Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Suchitra Beautiful picture
mars Suck Hardness
venus Sucorra aid, help
mars Sud Tiger in Thai language
venus Suda Lady-like
venus Sudabeh A life filled with lustrous profit. It was name of King of Hamavaran's daughter.
venus Sudakshima Wife of king dilip
venus Sudakshina A woman who is the wife of the most noble king
mars Sudalai Village god
mars Sudama Meek
mars Sudarsan A name of the Lord Perumal
mars Sudarshan Good looking
venus Sudarshana Handsome
venus Sudarshini The most beautiful of women
venus Sudarsini Beautiful
mars Suday Gift
venus Sude Turkish form of Soudeh.
mars Sudeep Bright
venus Sudeepa Bright
venus Sudeepta Bright
mars Sudem Breeze, smooth as a breeze
venus Sudenaz Combination of Sude and Naz.
venus Sudesha Good country
mars Sudev Good diety
mars Sudeva Good deva
venus Sudevi Wife of krishna
mars Sudha Nectar, amrit, earth, daughter
mars Sudhadhar One who keeps the fresh water
mars Sudhakar Mine of nectar
mars Sudhamay Full of nectar
mars Sudhang Moon
mars Sudhanidhi A Boy with the Moon in his eyes
mars Sudhanshu Moon
mars Sudhanssu Moon
mars Sudhanvan Lord vishnu
venus Sudhanya One who has achieved her goal
mars Sudharma Sudharma is the name of a Gandhar of Bhagwan Mahavir. It means good law.
mars Sudheer Alternate transcription of Telugu సుధీర్ or Kannada ಸುಧೀರ್ (see Sudhir).
mars Sudhendra Lord of nectar
mars Sudhi Scholar
mars Sudhindra Lord of knowledge
mars Sudhir Resolute, brave
venus Sudhira A courageous and calm woman
mars Sudhish Lord of excellent intellect
mars Sudhit Kind
mars Sudi One who brings luck
venus Sudie lily, rose
venus Sudiksha Goddess lakshmi
mars Sudin He is a bright young man
mars Sudip Bright
venus Sudipta Bright
venus Sudipti Dazzling bright
mars Sudir Bright
venus Suditi Bright, shining
venus Sue Lily
venus Sueann lily, rose
venus Sueanna lily, rose
venus Sueanne lily, rose
mars Sued He who is a master
mars Suede Smooth Velvety Leather
venus Sueko She who is the youngest child in the family
mars Suelita Little Lily
venus Suellen Gone With the Wind
venus Suelo consolation, comfort
mars Su'en Variant of Sin.
mars Suero Medieval Spanish form of Suarius, possibly a Latinized form of a Germanic (perhaps Suebian or Visigothic) name derived from *swēraz meaning "heavy, serious" [1].
venus Suesan lily, rose
venus Suesana lily, rose
venus Suesann lily, rose
venus Suesanna lily
venus Suesonne lily, rose
venus Sueta She who brings light to the world
venus Sueteluue Bringer of the light
venus Suette Luck or good fortune. She who is lucky.
mars Suetto He who is free
venus Sueuilda One who has a good personality and is sociable
venus Suewinda Created Name
venus Suezanna lily, rose
venus Suezanne lily, rose
venus Sufa Storm
venus Sufeanna Earnest, self concerned and noble person
mars Sufi A name of the Islamic mystic
venus Sufia One who follows sufism. Also a celan hearted person
mars Sufian A man who makes a great companion and friend
venus Sufiya He who is a mystic
mars Sufiyah One who is a mystic
mars Sufjan Who walks fast
mars Sufsuf One who walks very, very fast
mars Sufyan One who walks as fast as the wind
mars Sugako Longevity, Beautiful
mars Sugandh Sweet smelling, fragrance
venus Sugandha Fragrany, yellow juhi
venus Sugar Sweet Crystal Spice
mars Sugata A name of the buddha
venus Sugauri Anothe name of the Goddess Parvati
venus Sugey A desirable person with ambitious nature
mars Suggut He who is from the south gate
mars Sugharan He who is small in statue
mars Sughosh One with melodious voice
venus Sughra She who is small, short
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