Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Sughraa A small woman
venus Sugita Beautifully sung
venus Sugochara Beautiful
mars Sugriva One with graceful neck
mars Suguru Excellent
venus Suha Star
mars Suhaan One who is very pleasant and beautiful
venus Suhaana A charming woman with pleasant nature
venus Suhad A sleepless woman
mars Suhaib A Boy of red hair and complexion
mars Suhail Moonlight
venus Suhaila Moonlight
venus Suhailah Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing
mars Suhaili He who is a trusted companion
mars Suhaim A Muslim name that means an Arrow
venus Suhaima She who is like a little arrow
venus Suhaimah A very small arrow
venus Suhair Vigilant
venus Suhaira One who is awake at night like the Moon
venus Suhana Name Of A Star
venus Suhani Pleasant
mars Suharto From Sanskrit सु (su) meaning "good" and अर्थ (artha) meaning "wealth, property" (borrowed into Indonesian as harta). This was the name of an Indonesian general (1921-2008) who seized power to become the country's second president.
mars Suhas One with beautiful smile
mars Suhash One with a sweet smile, sweet smiled.
venus Suhashini A woman who always has a smile on her face
venus Suhasini One with beautiful laughter or smile
mars Suhayb Of reddish hair or complexion
mars Suhayl The Star, Canopus
venus Suhayla One who is smooth and soft and flowing like a river
venus Suhaylah One who is smooth and soft and flowing like a river
mars Suhaym A name of Muslim origin that means Arrow
venus Suhaymah Small arrow
venus Suhayr Proper name
venus Suhbat One who is a good companion and leds interesting conversations
mars Suheb One who is in love
venus Suheily A violent, stormy weather
mars Suheyl Turkish form of Suhail.
venus Suheyla Turkish feminine form of Suhail.
venus Suhina Beautiful
mars Suhrit Well-disposed
venus Suhrita Well-disposed
mars Suhruda Good hearted
mars Su-Hyeon From Sino-Korean 秀 (su) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding" and 賢 (hyeon) meaning "virtuous, worthy, able". Other combinations of hanja characters can also form this name.
mars Suibhne Well-Going
mars Suibne Old Irish form of Suibhne.
mars Suijin From Japanese 水 (sui) meaning "water" and 神 (jin) meaning "god, spirit". This is the name of the god (or gods) of water, lakes and pools in Japanese mythology.
venus Suja A well-born girl
mars Sujah A bold, brave, fearless Boy
mars Sujal Affectionate
venus Sujala Affectionate
mars Sujan Good person
mars Sujash Illustrious
mars Sujat Belonging to a good clan
venus Sujata Of good caste, beauty
venus Sujatha One who belongs to a good caste
mars Sujay Victory
venus Sujaya Victory
mars Sujendran Universal being
venus Sujetu She who is o noble birth
venus Sujey One who brings charm and hope
venus Su-Jin From Sino-Korean 收 (su) meaning "gather, harvest" or 壽 (su) meaning "long life, lifespan" combined with 眞 (jin) meaning "real, genuine" or 珍 (jin) meaning "precious, rare". Other combinations of hanja characters can form this name as well.
mars Sujit Victory
mars Sujith One who brings victory
mars Suk Like a rock
venus Suka Wind
venus Sukaina A woman who was a narrator of Hadith
venus Sukainah A woman whose peaceful mind is inspired by Allah
mars Sukant Handsome
mars Sukanta Handsome
venus Sukanya Good daughter
mars Sukarma One who does good deeds
mars Sukarman Reciter of 1000 samhitas
mars Sukarno From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the name of the mythological hero Karna. Sukarno (1901-1970), who did not have a surname, was the first president of Indonesia.
venus Sukaynah A woman of calm nature
venus Suke Lily Flower
venus Sukee lily
venus Sukeena Leader of comfort
venus Sukeerti Woman
mars Sukesh The Lord of Comfort
venus Sukeshi One who has lovely hair
mars Suketu Of good banner, flag
venus Sukey Lily
mars Sukh One with an axe
mars Sukhajat Lord shiva
mars Sukhakar Lord rama
mars Sukhamay Pleasurable
mars Sukhashakt Lord shiva
mars Sukhbataar Hero of the axe, axe hero
mars Sukhbir Warrior of peace
mars Sukhbirpal One who protects the warrior of the peace
mars Sukhchain A peaceful person of calm nature
mars Sukhcharan He who is very peaceful
mars Sukhcharanjit A peaceful victory
mars Sukhdarshan A happiness that can be seen
venus Sukhdeep A light that the peace brings
mars Sukhdev Lord of happiness
mars Sukhesh Lord of happiness
venus Sukhi A very happy person
mars Sukhinder God of happiness
mars Sukhindir He who is the God of the peace
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