Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Stacye Resurrection
venus Stacyee Resurrection
mars Stadler Barn worker
mars Stadtler Barn worker
mars Staffan Man with crown
mars Stafford Ford By The Landing Place
mars Stafforde He who is from the landing-stage next to the ford
mars Stahley One who comes from the open place in the woods
venus Stahyana She who is from a beautiful clearing in the woods
mars Stale From the Old Norse byname Stáli, which was derived from stál meaning "steel".
mars Stali Old Norse form of Ståle.
mars Stallford One who standst tall
venus Stallionjit An victorious wild horse
venus Stamatia Stop
venus Stamatina This Morning
mars Stamatios Stp
mars Stamatis Variant of Stamatios.
mars Stamburc He who is from a stony land
mars Stamen Derived from Bulgarian and Macedonian стамен (stamen) meaning "firm".
mars Stamford One who comes from the stony ford
mars Stamm One who is made of stone
mars Stamos A person who is crowned with laurel crown
mars Stan Diminutive Form Of Stanley
venus Stana The woman who always remains standing
mars Stanaway One who lives near the stone road
mars Stanbeny He who comes from the stony fortress
mars Stanberry He who is from the fortification made of stone
mars Stanbery A man from the stony fortification
mars Stanborw He who comes from the stony hill
venus Stanburch Amusing, tidy and social person
mars Stanburghe Bright, racious and enthusiastic being
mars Stanburh He who is from the stone fortress
mars Stanbury He is a man from the stone fortress
mars Stanciyf He is from the rocky diff
mars Stancliff He who is from the stony slope
mars Stancliffe A man from the stony slope
mars Stanclyf A person who comes from the stone slope
mars Standcliff To come from the slope that is stony
mars Standish Stoney park
mars Stane Stand, become
mars Stanedisc A man who is from the stony park
mars Stanfeld One who comes from the hardy field
mars Stanfield He is from hardy, tough fields
mars Stanfleda A man who is from the hardy field
mars Stanflede A person who lives near the tough fields
mars Stanford From The Stony Ford
mars Stangiue He who comes from stony lands
venus Stangiva Non chalant, adorable and friendly individual
venus Stanguie One with good business sense and artistic abilities
venus Stangyth A considerate, responsible and reasonable person
mars Stanhild A battle on the stony land
mars Stanhilda She who was in the battle on the stone lands
mars Stanhop He who is from the stony hollow
mars Stanhope A person who is from the stone hollow
mars Stanild To come from the lands of stone
venus Stanilde A woman who is from the lands of stone
mars Stanimir One who became peaceful and glorious
venus Stanimira Feminine form of Stanimir.
mars Stanislao Italian form of Stanislav.
mars Stanislas A man who achieves glory
mars Stanislau Belarusian form of Stanislav.
mars Stanislaus Becoming Glorious
mars Stanislav Becoming Glorious
venus Stanislava A woman who achives fame
mars Stanislavs Latvian form of Stanislav.
mars Stanislavu Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Stanislav.
mars Stanislaw Becoming Glorious
mars Stanisław Polish form of Stanislav. Two kings of Poland have borne this name, as well as a few saints.
venus Stanisława Feminine form of Stanisław.
venus Stanislova Lithuanian form of Stanislava.
mars Stanislovas Lithuanian form of Stanislav.
venus Staniue An organized and affectionate being
venus Stanka Standing In Glory
mars Stanko Standing In Glory
mars Stanleigh He who is from a stony clearing
mars Stanley From The Stony Field
mars Stanly A person who comes from the stony clearing
mars Stannaway A person who lives near the stony road
mars Stannes He who achives glory in military
mars Stannis Created Name
mars Stannway He who comes from a stony road
mars Stansfield From Stansfield
mars Stanton From The Stony Town
mars Stantun A person from the stone town
mars Stantway The way that is paved with stones
venus Stanuie One who becomes
mars Stanway One who becomes himself along the way
mars Stanweg To live next to a stony road
mars Stanwic He is from the stony village
mars Stanwick A person who is from the stone village
mars Stanwik One who is from the stony village
mars Stanwode A person from the stone forest
mars Stanwood From an area with a stony wood
mars Stanwyk One from the stone village
mars Stanyue One who is like a stone, a stony person
venus Stanze constant, steadfast
venus Star Star
venus Stara One who is old
venus-mars Starbuck From The River Where Stakes Were Got
mars Stark A surname, meaning a family that is powerful and strong
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