Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Studs Knobby Nailhead
mars Sture On the opposite side
mars Sturla To Disturb
mars Sturt A surname meaning promontory
mars Stut A nickname for a powerful man of strong built
venus Stuti One who is strnogly built and powerful
mars Stuyvesant A name for Duke; has perfect leadership skills
mars Stybba One who belongs to a certain group, who is a part of a group
mars Styfic An idealistic person who wants freedom
venus Stylanie Star
venus Styliani A woman with stars in her eyes
mars Stylianos Pillar, strong as a pillar
mars Styopa Diminutive of Stepan.
mars Styrr Battle
mars Styx Shuddering
venus Su lily, rose
venus Sua Derived from Basque su meaning "fire".
venus Su-a From Sino-Korean 秀 (su) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding" combined with 雅 (a) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined" or 娥 (a) meaning "good, beautiful". Other combinations of hanja characters can also form this name.
mars Suad She who is very glad
venus Su'Ad A feeling of gladness
venus Suada Conviction
mars Sual Asked for
venus Suanny lily, rose
venus Suarez From The Southern Army.
mars Suarius Latin form of Suero.
venus-mars Suave Smooth
mars Subaahu Strong armed
venus Subah She who is known and appreaced for her beauty
mars Subahu A mighty-armed Boy
mars Subahuddin A beautiful person
mars Subaih He who is like the rising Sun
venus Subaja A fortunate victor
mars Subal Lord shiva
mars Subali Strong
mars Subandhu A good friend
venus Subarna Of the colour of gold
venus Subarnalata A golden vine
venus Subarnapratima She who is a very beautiful image
mars Subaru gem, jewel
mars Subash Fragrance
venus Subayah A name of the narrator of Hadith
venus Subaytah A woman who is of brave nature
venus Subbiha A woman who is very tidy and clean
mars Subbooh He who is very clean and tidy
mars Subeer Courageous
mars Subeesh He who is radiant like the sunrise
mars Subh He who is a very fortunate person
mars Subhaan A divine, holy person
mars Subhadr Gentleman
venus Subhadra A wife of arjuna, sister of krishna
mars Subhag Fortunate
venus Subhaga A fortunate person
venus Subhagya Lucky
venus Subhah A woman who is bright like the morning
mars Subham One who is a good person
mars Subhan Praise, Glory
venus Subhana She who is glorious and famous
mars Subhang Lord shiva
mars Subhas Shining
mars Subhash Soft spoken
venus Subhashini Well-spoken
venus Subhasini A nice girl who is soft-spoken
mars Subhendu Moon
mars Subhi Early morning
venus Subhija Dawn or early bird.
venus Subhiyah A woman of the morning
venus Subhra A white woman
mars Subhradip A humble man
venus Subhuja Auspicious apsara
mars Subhy Early morning
mars Subimal A very clear person
mars Su-Bin From Sino-Korean 秀 (su) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding" combined with 斌 (bin) meaning "refined". Other combinations of hanja characters can form this name as well.
mars Subinay Humble
venus Subira Rewarded Patience
mars Subodh Sound advice
mars Suboor A man of great patience who takes pity on others
mars Subrahmanya The god of war
mars Subrahmanyan Of Good Deeds
mars Subramani The god of war
mars Subramaniam One who is a worthy jewel
mars Subramanian Tamil variant of Subrahmanya.
venus Subrata Devoted to what is right
mars Subratah A man devoted to doing the right thing
venus Subuhi A cold morning breeze
venus Sucga A topographic name for a tree stump
venus Sucharita Of good character
mars Suchart Born into comfortable life
mars Suchendra Lord of plousness
mars Suchet One with good soul
venus Sucheta one with good mind
venus Suchhaya A woman of great shine
venus Suchi Radiant Glow
venus Suchika Apsara
venus Suchimani Pure jewel
venus Suchin Beautiful Thought
mars Suchir Eternal
venus Suchira Tasteful
venus Suchismita Sweet smile
mars Suchit One with good mind
venus Suchita Beautiful
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