Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Sopa An incredibly pretty girl.
mars Sopaan Stairs
mars Sopath One with soft and gentle demeanor.
venus Sopdet From Egyptian spdt meaning "triangle", derived from spd meaning "to be sharp" and a feminine t suffix. This was the name of the Egyptian goddess of the star Sirius.
mars Sophaep Intelligence or wisdom
venus Sophea She who is a clever and wise one
venus Sopheah She whohas the wisodom
venus Sopheak Gentle face
mars Sopheaktra One with a gentle face.
mars Sopheap One who is proper and gentle.
mars Sopheara A man who is handsome and attractive.
venus Sopheary One who is attractive and beautiful.
venus Sopheia A woman of wisdom and knowledge
venus Sophelia Wisdom, Helper
venus Sophey wisdom
venus Sophi Derived from a variant of the name Sophia, meaning 'wisdom'.
venus Sophia Wisdom
venus Sophie Wisdom
venus Sophilia Combination Of Sophie And Cecilia
venus Sophina A little wise one
mars Sophocles Clever, Smart
mars Sophokles Greek form of Sophocles.
venus Sophonisba A name of the CArtagian pricess,
mars Sophos Greek form of Sophus.
mars Sophron Means "self-controlled, sensible" in Greek. This name was borne by the 5th-century BC writer Sophron of Syracuse.
venus Sophrona wise
venus Sophronia Wise, Sensible
mars Sophronios Greek form of Sophronius.
mars Sophronius Latinized form of the Greek name Σωφρόνιος (Sophronios), which was derived from Greek σώφρων (sophron) meaning "self-controlled, sensible". Saint Sophronius was a 7th-century patriarch of Jerusalem.
mars Sophus From the Greek name Σόφος (Sophos) meaning "skilled, clever".
venus Sophy wisdom
venus Sopio Georgian form of Sophia, meaning wisdom
mars Soppa A woman with knowledge or wisom
venus-mars Sora Sky
venus Soraia The Pleiades
venus Soraiah The Pleiades
venus Soraiya He is a princess
mars Soran Kurdish princedom
venus Sorana One beautiful as a dawn
venus Soraya Rich
venus Sorayah The Pleiades
venus Sorborno A beautiful and happy individual
venus Sorcha Bright, Radiant
venus Soreana Strict and stern.
venus Soredamors Name of Gawain's sister
venus Soreena Soreena is a form Romanian name Sorina and means strict of stern.
venus Soreeyah gem, jewel
venus Sorella A sisterly woman
mars Soren Severe
mars Søren Danish form of Severinus. Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a Danish philosopher who is regarded as a precursor of existentialism.
venus Sorena Feminine Form Of Soren
venus Sorfina One who is clean and neat
mars Soriandes An individual who is creative and versatile
mars Sorin He is like the Sun
venus Sorina Peaceful, Serene
venus Sorinah Sorinah is a variation of Sorina and means strict or stern.
mars Sorishu Hope of Jesus
mars Sorley Summer Traveller, Viking
venus Sorne Means "conception" in Basque. It was coined by Sabino Arana in 1910 as an equivalent of the Spanish name Concepción.
mars Sornegruex An enduring, happy and is from bright stream
mars Soroush He who is a happy man
venus Soroushi Happiness
venus Soroya The Land Of Big Fish
venus Sorrel Sorrel
venus-mars Sorrell Sorrel
venus Sorsha She is a woman who shines brightly
venus Sorya Sun
mars Sosa Salt Water
venus Sosan Graceful lily
venus Sosana Graceful lily
venus Sosann Graceful lily
venus Sosanna Graceful lily
venus Sosannah lily, rose
mars Sose A woman who resambles a lily flower
venus Sosi Plane Tree
venus Sosie Lily
mars Sosigenes Means "born safely" from Greek σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" and γενής (genes) meaning "born". This was the name of an astronomer from Alexandria employed by Julius Caesar to correct the Roman calendar.
mars Sosimo Likely to survive
mars Soslan Ossetian form of Sosruko.
venus Soso Diminutive of Ioseb, which means he will add
mars Sosruko Derived from Turkic suslä meaning "menacing". This is the name of a trickster god in Caucasian mythology. He is the hero of the Nart sagas.
mars Sosthenes One who has safe strength
venus Sostrate Safe army
mars Sostratos The safe army.
mars Sota Smoothly; Thick/Big
mars Soterios savior
mars Soth Means "pure, clean" in Khmer, ultimately from Sanskrit शुद्ध (śuddha).
venus Sothea Compassion and purity
mars Sothy Scholar or an intelligent person.
venus Sotiria Salvation
mars Sotirios Salvation
mars Sotiris Salvation
venus Sotiroula Diminutive of Sotiria.
mars Soto Forest Grove
mars Sotos Short form of Sotirios.
venus-mars Sotsona Fox
mars Sou Adore, Bright, Sincere, The sound of the wind
venus Souad She who is very glad
venus Souad or suad She who has good fortune in like
mars Souban One who is a returning companion
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