Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Sokrates Ancient Greek form of Socrates.
mars Sokratis Modern Greek transcription of Socrates.
mars Sokun Good smelling.
mars Sol Sun
venus Sola She Who Is Alone
mars Solace Comfort
venus Solada Listener
venus-mars Solal Sweet
mars Solamah Peaceful
mars Solaman Peaceful
mars Solan To be full of wisdom
venus Solana Wind From The East
venus Solange Solemn
mars Solanine The poisonous substance in nightshade.
venus Solara Of The Sun
mars Solaria Of The Sun
venus-mars Solaris Of The Sun
venus Solbjørg From the Old Norse name Salbjǫrg, from the elements salr "room, hall" and bjǫrg "help, save, rescue".
venus Soldis Sun goddess, or woman of the great hall
venus Sole Means "sun" in Italian.
venus Soledad Solitude
mars Soleh Religious
venus Soleil Sun
venus Soleileia An enduring and affectionate individual
mars Soleiman A man with a sober mind
venus Soleine A woman with solemnity
venus Solene With Solemnity
venus Solenn Sunshine
venus Solenne sunlight; eastern wind
venus Soleste A woman who is heavenly
venus Soley A girl who is like a sunshine
venus Solfrid She is beuatiful like the Sun
venus Soliesse She who is like a Sun
venus Soliha Uzbek form of Saliha.
venus Solin A beautiful flower garden or parterre.
venus Solina sunlight; eastern wind
venus Soline sunlight; eastern wind
venus Solis From The Village Of Soler, Spain
venus Solita alone
venus Solja A place name, a village in Finland
venus Sollemnia One who is very religious
mars Solly A peaceful feeling
venus Solmaz Means "unfading, unwilting" in Turkish and Azerbaijani, a negative form of the Turkic root sol "to fade, to wilt".
mars Solmon Peaceful
venus Soloma peace
mars Soloman Peaceful
venus Solome peace
venus Solomea peace
venus Solomia Peace
venus Solomiya Peace, a woman of peaceful nature.
mars Solomom Peaceful
mars Solomon Peace
mars Solomyn Peaceful
mars Solon He who is considered a wise one
venus Solongo Means "rainbow" in Mongolian.
venus Solstice Position Of The Sun
venus Solvag woman of the house
venus Solveig woman of the house
venus Solveiga Strength or the sun.
venus Solvej woman of the house
venus Solvey She is as strong as the Sun
mars Solvi From the house of strength
venus Sølvi Norwegian variant of Solveig. It is also used as a short form of Silvia.
venus Solvig A girl who is strong like the Sun
mars Solway One who lives near the road that leads past a seal
mars Som Moon
venus Soma Summer
mars Somadev Lord of the moon
venus Somadha A woman who feels complete
venus Somah Summer
venus Somaieh One who is high above others
venus SomaLakshmi Lusture of the moon
mars Somali Moon's love
mars Somansh Half moon
mars Somanshu Moonbeam
venus Somapika One who terminates things
mars Somashekar Lord Shiva
mars Somashekhar Lord shiva
mars Somasindhu Lord Vishnu
venus Somatra Greater Than The Moon
venus Somaya A soft person, who has a calm nature
venus Somayeh Persian form of Sumayya.
mars Sombir He who conquered the Moon
mars Somboon Merit of worth
mars Somchai Man of worth
mars Somchair One who is macho and manly
mars Somdutt Variant of 'Som
mars Somendra Indra
mars Somerhild One who goes to war in the summer
venus Somerild One who is a traveler in the summer
mars Somerled One who goes traveling in the summer
mars Somers summer
venus Somerset Place of the summer settlers
mars Somerton One who is from the town of a summer
mars Somervile One who is from the summer estate
venus Somerville To come from the summer village
mars Somesh Moon
mars Someshwar Lord Krishna
mars Somhairle Scottish Gaelic form of Sumarliði (see Somerled).
venus Somia A beautiful garden of orses
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