Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Soubrette soubrette
venus Soudah A person who is black, a black one
venus Soudeh Means "touched" or "painted" in Persian.
venus Sougandhika Sacred river
mars Souhail A man who has no trouble and is easy to interact with
venus Souhayla She is a star
mars Souheil A name of a Star in the sky
venus Souhila A woman who is soft to the touch
mars Souji General manager
venus Soukhya Well being
mars Souleymane Form of Sulayman used in parts of French-influenced West Africa.
venus Souline sunlight; eastern wind; solemn, dignified
venus Soulle sunlight; eastern wind
venus Soulmaz a persian A woman who never wilts
mars Souma Smoothly; True
mars Soumava Moonlight
mars Soumil Friend
mars Soumy Nepalese version of Soumya. It means soft natured.
venus Soumya A decent and beutiful woman
mars Sourabh Fragrance
venus Sourabhi Fragrance
mars Souradip One who is an island of sunlight
venus Souraiya One who is like a Sunlight
venus Souri A girl who is like a red rose
mars Sourish Lord Vishnu
mars Sourja Brave
mars Sourkeat Heaven
mars Sourya Brave
venus Sousan Graceful lily
venus Sousana Graceful lily
venus Sousanna A woman graceful like a lily flower
venus Soussan She is as beautiful as the lily flower
mars Souta Suddenly, Smoothly
venus-mars Southern From The South
mars Southwell One who comes from the spring in the south
mars Souvik Unknown
venus Souzan She has the grace of a lily flower
venus Souzanna One who is noble like a lily flower
mars Sov A child born on Saturday.
venus-mars Sovann Gold
venus Sovanna Variant of Sovann.
venus Sovannah He who is made of gold
mars Sovannar One who is like gold.
mars Sovannarith A golden boy.
mars Sovay He is like a gold
venus Sovhona One who posesses true beauty
venus Sovia One with great wisdom and skills
mars Sovit He is the Sun
venus Sowena Success or achievement
venus Sowjanya Tender
venus Soyala Winter Solstice
venus So Young Eternal, beautiful and prosperity
venus Sozan Glowing or burning
mars Spainleigh Field In Spain
mars Spakeman A man who speaks well and a lot
mars Spalding divided field
mars Spallu Melon Fruits
mars Spandan A sound of the heart beat
mars Spangler He is a tinsmith
mars Spanky Mischievous One
mars Spanser Dispenser
venus Sparghai Ember or fire spark
mars Spark Happy
mars Sparke One who is gallant, who has good manners
venus Sparkle Glisten In Light
mars Sparks A vivacious, lively man. Used as a surname mostly
mars Sparky Energetic
venus-mars Sparrow Small Bird In The Finch Family
mars Sparsh Touch
venus-mars Sparta Simple, Frugal
mars Spartacus He who comes from the ancient Greek city of Sparta
mars Spartak Georgian form of Spartacus, which means 'from the city of Sparta
mars Spas Derived from Bulgarian word spasen, meaning saved.
venus Spasenka Rescue or save
mars Spaulding One whose home is in the devided valley
mars Spear Spear carrier
mars Speare A soldier who fought with a spear
mars Spearman A warrior who carries a spear
venus Spears Surname, means son of Spear, son of a man who fights with a spear
mars Sped One who achieves success in life
mars Speed A very fast man
mars Speer A guard who carries a spear
mars Speers A son of the guard with a spear
venus Spela Diminutive of Elizabeta.
mars Spelding A man who comes from the devided meadow
mars Spellman A man who can spell - a clerc or a writer
mars Spence Diminutive Form Of Spencer Or Butler
venus-mars Spencer Butler, Steward
mars Spencre Dispenser
mars Spengler An occupational name, one who is a tinsmith
mars Spense One who proved for people
venus-mars Spenser Dispenser
venus Speranca hope
venus Sperantia Latin form of Esperanza.
venus Speranza Hope
mars Spere He who fights with a spear
mars Sperling The people who fought with spears
venus Sperry Spear
venus Spes Means "hope" in Latin. In Roman mythology this was the name of the personification of hope.
venus Spezala A woman who is incredibly talented
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