Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Somil One of soft nature
venus Somila Tranquil
mars Somkar Moonlight
venus Somma Summer
venus Sommah Summer
venus Sommer Summer
mars Sommerset A dweller in the summer residence
mars Somnang Lucky, fortunate
mars Somnath Lord Shiva
venus Somoche A distinguished woman.
mars Somood A firm, steadfast person
mars Somporn Blessing of worth
mars Somprakash Moonlight
venus Somprikti A Bengali name meaning saturation
venus Sompriti One who is attached
venus Somritdhi One of great prosperity
mars Somsak Power of worth
mars Somtochukwu Praise God with me.
mars Son From Sino-Vietnamese 山 (sơn) meaning "mountain".
venus Sona Gold
venus Sonakshi Goddess Parvathi
venus Sonal Golden
venus Sonali Golden
venus Sonaly A woman made of gold
venus Sonam Good
venus Sonata Musical composition
venus Sonbol Ear of wheat, ear of corn.
venus Sondja Wisdom
mars Sondo Born on Sunday
venus Sondra Form Of Sandra
mars Sondre One who comes from the South
venus Sondya Wisdom
mars Sonee Son
venus Soneera Clean water
venus Soneesh A name of the Goddess Laxmi
venus Soneeya Golden, beloved
venus Sonel Lily
mars Soner The last man
mars Soney Son
venus Song Praise, melody
mars Songkarn One born at the Thai New Year's festival
venus Songl The last rose
venus Songul From Turkish son meaning "last, final" and gül meaning "rose".
venus Songya A person who is wise and has wisdom
venus Soni A golden ad pretty, but wise woman
venus Sonia Wisdom
venus Soniah Wisdom
mars Sonic From the English word sonic meaning "related to sound", derived from Latin sonus meaning "sound". It also connotates speediness, or the speed of sound, due to words like supersonic or hypersonic. A notable fictional bearer is the speedy video game character Sonic the Hedgehog, introduced in 1991 by Sega. He is called ソニック (Sonikku) in Japan.
venus Sonicky A clever minded and thoughtful individual
mars Sonie Son
venus Sonika Daughter of the sun
venus Sonisay One who creates a good first impression.
mars Sonit Person with good intentions
venus Sonita She who is like the ypung Sun
mars Sonith One who has good conduct or manners.
venus Sonja Wisdom
venus Sonje Wisdom
venus Sonji A woman of great wisdom and knowledge
venus-mars Sonnagh A Mound Or Rampart
mars Sonnee Son
mars Sonnen One who is just like the Sun
venus Sonnet 14-line Poem Or Verse
mars Sonney Son
venus Sonnhild From German Sonne meaning "sun" combined with the Old German element hilt meaning "battle". This name was created in the modern era.
venus-mars Sonnie Sonnie was origianally a nickname given to young men. The meaning is also taken from the word 'son
venus Sonnja wisdom
mars Sonny Our Son
mars Sonoko Garden, Child
venus Sonoma Valley of the moon
venus Sonomi Garden Of Hope
venus Sonora Pleasant Sounding
venus Sonrisa She who is full of smiles
venus Sons-ee-ah-ray Possibly means "morning star" from Apache sons-ee-ah-ray [1]. This name was featured in the western movie Broken Arrow (1950).
venus Sonsoles From a Spanish title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles, meaning "Our Lady of Sonsoles". Sonsoles is a sanctuary in the Spanish province of Ávila, which contains a famous statue of Mary.
venus Sontee A strong woman
venus Sonth Spring
mars Sonthi Combined
mars Sontosh Sontosh is the Assamese for Santosh and means content, satisfaction and gratification.
mars Sonu Beloved or familiar with gold.
venus Sonya Wisdom
venus Sonyah Wisdom
venus Soo lily, rose
venus Soo Ah Soo means Water, Sore, Bank, Ah means Beautiful, Bud, Sprout, Elegant, Graceful
venus Soodeh Alternate transcription of Persian سوده (see Soudeh).
mars Soofi A name of the Islamic mystic
mars Soo-Hyun Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 수현 (see Su-Hyeon).
venus Soo-Jin Treasure, excellence and truth
venus Sook She of pure nature
venus Sookie Lily
mars Sookraj A kingdom od the kappiness
venus Soo Min Excellence and cleverness
mars Soor A Boy who is like the Sun
mars Sooraj He who is a good King
venus Sooria To be like a red rose
venus Soosan Graceful lily
venus Soosana Graceful lily
venus Soosane Graceful lily
venus Soosanna lily, rose
venus Soovi Soovi is a form of Sophie and means wisdom.
venus Soo Yun A perfect lotus flower.
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