Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Starla A Star
venus Starleena star
venus Starlena star
venus Starlene star
venus Starletta star
venus Starlette star
venus Starley A form of star
venus Starli One who is like a star
venus-mars starlin Beautiful Star
venus Starling star
mars Starls A person who is a star
venus Starlyn star
venus Starlynn star
venus Starr Form of STAR. A Star
mars Starsky He who is star-like
venus Startina A gorgeous and lovely lady
mars Stas Becoming famous
venus Stasa Diminutive of Anastasija or Anastazija.
venus Stase Short form of Stanislova.
mars Stash Sun's Rays
venus Stasha Resurrection
venus Stasia Resurrection
mars Stasio stand of glory
venus Stasiya resurrection
venus Stasja resurrection
venus Stasya resurrection
mars Stasys Short form of Stanislovas.
mars Stathis Short form of Efstathios.
mars Staton He who is from a place of landing
mars Stav The Autumn Season
venus Stavita Praised
mars Stavrianos To be like a cross
mars Stavros Cross
venus Stavroula A name that means cross in Greek
mars Stavya Lord vishnu
venus Staycee Resurrection
venus Staycie Resurrection
venus Staycy Resurrection
venus Staz resurrection
venus Ste Short form of Stephen.
mars Stea A son of Athena
mars Stead Large homestead
mars Steadman Man with an estate
mars Steafan Man with crown
mars Steaphan One who wears the crown
mars Stearns One who has a stern personality
mars Steave Crown
mars Stede Large homestead
mars Stedeman One who dwells at the farm
mars Stedman From The Farmstead
mars Steef Crowned
mars Steel Like steel
mars Steele A surname, meaning a man of steel, or one who works with steel
mars Steen Stone or small rock
mars Steenie Scots diminutive of Stephen.
mars Stef Short form of Stefanus.
venus Stefa garland, crown
mars Stefan Crown
venus Stefana garland, crown
venus Stefaney Crown
venus Stefani Garland, Crown
venus Stefania crown
venus Stefanie Crown
venus Stefanija Slovene and Croatian feminine form of Stephen.
venus Stefaniya Russian, Bulgarian and Ukrainian feminine form of Stephen.
mars Stefano Crowned
mars Stefanos Crown
mars Stefans Crown
mars Stefanu Corsican form of Stephen.
mars Stefanus Official Dutch form of Stephen, used on birth certificates but not commonly in daily life.
venus Stefany A crowned woman
venus Stefcia garland, crown
mars Stefek Polish diminutive of Stefan.
venus Stefenney garland, crown
venus Steffa garland, crown
mars Steffan Meaning 'crowned' and is a variant of the name Stephen.
venus Steffaney garland, crown
venus Steffanie Crown
venus Steffany Crown
mars Steffen Man with crown
venus Steffenie garland, crown
venus Steffi Diminutive Form Of Stephanie
venus Steffie Diminutive Form Of Stephanie
venus Stefica Croatian diminutive of Štefanija.
venus Stefinney garland, crown
venus Stefka garland, crown
mars Stefon He wears the crown
venus Stefya garland, crown
mars Stehen A man who has been crowned
mars Stein Stone or small rock
mars Steinar Rock, warrior
mars Steinarr Old Norse form of Steinar.
mars Steiner Stone or small rock
mars Steingrimr Old Norse form of Steingrímur.
mars Steingrimur From the Old Norse name Steingrímr, derived from the elements steinn "stone" and gríma "mask".
mars Steinmetz Stonemason or stone.
mars Steinn Old Norse and Icelandic form of Sten.
venus Steinunn Stone or wave.
mars Steiven Crown
venus Stela star
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