Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Soazig One who comes from France
mars Sobah A child of the morning
mars Soban To return to Allah, or to repent.
mars Sobek From Egyptian sbk, possibly derived from sbq "to impregnate" [1]. In Egyptian mythology Sobek was a ferocious crocodile-headed god associated with fertility and the Nile River.
mars Sobekhotep From Egyptian sbk-ḥtp meaning "Sobek is satisfied" [1], derived from the name of the Egyptian god Sobek combined with ḥtp "peace, satisfaction". This was the name of several Egyptian pharaohs from the 13th dynasty (19th to 17th centuries BC).
venus Sobekneferu Variant reading of Neferusobek.
venus Sobeska Appropriate glory
mars Sobeslav Glory for oneself
venus Sobha She who is illuminated
venus Sobia A well-dressed woman.
mars Sobiesław Derived from Slavic elements, probably sebě "to oneself" and slava "glory". This name (in the Czech form Soběslav) was borne by two 12th-century dukes of Bohemia.
venus Sobiesława Polish feminine form of Sobiesław.
mars Sobislav Appropriate glory
venus Sobislava A form of Sobeska, meaning appropriate glory.
venus Sobiya A name of the Prophet
venus Socaria aid, help
venus Soch A reliable and honest human being; thought
mars Sochai To achieve something by thinking
mars Socheat Variant of Socheata.
venus Socheata Well born, well grown
mars Sochisth One who is brilliant, one with a birlliant mind
venus Socorra aid, help
venus Socorro Help, Succour
mars Socrates Whole Rule
mars Soctayvian Unknown
mars Sodhi To be a firendly person
mars Sodiq Uzbek form of Sadiq.
mars Soe She who dominates
mars Soeren One who is a good, stern warrior
venus Sofee Wisdom
mars Sofer Writer, Author
venus Soffee Wisdom
venus Soffi Wisdom
venus Soffia Wisdom
venus Soffiah Wisdom
venus Soffie Wisdom
venus Soffrona wise
venus Soffy Wisdom
venus Sofi Wisdom
venus Sofia Wisdom
venus Sofiah wisdom
mars Sofian Devoted
mars Sofiane He who speaks in a fast pace
venus Soficita wisdom
venus Sofie Wisdom
venus Sofieke Wise
venus Sofija A woman full of wisdom
venus Sofiya Wisdom
venus Sofiyah Wisdom
venus Sofiyko Ukrainian form of Sophia, meaning wisdom.
venus Sofka wisdom
mars Sofoklis Modern Greek form of Sophocles.
venus Sofonisba The God Ba'al has sheltered her
mars Sofranor Wise Man
mars Sofron Russian and Ukrainian form of Sophron.
venus Sofronia wise
mars Sofronio Spanish form of Sophronius.
venus Sofronja wise
venus Sofy Wisdom
venus Sofya wisdom
venus Soha She is like a star
mars Sohail Handsome
mars Sohal A person who is delicate and soft
venus Sohalia Moon Glow
mars Soham Lord Shiva
mars Sohan Charming, Handsome
mars Sohayl One with good looks
mars Sohdo Martyr
mars Soheil To be on the same level, to be even
venus Soheila Persian feminine form of Suhail.
mars Sohel One who is like the light of the Moon
mars Sohil Beautiful
venus Sohna Beautiful
venus Sohndra man's defender; shining upon man
venus Sohni Beautiful
venus Sohnia Wisdom
venus Sohnian A happy, artistic and creative being
venus Sohnnja Wisdom
mars Sohrab One who is a hero, a living legend
mars Sohum The God's presence in every soul. A divine within
venus Sohvi Woman of wisdom
venus Soila A glow of the northen polar lights
venus Soile Possibly from Finnish soilu meaning "glimmer, blaze".
venus Soili Variant of Soile.
mars Soini Boy
venus Soizic One who belongs to the people of Franks
mars Soji Worship, Adore
venus-mars Sojourner Temporary Resident
venus Sok Means "healthy, peaceful, happy, pleasant" in Khmer, ultimately from Sanskrit सुख (sukha).
mars Sokanathan Lord Shiva
venus Sokanon Rain
mars Sokha One who is peaceful and content with his or her life.
venus Sokhanya A peaceful woman.
mars Sokhem Hope
venus Sokhom Sokhom is a variant of Sokhem and means hope.
venus Soki lily
venus Sokie lily
mars Sokka Unknown
mars Sokol Means "falcon" in Albanian, a word borrowed from Slavic.
mars Sokoro Lucky one
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