.
mars Sjarel Limburgish form of Charles.
mars Sjef Dutch short form of Jozef.
mars Sjeng Variant of Sjang.
mars Sjoerd Frisian form of Sigurd.
mars Sjors Dutch form of George.
mars Sjra Limburgish form of Gerard. Its spelling has been influenced by the French pronunciation of Gérard.
mars Sjurd Norwegian variant form of Sigurd.
venus Skadi A name of the Winter Goddess, a frost giant
venus Skaði Means "damage, harm" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology she was a giantess (jǫtunn) associated with the winter, skiing and mountains. After the gods killed her father, they offered her a husband from among them as compensation. She ended up marrying Njord.
mars Skah White
venus Skaidrite Derived from Latvian skaidrs meaning "clear, bright".
venus Skaiste Means "pure, chaste" in Lithuanian.
venus-mars Skanawati Beyond The Swamp
mars Skand Name of kartikeya
mars Skanda A spilled seeds. Also means a name of a God of War
mars Skandajit A name of the Lord Vishnu
mars Skandar A helper and defender of men
venus-mars Skate Glide Smoothly
mars Skeat A surname, meanin a man who is swift
mars Skeet To be Swift
mars Skeeter Quick and darting
mars Skeets A son of a swift man
mars Skeggr Thin
mars Skelton Shell town
mars Skenandoa Possibly from Oneida oskanutú meaning "deer". This was the name of an 18th-century Oneida chief. According to some sources the Shenandoah River in Virginia was named after him, though the river seems to have borne this name from before his birth. It is possible that he was named after the river, or that the similarity in spellings is a coincidence.
mars Skender Romanian form of Alexandros, meaning defender of mankind.
mars Skete To be swift, fast and rapid
mars Sketes The son of a swift, fast, rapid man
venus Skie Sky
venus Skilar Scholar
venus Skinner Pelt/Hide Preparer
mars Skip Skipper, Sea Captain
mars Skipp Ship's captain
mars Skipper Ship Captain Or Master
mars Skippere One who is a skipper, a marine
mars Skipton One who comes from the town of sheeps
mars Skiriki Coyote
mars Skjoldolfr The protector wolf.
venus Skky From the heavens
mars Skot Scottish
mars Skott Scottish
mars Skotte One who is a wanderer from Scottish
venus Skuld Means "debt, obligation" in Old Norse. She was one of the three Norns, or goddesses of destiny, in Norse mythology. She was also one of the valkyries.
mars Skule Hide
venus-mars Sky Sky
venus Skyanna Merciful Sky
venus Skyden Variation of Skyler
venus-mars Skye From The Isle Of Skye
venus Skyelar Scholar
mars Skyeler Scholar
venus Skyla Scholar
venus Skylaar Scholar
venus Skylah A person who is an intellectual, a scholar
mars Skylan One who loves learning, an academic
venus-mars Skylar Scholar
venus Skylare Scholar
mars Skylayr Scholar
venus Skyler Sky
venus Skyli A woman scholar, a woman who is an academic
venus Skylie She who is a scholar
venus Skyllar fugitive
mars Skyloer Scholar
mars Skylor Scholar
mars Skylur Scholar
venus Skylynn Elaboration of Sky using the popular name suffix lyn.
mars Skylyr Scholar
venus Skyrah She who is an academic
venus Slađana Derived from Serbian and Croatian sladak meaning "sweet".
mars Slade Dweller In The Valley
mars Sladefield A man from the field
venus Sladjana Alternate transcription of Serbian Слађана (see Slađana).
mars Slaed To be from the valley
mars Slaeet A man with a sharp tnogue
mars Slaid A person who comes from the valley
mars Slaide He comes from the field
venus-mars Slaine Health
mars Slamet Peace and security
venus Slane She has good health
venus Slania Health and wellness
venus Slany To be in good health
mars Slash Cut Or A /
mars Slate Gray-green Rock
mars Slater Slate Worker
venus Slatka Sweet or sweetly flavored.
mars Slaton He who is from the farm in the valley
mars Slava Person of fame
mars Slavco One who brings glory to the family.
mars Slavek Diminutive of names containing the Slavic element slava meaning "glory". It is sometimes used independently.
mars Slaven From a serbian; croatian word "slava", means Glory
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